Incommunicado – A visit from an old friend
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)

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Title   A visit from an old friend
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)
Posted   Sat Feb 18, 2012 @ 4:33pm
Location   Bradshaw Industries
Timeline   SD 51
Melvyn smiled to himself as he approached the large doors and overhanging sign in front of him. It had been awhile since he had seen the name on display in front of door. In fact, it had been awhile since he had seen the owner himself. It would be interesting to see him again. Melvyn walked through the doors and entered the main reception area where he was greeted by a young woman.

"Hello may I help you sir." Asked rebecca from her station behind the front desk

"Yes, I'm here to see Mr. Bradshaw if he's available." Melvyn replied with his typical calm demeanor.

"do you have an appointment or is he expecting you sir." She replied calmly

"Oh, no. I don't believe that he is expecting me at this time." He replied with a smile. "But tell him that it's an. . . old friend dropping by for a visit." Melvyn said, knowing that the term "friend" would be a bit of an exaggeration.

"Alright sir if you will take a seat I will call Mr. Bradshaw and see if he has some time to meet with you." Said Rebecca softly as she picked up the intercom phone and called up to Wayne's office After a couple minutes of muted conversation she spoke again. "Alright sir if you will wait for about 5 minutes Mr. Bradshaw will be down to see you." She added

"Very well my dear." Melvyn replied. "I'm sorry. . .I didn't get your name?" He inquired as he stepped towards her desk.

"My name is Rebecca Though I already know your first name Melvyn I just do not know what your business here is." Said Rebecca sometimes it paid to be a Betaziod

Melvyn laughed, "Ah, you are as lovely as you are intuitive." he replied. "I'm here to have a sit-down chat with Mr. Bradshaw. We haven't seen each other in years, and now that I've relocated my office to this station I felt that it would be rude of me to not say 'hello'" Melvyn replied.

"Melvyn you old shark get your sorry excuse for an ass out of my office right now." said Wayne rather loudly as he came down the stairs from his office wearing a smile and a twinkle in his eye that told everyone in the area he was joking. "It has been a long time my old friend and what brings you to my humble office." He added as he extended his hand to the other man

"Ha ha! Wayne, I was just enjoying my time with your exquisite assistant." Melvyn said as he crossed the room and shook Wayne's hand.

"It has been a long time, hasn't it." He said. "I believe we have some business to discuss." He added.

"Yes we do." said Wayne calmly "Rebecca hold all my calls and cancel any appointments that are on the books for me today if they ask tell them I am in a business meeting. Oh and if General marks should call in tell him 'the op is a go'. He added as he led melvyn out of the lobby and up to his office keeping the smile on his face the whole way after all this was a business and they were both old pros at the game

Melvyn took a seat in the plush chair across from the desk of the businessman.

"So how has the family been?" Melvyn asked.

"Expanding and keeping me on my toes. The rate they are going I wander when I will end up a great grand father" said wayne with a grin

"Ahhh, that's always great to hear. I've always been a supporter of keeping it in the family." Melvyn said with a smile.

"Yah you should know that as well as I do. What is it, second or third generation with that processing facility of yours." said wane

Melvyn chuckled softly as he reached into his jacket's inside pocket and withdrew a cigar." Just about" Melvyn replied calmly. "But really, Wayne, I didn't come here just to chit-chat." He said as he began to light the cigar. "I'm actually here to make a proposition for you." He said.

"I am listening but keep in mind it better be something very interesting or at least big." said wayne as he dropped the friendly pretense he was now all business and would see what was being offered.

"I want to assume control over your dilithium mines." He said as he slid a padd across the desk towards the aged gentleman. "The 3 on Dozaria and the 2 on Troyius." he added.

Wayne did not even flinch as he looked over the PADD that was infront of him. "Alright Melvyn where is the joke in here you can not seriously expect me to just hand over mines that have been in my family for 6 generations. and I know for a fact that you do not have the money or the clout to buy them from us especially considering our long standing contracts."

"Oh, yes. I'm very much serious." He replied as his cheeks collapsed inward and his mouth filled with smoke. He held the smoke within his mouth for several moments before exhaled with deliberate ease while gazing into the searching eyes of the surprised man across from him.

