Unity – Up to old tricks
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   Up to old tricks
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Sat Jan 23, 2010 @ 12:55am
Location   Promenade - The A-List (Deck 141 / Level 1)
Timeline   Just prior to 20:45
Tag   Jo'el

His hand clasped around the cold glass, idly watching the water droplets track their way down the outside as he was not actually listening to Mercy as she talked on about her friends love life and those around her. She had a whimsical manner when it came to others and though he felt her adoration, he wondered what she talked about when he was not in earshot, or when as now he was not fully concentrating on what it was his lover was saying.
The sound of the door opening however, did take his attention as the red shirted CSOO entered, holding a PADD in front of himself, also appearing to be paying little attention those around him.

Mercy was content to chatter. It didn't matter if Bryan was listening or pretending to, she was just happy to be with him. She watched his profile, studying the way his mouth curved when he smiled, feeling warm inside when his eyes sparkled or when he absently pushed his fingers through his hair without any conscious thought of how much she loved to watch him. Her chatter was a good excuse to be looking at him, she didn't want him freaked out by knowing how closely she took in every detail. It was just love in it's first flush and soon she would become aware of the world around herself again but for now, Bryan was her whole universe.

As Bryan looked up to see who had entered, so Mercy followed his gaze.

Vincent pocketed the PADD and clasped his hands behind his back as he tried his best to enjoy the stroll along the promenade. It was exercise, of a sort, and much more than he had had in the past few days. It did his weary eyes a world of good to escape the small confines of his department. He smiled at Bryan and Mercy as he neared enough to recognise them with his myopic sight.

Mercy returned the smile and beckoned Vincent over. "Would you care to join us for a coffee?" she asked. It had been a while since she had first met the Lieutenant and then it had only been briefly but she had found him polite and pleasant to talk to. She thought it might be nice to make his acquaintance and she was sure Bryan would like him.

They would have a lot in common, she was certain and many of the things Bryan would talk about were the kind of men-only things that Mercy found it hard to be enthusiastic or knowledgeable about, such as sport and things like that. She was sure that despite his devotion to her and his enjoyment of her company, Bryan really must be missing his bachelor friends. She wanted to make room in their lives for others who would help prevent Bryan from becoming bored.

"I would be glad to join you," Vincent said, returning the smile. "What are you two kids up to here at this hour, anyway?"

Mercy beamed and moved a chair up to their table so he could sit down. She beckoned the waiter over.

Bryan shifted his chair a little also to accommodate the older man in red.

"We're not often off-duty at the same time" she explained. "It's a nice little place to get a coffee and we can watch the people on the Promenade go by." She blushed slightly as it occurred to her that sounded a bit of a lame reason but it was the truth.

Bryan turned towards Mercy and smiled warmly as his cheeks reddened. "Every second with you is a pleasure never a bore." He said as Vincent sat opposite them.

"Are you here to meet someone?" she changed the subject slightly, squeezing Bryan's hand in gratitude for his sweet comment.

"If not, then Mercy can find someone for you, she has a knack..." He started before a sharp, but playful elbow landed into his hip and Mercedes widened her eyes and glared at him.

Mercy blushed and spluttered some monosyllabic protests but luckily just then the waiter approached. "What can I get you?" he asked looking from Mercy to the new arrival and back again.

"What would you like Lieutenant?" she asked Vincent, grateful to have the subject diverted again.

"A nice leggy blonde," Vincent said in an undertone, completely forgetting for a moment he was married. "I'll have what you're having, Mercy. I think I'll be happy with anything at the moment."

Mercy didn't know whether to laugh or look shocked. She knew which one Bryan would do and couldn't stop herself smirking.

"Um.. I was going to have a Terran Red Leaf Tea .... but then again, I could murder a Telarian Sunrise.... Bryan?" she shot a look across mischievously at her love.

"Um." Surzchenko mused with a wicked grin, "I think I'll go with a leggy brunette with beautiful green eyes!" He winked at Mercy, appreciating Vincents input and warming to the older man easily. "Apart from that, you know what I like so you can order for me but I don't think a Telarian Sunshine will do you any good." He said as he moved his chair a little closer to Mercy

"But I'm not going back on duty until the morning" she smiled. "What about you, Lieutenant? May I call you Vincent?"

"I've been called Vincent by nearly everyone I know for about half a century, so I see no reason why you shouldn't call me that as well. Besides, I'm getting used to it."

The waiter pulled out his padd and made a note of their choices.

At that moment two more people walked past. Mercy jumped up and started waving frantically. "JEN!!" she squeaked and rushed to the promenade just outside. At the same moment Lieutenant Opaka was also walking by. He must have wondered why this mad woman was rushing towards him waving and beckoning him in.

Jenna blushed and looked at Jo'el. "Sorry about my friend!" she muttered. At that moment Mercy arrived and flung her arms around Jenna. "Come in and join us for a drink!" she enthused, grabbing Jen's arm and tugging her inwards.

Jen looked at Jo'el and rolled her eyes. Mercy's glance followed that of Jen's and mistook it to mean they had arrived together. "Oh, I'm sorry. Please.... do join us too Lieutenant." She took his rank from the uniform.

There was no response from Jo'el as he continued on to the bar.

"No PLEASE do join us. We've already kidnapped one passer by. Lt. Tan here was minding his own business and was taken hostage. I'm sure he'd be glad of company to lessen the number of "Administrations" that he's surrounded by!" Mercy tried to take Jo'el's arm too and persuade him to join the growing party.

He cast a single look at Mercy and she released his arm.

She had barely got Jen protesting through the doorway when she spotted Alexia who had been seconded to Security. "Alex!" she called, waving her over too.

"There's Jim and Jessica over there as well. Do you want to call them over as well? Bryan asked, slightly exasperated. "I think our quiet night has gone for a Burton." He murmured as the waiter re-appeared.

Mercy looked up. "Oh? Are you sure? Jim is always so grumpy." she muttered back. "I guess you're right though, we *should* invite them." She stood up and waved the other couple over, having completely missed the tone in Bryan's comment and thought he was making the suggestion seriously.

Jim was dragged in by Jessica who began to hug Mercy, Jenna and Alexia and chatter 19 to the dozen to everyone. The noise levels rose and the waiter brought more drinks.

Jim looked skyward and Bryan noticed his perplexity whilst reaching forward to the tray to distribute the drinks. As he did, there was a rush of warm air from behind them and for a moment, Bryan was distracted until Jo'el dove into him, knocking him, the waiter and drinks tray to the floor.

Everything began to move in slow motion. The screams seemed to drone and then there was Mercy lying on the floor beside him as his hands sought hers, as Jessica & Jim hit the floor like a pair of conjoined twins.
Bryan saw the arm of the red shirted officer push Jenna to the floor and he heroically lay his body across the women and then the light flared as the explosion erupted around them.

All Bryan could think of, was Mercy as his eyes met with hers and they held no fear, just awe and confusion.

A Joint Post between:

CWO2C Bryan Surzchenko
By Mark

CWO2 Mercedes Denoublier
CPO Jenna Minton
Ensign Alexia Jackson
By Jools

Lt Vincent Tan