Things Past – Breakthru
by Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)

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Title   Breakthru
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)
Posted   Sat Aug 09, 2014 @ 10:06pm
Location   Starship Matthais
Timeline   SD 71 - 10:00

"No my dear boy. It is more than a Jem'Hadar! This is Goran'Agar, one of the only known cases of a Jem'Hadar that was free from his addiction to Ketrecel White." Raddon announced. ". . .and I want you to replicate the gift he carries within his body. The gift of being free from his ketrecel white addiction." he concluded.

. . . .

"Do you realize the breakthru that you would be responsible for, Dr. Murdoch?" Raddon asked him. "Do you realize how you are in a position to change medical history?" He inquired.

Lance frowned slightly "What exactly is it you're expecting me to do?" He asked.

Melyvn withdrew a cigar from his travel humidor as he looked at the younger man for several moments. "I would think that a man of your intelligence would recognize this opportunity." He said as he observed the ancient nicotine-filled object.

"I want you to recreate the genetic anomaly that allowed him to be free from Ketrecal White." Melvyn said pointedly.


"Authorization recognized - Welcome Melvyn Raddon" The feminine voice responded to the older gentleman as he stepped through the doors and entered the science facility onboard his state-of-the-art vessel and mobile base of operation. As he passed by the various mechanical operators and scientists he nodded to them briefly as he continued to walk towards his intended destination.

Lance stppd at the far side of the room, is attention fixed on the instruments in front of him.

"And just how are things going with out friend here?" Raddon asked as he looked upward towards the Jem'Hadar body that remained in suspended animation.

Lance looked up and blinked several times, "Slower than I'd like Melvyn" he replied. I've disected everything from the neo-cortex to the occipital lobe. I think I've found some promising avenues to pursue but I can't go any further without some fresh subject matter to test my theories on".

"I need those..." he coughed, "volunteers, you promised."

Melvyn nodded, "Consider it done, Doctor." He replied as he stood next to the console. "How exactly will the new specimen help?" He asked.

Lance called up a display that projected an image of the Jem'hadar's brain up onto the wall behind the workstation.

"As you know Ketracel-white provides the Jem'hadar with an isogenic enzyme that their bodies have been engineered not to produce." Lance explained.

"All the attempts made in the past to rid them of this dependency, have focused on giving the individuals body the capability to produce the enzyme naturally." He paused while Melvin nodded, They'd been over this before.

"What I've done is approach the problem from a different angle." He paused again. "By looking to eliminating the need for the enzyme in the first place." The Doctor smiled, and nodded in the direction of Goran'Aga's corpse in the tube.

"I've dissected his hypothalamus and basically reverse-engineered the work the founders did when they created the need in the first place." Lance rubbed his eye's.

"I'm now at the point where I have a few idea's of what changes to make, however simulations can only go so far. I need to see how living tissue responds to these sorts of changes." He finished.

Melvyn puffed on his cigar softly. He had an idea of who he could "volunteer" for the task, but he wanted to confirm with his medical expert first.

"Will *any* living tissue sample suffice?" Melvyn said in between blows.

"That would do nicely." Lance replied.

Melvyn Raddon
Chief Executive Officer
Raddon Corps
NPC by Thom

Dr. Lance Murdoch
Former player.