Beg, Steal or Borrow – The 13th Hour
by Colonel James Darson & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   The 13th Hour
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon Mar 16, 2009 @ 12:25am
Location   Marine HQ / Ops
Timeline   SD8 - 1315
Darson returned to the Marine HQ after his enlightening encounter with Isha in the Romulan Embassy. As he entered, he had received a series of disturbing reports of some incidents on the station’s Guardian platforms.

As he read through them, he was shocked by the ability of whatever power was causing this to infiltrate this station to the depths that they had. The thought that immediately jumped to mind was the Romulans. He knew what lengths the Fanatics would go to recover what had been taken from them, and he was slightly concerned that the station was, then and now, vulnerable, despite the fact that the problems with the defence platforms had been intercepted.

Adding to the concern was the way that this information had been acquired. It had apparently been the work of the CDO, a woman named Ayren Kelan, and a contact that she had on the Romulan vessel…One that had apparently been killed by a disruptor blast. This was extremely disturbing, especially since it was the job of him and the rest of the defence forces on this station to prevent stuff like this from happening.

As he brooded to himself over the growing number of incidents, he contacted the temporary CO.
=^= “Major Darson to Commander Davies.” =^=

Davies was sat at his desk, the tactical display open, pinpointing the positions of the three Romulan ships. =^= "Major, what can do for you?" =^= He enquired, his concentration on the screen as his thoughts lay with the repairs on the Guardian platforms.

=^= “Commander,” =^= He said in a voice that was as empty of emotion as a vacuum, =^= “Almost three hour’s have passed since the Senior Staff went their separate ways. The parameters of the Romulan situation have changed significantly. I believe we should reconvene the senior staff, and report on our progresses, and re-evaluate certain options.” =^=

Closing down the tactical, Davies pushed himself into the back of the chair. =^= "Why? The computer logs are up to date and we know where we are currently positioned." He stated ~Between 3 wolves ~ He thought to himself, listening to Major Darson’s hard breathing.

Darson growled over the line as he wandered down the hall, =^= “Because Sir, extremely troubling events have come to light. This station’s security has been compromised to a depth that nobody has anticipated. They managed to disable the Guardian platforms, a vital component of Station Defence. That means that whoever is trying to impair our ability to defend ourselves either has infiltrated the personnel onboard, or we have several traitors in our midst. We cannot afford to ignore this situation any longer.” =^=

"Traitors!" David spluttered at Darson’s accusation. “I hope you have some evidence to support that claim. As for the Guardian platforms, well, come to my office and I will speak with you face to face, Major!" Davies added his rank as an afterthought.

This was the second request he had received convening a second meeting of the department heads, but Davies did not want to gather the flock just yet, the first still burned an impression on his mind.

There were things going on within this station that even he had no control over, when in fact he had no control of anything at all.

Darson nodded silently to himself as he said, =^= “Commander, I do indeed have evidence, and I can produce it. I will meet you in your office in five minutes.” =^= With that, he swept silently out of the Marine HQ, marched to the Turbolift, and ordered it to take him to the command deck.

David grimaced as the comm was closed. "Damn" He said aloud and waited for Darson.

Darson swept into the command suite minutes later, and quickly rang the chime at the commander’s office.

"Push it Major," He called out suspecting that it was indeed the Major.

As he glided inside he said quietly, “Commander…thank you for seeing me. As I mentioned over the COMM, several grave issues have indeed come to light…the worst of all being the many breaches in security this station has suffered.”

He nodded, aware of some of the events that had taken place. "If your going to tell me about the guardian platforms, I know already and a medical team has taken the chief engineer to sickbay. Somebody had indeed tampered with them and I am just setting up a meeting sometime in the next hour." David appraised as he looked over his PADD to the marine. "So lets talk about traitors, who do you suspect and why?" He encouraged, wondering what evidence Darson was going to present and curious as to who the suspect would be.

“Who do I suspect?” Darson queried, “I suspect everybody, Commander. However, if you are referring to specific people, right now, I only have one confirmed traitor…and though I am loathe to admit it…it was one of my Marines.”

"One of your own!." David was shocked and knew it must have been the same fro James. He glanced at the chronometer. "Major, we are going to have to flush out these people, we need to check and recheck everybody, but right now, what is more important is station security and people know what the current situation is. Come with me to the conference room, I don't think we have much more time." He remarked, leading out of the CO's office.

Darson nodded his head an faux graciousness, “By your will, Commander” As he followed the temporary CO out of the office, he briefly considered telling him the fate of the traitorous Marine, but decided that even as a cautionary tale, some things were better left unsaid.


CO: David Davies

MCO: Major James Darson