"Alright let's assume for a moment that I would give this even a moments thought what would you have to offer that could even come close to compensating for the loss of production, the breach of contracts, and the increased cost for my company to buy Dilithium from another source. Not to mention that those mines are a long way from your processing faclity." said Wayne calmly as he eyed the man across the desk from him. He might let one mine go but he would be damned if he would give up all five of them.

"I'm a reasonable man, Wayne, you know that." He replied quickly. "I'll let you stay on the Board of Director as an 'advisor' for a modest fee." he added. "But let's be honest, I've been in this business while you were playing solider and flying around the universe with the Federation." He said pointedly.

"This deal would naturally be in the best interest of everyone long-term. Besides, me taking these distractions off your hands would give you more time to spend with your growing family." Melvyn stated as he reaised his cigar to take another drag from it.

"You might have personally been in the business world longer then I have but this company has been in operation since before the beginning of the federation and while I can appricate where you are coming from and your offer, but you have to understand something I am merely the chairman of the board my kids run the main day to day operations including overseeing the Dilitium mines and all of the other branches of this company. To be honest with you as it stands now I probably only spend about 4 hours a day in here just enough to keep my hands busy." Said Wayne calmly, but firmly. "If I were to go ahead with this proposition I could not do anything right now anyway as the main person who oversees that side of the operation is currently at one of the mines." He added

"However I have to ask this: what made you think about my mines on those particular planets. And what woudl you say to an outside investor coming in and helping you to expand your current operation." said wayne by way of a counter offer to what had been put on the table by the other man.

Melvyn's patience was beginning to wear as thin as the cigar he was holding. "Look Wayne, I'm sure your kids will find gainful employment elsewhere within your company. Or, if they want, they can stay on as Raddon Corp. employees." He said casually.

"But make no mistake," He said as he leaned into his chair. "This is a business proposition, not a friendly request. It would greatly behoove you to accept my terms as they currently stand rather than drag this out into an unfortunate and protracted affair." He said more pointedly.

"Melvyn I do not care how big you think you are or how much clout you think you have, you will NOT come into my office and try to dictate terms to me to buy something I have no intention of selling in the first place. And do not even think about doing what I have a feeling you might unless you want to see just how much power my company actually has. Now if there is nothing else that we have to discuss I suggest strongly that you get out of my office and out of my place of business in the next 3 minutes or be escorted out by my security people." said Wayne coldly he had already tapped the concealed button to summon his chief of security to escort this man out.

Melvyn stood slowly. He had known Wayne long enough to recognize when his answer was final. "Well, I'm sorry to hear that Wayne, I really am." He replied as he put out his cigar. "I really had hoped that we wouldn't have to go down this path." He added as he retrieved his padd and pressed several buttons.

"Oh, I never had the chance to introduce you to the new Captain of my vessel, The Matthias:" He said as he slid the padd back over to Wayne. On the screen a familiar face appeared followed by the his name and title. . .

"Captain Dante Hanks, I believe he used to work for you?" Melvyn said with a knowing smile.

"He used to alright and if you are in the habit of employing people like him then I feel sorry for you cause you must be scraping the bottom of the barrel. Did he tell you why I dismissed him or feed you some cock and bull sob story." Said Wayne flatly he honestly did not care about the man or his threats. "Oh and if your captain should get the idea to do a little raiding remind him my ships are armed and have fighter escorts." He added

"Haha, I'm well aware of the private army you have managed to amass, Wayne." Melvyn replied confidently. "But neither I, nor my corporate officers should be your concern." He said. "I'll see you around, old friend." he said as he turned and walked across the spacious office towards the door.

"Melvyn you and your company are none of my concern unless you start making shall we say less then legal moves to take assets from me and mine then well you know me well enough I will leave that left unsaid. Have a good day and I wish you the best while you are on the station." said Wayne just before the door closed though his mind was already thinking about things that might need to be done and done soon especially given what hanks had said the last time they had met.

As Melvyn passed by the front desk he smiled to the lovely receptionist. "I'll see you around, my lovely." he said as he passed through the door heading towards the turbolift.


Melvyn Raddon
CEO Raddon Corp

Wayne Bradshaw
CEO Bradshaw Intergalactic Industries