Interlude – Men of action are favored by the Goddess of luck
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Men of action are favored by the Goddess of luck
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sun Jun 06, 2010 @ 11:47pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   MD 19-Before "When Does a New Life Begin?"

R'vek had been pacing his temporary office in the Consulate for an hour now, furious beyond belief at the humans for sending someone to harass Rianni while she recovered, and ill at ease the fact that he was going to be seeing his de facto father in law, Gregori Monteros, shortly, ~What next? The bloody spoonheads going to riot or something?~

The fact that he'd sent for the man who saved Rianni's life, a Maiell, nearly twenty minutes ago and he hadn't arrived yet wasn't thrilling, either.

Maiell was outside the door for ten minutes, feeling strangely awkward. He pulled at his uniform, the fabric suddenly feeling a bit tight. Finally taking a deep breath and making sure he looked his best, he pressed the chime of the Admiral's temporary office and waited for a reply.

"In." R'vek called over his shoulder, hoping this was the Sub-lieutenant he had been waiting so long for.

Opening the doors, Maiell walked in. Seeing the Admiral he bowed his head in respect, saluting him. "Admiral, my apologies for keeping you waiting," he said, not lifting his head up yet.

"It's quite alright, Maiell." R'vek smiled, walking over and clapping the younger man's shoulder, "I'd wait a week for the man responsible for my daughter's survival! Sit, please. Would you care for a glass of Ale?"

"No, thank you, Admiral, I must return to duty later," Maiell explained apologetically, taking a seat. "And as for saving your daughter's life, I was simply doing what I felt was right," he told the older man modestly.

"I was warned you'd try to deflect the credit you're due." R'vek nodded, pouring himself a glass of ale and sipping on it thoughtfully, "Well, you should know that all the modesty in the galaxy will not save you from my favor, Sub-Lieutenant, I've got big plans for you."

~Oh great...~ Maiell thought, wondering if Ma'erlit didn't have something to do with him knowing about Maiell's discomfort. "Um...thank you, sir," Maiell just nodded, unsure of what to say to that.

R'vek turned to Maiell and laughed, "Boy, you'd have people thinking I had just signed the order for your execution if they saw that expression. Hell, you might have me believing it, too. Is there some reason that you don't want to advance?"

Maiell looked up at him and shook his head. "No, sir. I just...I have developed a certain discomfort towards change during the last few years," he admitted. "I don't mean any offense, it's simply who I am and I'm afraid I've gotten accustomed to my rather stationary position on DS5."

"Nobody said anything about you leaving DS5, no, quite the opposite in fact." R'Vek laughed, "My boy, I need you here, serving as my eyes and ears, and as such the Ambassador's as well. I need you here, representing not only the Empire but my house. No, son, you're going up, not out. Hope you've found friends here, because here is where I need you and here is where you're going to be for quite a while."

"I've made a few. I've been here since the Consulate was opened," Maiell said. "And what do you ask of me, Admiral?" he asked curiously, a bit unsure of where this was going, exactly.

"Essentially, you'll serve as my liason here as I intend to be in this sector for the foreseeable future." The old Admiral replied, "And as such I will also arrange a posting for you on the Dhelan, the flagship of the Ambassador's other house. Do you know I was Tal Shiar in the early part of my career? Before I went into the Galae and became an Admiral and, if I must say so myself, respected fleet strategist, that is. I see your career following much the same route as mine, if you'll take up the challenge."

Maiell smirked. "I was born into the Merek House. I always take up a challenge," he admitted.

R'vek smiled and nodded, "Well, then we'll just have to find the right place for you, won't we, Maiell? Fear not, I've an eye for talent and I know there's a lot of it in you, you're a man of action, and that's what the Empire is sorely lacking right now."

"Thank you, Admiral," Maiell nodded to him. "I will trust your judgment fully," he said.

"Good, and keep doing it." R'Vek nodded, "And one day, my boy, you'll be the Old Admiral setting some young Sub-Lieutenant's future on the right path."

R'Vek turned and stared out his window for a second, then smiled, "I believe you'd serve best as political officer on the IRW Dhelan. You'll still be here, you'll be serving the Empire, the Ambassador, and by association me. Yes, that's a fitting post for a man of action like yourself, Maiell."

Maiell blinked. He hadn't been expecting that much of an advancement. "Political officer? Tal'Shiar political officer?" he asked, as if there were other types.

"That's the only kind they make, Son." R'Vek laughed, "So, your thoughts?"

Maiell took a deep breath, "I am very flattered, Admiral," he said honestly. "And of course, I accept," he said without hesitation, standing up. It wasn't every day someone offered you a position in the Tal'Shiar. It was something his fellow officers only dreamed of.

"There's a smart, lad." R'Vek smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Now, why don't we have that drink? And if your soon to be former department head has issue, well, you just tell them I said it was okay."

Maiell blinked a couple of time, suddenly remembering Arrienye. ~She's gonna go mental when I tell her.~ he thought to himself. "Yes, sir," he nodded.

R'Vek walked to his bar and poured them both a drink, "This is a fine vintage, the same vintage served during Kirk's Folly at Khitomer to the Klingons." He laughed as he referred to the beginnings of peace between the Federation and Klingons, handing Maiell a glass and lifting his own, "A shame to waste such good ale on creatures who eat live worms. Well, here's to the glory of the Empire and your future, Lieutenant."

Maiell chuckled, taking the glass and lifting it with the older man's. "To long life and new allies," he added.

R'Vek drained his glass and smiled, "Indeed." R'Vek wondered if Maiell realized how powerful an ally he had just made for himself, or if he even really cared, ~Ambition isn't his guide, that's a rare trait. This is indeed a most intriguing young man.~


EnRiov R'Vek Tr'Khellian


2nd Lt Maiell tr'Tahn
Political officer