Judgement – Ships That Go Bump In The Night
by Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton

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Title   Ships That Go Bump In The Night
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton
Posted   Thu May 12, 2011 @ 2:31pm
Location   Bridget and Edward Stapleton's Quarters
Timeline   SD38: 0330

Normally, the swish of the door opening would be a barely noticeable sound. But at three in the morning, with no competing background noise, it sounded extremely loud in Bridget's ears. She stepped in cautiously, on the toes of her high-heeled shoes, hoping the door hadn't woken Edward.

She realized, as soon as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, that she needn't have worried - there was a rectangle of light coming from underneath the door to their bedroom. "Uh-oh. Someone's in trouble," she told herself.

It had to be obvious to Edward that she'd just come in. With a small sigh, she changed her mind about having a cup of tea before bed, and instead opened the door to their room. Time to face the music.

"Hi. I didn't expect to find you still up."

He was lying in bed with a padd propped on his chest, his eyes looking at her over the tops of his reading glasses. He was not smiling. "Hi. I didn't expect to find you still out."

She had a brief flash of appreciation for his witty repartee. It showed in the twitch at the corners of her mouth, but quickly faded. She sat on the corner of the bed, facing away from him. Mostly it was to take her sandals off; but also to avoid his gaze.

"I'd hoped you would come and join us in the Holosuite after you got done with your shift."

There was a long pause behind her, then movement. She wasn't sure if he was approaching her, or just sitting up. She half-hoped for the approach... and half dreaded it. When a few seconds passed and she didn't feel his body close, she let out the breath she'd been holding and stood up, unzipping her dress.

"There was no time," he said, referring to her invitation. "I was working until close. But I'd told the kids to let you two play until they were finished and ready to lock up."

She glanced at him briefly; he was propped against the headboard, his padd set aside on the night table. "I appreciated that. The time went by so quickly, that when the Holospa attendant stopped the game and came in to get us, I was surprised."

"What were you playing?"

There was an edge to his voice, and it made her look at him again, from the bathroom doorway. "My uncle's game. The Cotton Club."


His reply sounded neutral; and he didn't say more. She brushed her teeth.

"I'm going to take a shower." She paused. "Want to join me?"

It was a white flag, although she really didn't feel like having him so close. She wasn't ready for reconciliation yet. And at the same time, she just wanted to get the damn argument over with and move past it.

He sat quietly and didn't answer right away. She could tell he was considering, and looking at her naked body. Knowing him as she did, she knew he wanted to.

"I already took one," he said at last.

Again a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding escaped; this time in a heavy sigh. "Alright. Be out in a minute."

This was definitely not good. She showered fast, thinking about him and Ai'lani and how soon it was until she'd have to be up and getting ready for work.

When she came out, she was shocked to find the bedroom light out and her husband curled on his side, facing the wall. What the...? Her anger soared.

"Alright, that's not fair," her tone was loud and tight. "All these years we've never gone to sleep mad. Even if it took us all night. So get your ass up out of that bed."

She grabbed her robe aggressively off it's hook, and shoved her arms into the sleeves as she stomped out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

She was pouring a second glass of red wine when he followed, naked except for his slippers. He wore a glower on his face that spoke of barely controlled anger. "i thought you didn't want to talk about it." His normally deep voice was gravelly with emotion.

"Well, I don't. Want to, I mean. But I know better than that. We've got to hash this out, and do it tonight. Er. This morning." She placed the wine bottle on the counter and handed one of the glasses to him.

The tension had a strange effect on her as she faced him fully. His hairy body was in contrast with the smooth red cloth of the slippers, and it touched a memory. Her lips twitched and a line from an old holo vid came out of her mouth. "Maybe you should put some shorts on or something, if you want to keep fighting evil today."

His eyebrows drew closer together over his nose. Obviously the situation hadn't struck him the way it had affected his wife, and he looked down at his slippers. There was a long pause before he looked up at her again.

"Ooh, I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover." His face softened a little as he returned quote for quote, and a half smile spread across his face.

Bridget felt like a barrier had been broken, both within herself and between the two of them. "I love you, you know."

"You're not acting like it, lately. I just don't understand what this thing tonight - last night - was all about. Were you really on a date? As in a date kind of date?"

So there it was. The dam was burst. "No! Jeez no," she waved a hand in the air for emphasis. I mean he's got that unregulated pheromone thing and it was very enticing." She sipped her wine to cover her consternation and embarrassment.

"Tell me about it."

