Things Past – Templeton's revenge, part 1
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   Templeton's revenge, part 1
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Fri Feb 08, 2013 @ 3:11pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD 58 0030

Sickbay was dark and deserted, in Dr Murdoch's office the only sound that could be heard was the quiet sloshing of the container in the corner.

The port side door opened and Frederick Templeton was outlined against the light from beyond for a moment before the door swished shut again. He walked forward, heading towards Lance's office, eyes darting in the gloom, trying to see where his rival was

A match flared behind the desk as Lance ignighted one of his expensive cigars. He lazed in his chair, feet crossed casualy on his desk. "Hallo Freddy." He smirked.

Templeton looked startled for a moment, but he recovered quickly. "Lance." He hesitated a moment. "What do you want then? Whats with all the dramatics tonight?"

"You're a plagarist, Freddy." Lance replied, puffing a large smoke ring that he blew in templeton direction. "Or do you prefer the term thief?" He asked casually.

Templeton brushed his hand through the ring, dispersing it. "Now, Lance, thats a very serious accusation," he smirked. "Where is your proof?"

Lance grinned his Cheshire cat grin, "I think we both know I have that." He tapped his foot lightly on the desk. Drawing Templetons attention to the PADD that rested next to his foot.

The doctor drew another deep puff of his cigar "I guess the question you should be asking is how much is your career and reputation worth to you Freddy?"

Templeton sighed. "I thought it would comes to this." He shook his head, and then produced a small phaser from his pocket. "In answer to your question, its worth your life."

"You fire that thing in here and security will be on you faster than you can say mal-practice."

"But you'll still be dead, and I was only defending myself from a crazed ex colleague. Now hand over whatever it you think you have, and all its copies."

Lance calmly crushed the cigar stub into the ashtray on his desk. In the moment of darkness that followed, Templeton spun towards the sound, as it was followed by a heavy wet thump. "what are you playing at Lance? Do you think I'm afraid of the dark?"

"You should be," replied the voice of Lance, moving further away. There was a skittering sound accross the floor behind Templeton.

Templeton spun, stepping back a pace, hand outstretched towards the sound. "Lance!" Turn the lights back on.

"I don't think so..." replied Lance, from the far side of the room.

Templeton whirled towards the sound of Lances voice and fired wildly, the phaser cutting a retina scorching orange line in the darkness. He hit nothing, and blinked hard, trying to get his night sight back.

Lance hit the floor rolling, he dived blindly into Templeton, crashing into his midsection in a crunching tackle that brought both men to the floor. Kicking and punching at each other wildy in the darkness. Lance managed to wrestle the phaser out of Templetons clutched hand and tossed it into the darkness.

The skittering noise came again, from the direction of the sealed door. Lance tore himself free and rolled away, placing Templeton between him and the sound.

"Disarming me isn't going to help, Lance." Templeton said, "I'm better at killing with almost everything in a sickbay than with a phaser." He had backed towards the office door, and in half a pace's retreat, his hand had come down on a hypospray. "The difference between medicine and poison is dosage, after all." his thumb found the tiny button for increasing dosage and held it there. "Now where are you?" he stepped forward into the office again, alert for any move that might indicate Lance's position.

Lance crouched behind the desk silent and unmoving, eye's straining in the darkness. Carefully he picked up a model of a Rigelian brain of the desk and tossed it accross the room.

"Oh Lance," Templeton turned towards the where the brain landed. "You'll have to do better than that!" And he threw himself across the desk stabbing down with the hypospray, slithering across the glassy desktop and landing on the surgeon in a heap, trying to get a shot with the hypospray.

Lance grabbed at Templetons wrist as the two men struggled rolling over and over on the floor until Templeton pinned him with his body wieght. Using that same wieght to press the hypo down with both hands. Lance counterd with all his strength as he pressed up gripping Templetons like a vice as the hypo inched closer to the surgeons skin.

Suddenly there wasa wet smack as something slammed into the small of Templetons back. He ignored it, and continued to drive the hypospray back towards Lance's eyes.

And then he went stiff in Murdoch's grasp. His eyes went wide, and he made small gasping sounds.

Lance gave a shove, pushing the other man off him as the surgeon rolled smoothly to his feet.

"Lights!" he called. As the room lit up he gazed down at Templeton, and the parasite now firmly attached to the small of the mans back. Templton was making wheezing sound. His fingers curled and flexed, desperate but ineffective. He tried to look up at Lance but couldn't move his head enough.

"Bad luck Freddy," Lance commented as Security came bursting through the door. "That looks like it hurts like hell."

"What?" Wheezed Templeton. "Off!" he pleaded.

The Security officer looked at Lance, "What happened. What is that thing?"

"It's a rather nasty little creature," Lance expainled giving the man a quick synopsis of the evenings events.

"I'd offer to take it off but maybe he could use a little company in his cell" Lance smirked.

The security officer gave him a long suffering look. "Sir, I need you to do what you can for that man."

"There's nothing I can do right now" Lance replied, If I try to remove it during the first 48 hours after to attaches it will release a fatal amount of isobromine into his system. I think its a defence mechanism. the surgeon replied.

"No first we have to wait for it to lay its eggs then remove the creature and hopefully find all the eggs and remove them before they hatch in his bloodstream."

Templeton made frightened little noises. Even the security officer took a step back. "Shouldn't we quarentine him?"

"Solitarty confinement should do nicely." Lance replied. "It's not really contagious but a little isolation couldnt hurt."

The security officer seemed to gather himself at Lance's somewhat gleeful tone. "Alright sir, I think you better tell me whats going on..."

Dr Frederick Templeton
Doctor of neurobiology and research thief

Dr Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon
DS 5