Database: Romulan Homeworld

The political centre of the Romulan Star Empire is the star system 128 Trianguli . The sun (Eisn) is a dwarf type K star, surrounded by six planets. The third planet is ch'Rihan. Ch'Havran orbits ch'Rihan much the same as Luna orbits Terra in a double-planet configuration.

Ch'Rihan (called Romulus by the Federation) was the first world settled by those who left Vulcan a thousand years ago. When they first arrived, they were surprised that their future home was so unlike Vulcan. In comparison it was a paradise, and it took the Rihannsu people time to adjust biologically and psychologically to their new environment. Their culture had to change to include water-dependent activities, such as agriculture, and leisure sports such as fishing and sailing

Ch'Rihan is a beautiful "M" Class planet of forests, lakes, and waterfalls. Aside from several large cities on the planet, ch'Rihan is largely forest and protected wilderness. Several areas on the planet's surface are very mountainous. The Apnex Sea is a very beautiful ocean on ch'Rihan. Ch'Havran and two moons orbit the planet: Pirek and Elvreng.

Ch'Rihan is where the main capital Ra'tleihfi is situated. On Ch'Rihan are the most government offices and agencies. The Romulan Senate is located on ch'Rihan as well, as is the Praetor's office. Headquarters for both the Romulan Military and the Tal Shiar are located on ch'Rihan. Orbital facilities include communication satellites, defense satellites, a manufacturing facility, and a vast power station which contains a network of singularities which it taps for power and beams down to the planet's cities and homes.

Ch'Havran, (called Remus by the Federation) which orbits ch'Rihan, is smaller, drier, and cooler than ch'Rihan. Aside from a forested northern continent, and a narrow tropical band around the equator, most of ch'Havran is plains and desert. Three major tectonic fault lines traverse the planet, contributing to recurring earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Weather in the sub-tropics and tropics tend to be stormy and hurricanes and tornadoes appear in their seasons. The planet has no moons, but residents can see ch'Rihan in the night sky.

Colonized by settlers some hundred years after ch'Rihan was settled, Ch'Havran is the military-industrial center of the Empire. The atmosphere of the planet is still heavy with industrial pollutants left over from the days before industrial replicators and environmental controls. Several orbital factories are visible from the planet's surface: ore processing, massive shipyards, and research laboratories. Rumor has it that the Tal Shiar have a cloaked orbital station somewhere above the planet.

Recent intelligence has established that Ch’Havran is home to the indigenous Remans who work the mines and the factories. Remans also make ferocious warriors and male Remans are employed as front-line fighters. The indigenous people were unknown for so long because they live only on the dark side of the planet or underground.

Aside from ch'Rihan and ch'Havran, the Romulan Star Empire also includes some 100 other planets that have willingly or unwillingly joined the Rihannsu Star Empire. These worlds are inhabited by Romulans and other cultures.

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