Her eyes whipped up to his. "What did you say?" She'd heard him; she just hadn't expected his response.

He sighed. "I don't think that pheromone of theirs is exactly discriminating."

Her cheeks reddened further. "Oh."

It just hadn't occurred to her that the Deltans would have the same effect on men as they had on women. She knew Ai'lani and Kaelin were lovers, but she thought that was just them.

"Oh," she repeated, understanding.

"I was so jealous. I thought you were going to leave me." There was a bead of moisture along his lower eyelids and his voice caught as he spoke.

"Oh my God." She set her glass down and approached him to wrap her arms around his chest. "No. Never. Yes, I can't help being attracted to him. But it's not something I'm seeking out," her voice was muffled by her face pressed against his neck.

"Then why?" He draped his heavy arms across her back, one hand going up into her hair.

"Why what?" She asked, and sniffled.

"Why did you do this... go out with him?"

"Oh honey, it wasn't like that. It's complicated and has mostly to do with an argument I had with Kaelin about Ai'lani. I'd declined Ai'lani's initial invitation because I was worried about doing something totally stupid with him because I was afraid I'd be overcome by his pheromones and do something I'd regret." Her words came out in a rush.

He paused, processing. "Okay. So what changed your mind?"

She sniffed again, and wiped her wet eyes on his shoulder. "I was just... I didn't want to look like a coward. Well more than that. I... Kaelin said that Deltans could control the amount of pheromone they emit. Like I said, it's complicated and has to do with this whole thing with Kaelin taking suppressors and Ai'lani being vehemently against them and I just got caught up in it all."

"I'm still not getting why you went out with him."

She sighed. "Initially it was supposed to be the three of us. Remember how Kaelin was with Ai'lani when they showed up last night? But then the lab called and Kaelin had to go. So I was left with Ai'lani. I could have said it was awkward and left, but... but I didn't and there are a lot of layers of reasons why. But it wasn't that I wanted to change partners, Ed. I'm not out on the make. I was just lonely and affected by the pheromones and didn't want to look like a coward in front of my coworker and all of that."

"Lonely. You're lonely?" He pulled back so he could look at her. Some of her hair was stuck to his chest and to her face, and he saw her cheeks were wet. "Babe, what's going on. You never said you were lonely."

"Yes I did. The other day. It's this stupid thing with our schedules. And I just felt like you were pulling away to do your own thing despite what I wanted. You know how I feel about you working. And about that stupid outfit you wear and everything. It's just so frustrating."

He was silent for a moment, then bent down and kissed her, lightly. "I'm not out on the make either, Bree. The costume is just a work uniform. It's better than the other options, believe me. And I can't just quit. There's complicated things going on at work, and I just can't quit. Not right now."

She sighed, a touch of that frustration rising again. But she stuffed it back down, refusing to give into it now that she was in his arms. "Okay. I guess there's nothing we can do about it right now." She laid her head on his shoulder again.

"I want you to promise me something."


"Promise me that you won't go out with Ai'lani again."

She pulled away slightly to look him in the face. "Hey that's not fair. Nothing happened, and we had a good time. It was fun. And it was innocent. He behaved himself like a gentleman... Or well, almost a gentleman. He dances a rather seductive tango." Her face flushed at the memory.

"See! That's exactly what I mean. He's going to get you all doe-eyed and confused. That's just what we don't need."

"I... oh jeez. I didn't mean it like I was going to go chasing after him. Come on. We already went over this."

"But you see my point. I don't want you alone with him."

"So what you're saying is that you don't trust me?"

"No, I don't trust his pheromones."

She didn't say anything in response at first. "It's like a drug. I'll grant you that. But it just seems harsh and unfair to forbid me like that. I'm not a child."

"I didn't say you were." He tried to pull her close again, but she resisted the pressure.

"Asking me not to see him again is just about the same thing. You know I love you and I would try to do something just because you ask me. So you put me in an awkward position by making the request."

"Do you want me to take it back?"

She considered silently. "There's got to be some middle ground. Why don't we just agree that we'll go out as a group or something."

"I don't know if I trust myself around him, frankly."

"Well you could always work off that sexual arousal at home, you know." She gave him a grin.

He laughed. "There is always that."

She leaned into him once more, and nibbled on his neck. "No reason to wait until Ai'lani's around."

"That sounded downright dirty," he chuckled, and kissed the top of her head.


A Post by:

Ensign Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practice) - DS5


Edward Stapleton (NPC)
Dabo Boy
Box Of Delights - DS5
[NPC by Charlene]