Unity – A *friendly* visit
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar

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Title   A *friendly* visit
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar
Posted   Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 6:56am
Location   Cardassian Embassay
Timeline   SD 17 - 01:40
Gabriel exited the turbolift flanked by four other security officers. Normally it would be a bit odd to see the Chief of Security being escorted by his own officers as he made his way through the station. However, the recent bombing had thrown all convention out of the window. For the time being, Gabriel wasn't worried about "appearances" at the moment and was only focused on his job.

"You two stay out here and do not allow anybody else to enter." Gabriel ordered to two of the armed officers.

Gabriel and the other two made their way into the embassy and continued to walk through the Main Foyer until they arrived at what appeared to be a front desk of some sorts.

"Good afternoon, and welcome to the Cardassian Embassy. How can I help you today?" The receptionist replied in an automaton way.

"Get the Ambassador." Gabriel stated without the hint of hospitality.

"You'll need to make an appointment. May I have your position and name please?"

"Don't worry about who I am, just get him, before I march in there and drag him out myself." Gabriel replied coldly.

She waved her hand over to the two, gigantic guards stationed near the desk. Before she said another word she tapped on the comm. "Vi'kar Gul, you have a visitor. Starfleet. Rank of Lieutenant Commander." She said, noticing the pips on his collar.

"Send him in, guards and weapons stay outside, my guards come in." Came the cold reply over the comm.

"Relinquish your weapons. All of you." She stated coldly. His tone had left her bitter.

Gabriel removed his weapon from his holster and gave it to the nearby Lieutenant.

"Sir, are you sure?" the officer asked.

"Of course I am. The man is a Cardassian, but he's not *that* stupid. He knows who I am and who I represent. Besides, the day I can't handle a Cardassian on my own is the day I need to turn in my pips permanently." He replied sardonically as he turned and proceeded to walk into the inner portion of the embassy.

Tharek looked on as the door opened for his guards to enter. The open door showed more than the guards though: Dorian Gabriel, was coming his way.

Gabriel entered the room and remained standing as he stared the Cardassian directly in his eyes. "Where were you during the time of 22:00 and 23:00 hours." Gabriel demanded more than stated.

"In my embassy, drinking Kanar and mocking the Federation." He said pedantically.

"Don't lie to me Cardassian, you aren't very good at it." Gabriel replied quickly. "Lord only knows how much it must have eaten you up inside to know that a Federation Officer wouldn't stand trial for destroying some rickety-old garbage scow." He said in a provoking tone.

Gabriel leaned forward on the man's desk and continued to speak. "Just between me and you, how much was that decrepit heap of metal worth? 2, maybe even 3 strips of latinum on a good day?" he asked.

"Are you accusing me of blowing up my military's own equipment?" He asked, he didn't wait for an answer though. "And yes, It did tear me up when I couldn't imprison that poor son of a bitch for life, or better yet, have him thrown into a pit of starved Klingons."

"What military?" Gabriel asked rhetorically. "The same military that couldn't stop a Klingon invasion? Or the same military that allowed the Dominion to kill 800 million of your own people." Gabriel said in a dispassionate tone.

Gabriel stood upright again and looked into the eyes of the nearest guard. "Are you a part of this so-called military? Were you at the great 'Battle of Cardassia' or were you hiding under your bunk hoping the big bad Jem'Hadar would spare your life?" He asked in a mockingly rhetorical tone.

He turned his attention back towards Tharek's direction. "You had a hand in the bombing of this station. Admit what you know, or this changes to a much more *unfriendly* visit" Gabriel said in a lowered tone.

---Embassy Entrance---

Turrel walked down the corridor flanked by two fully armed Shri'vara. With what was happening on the station lately he wasn't taking any chances. As he approached the embassy his eyes narrowed with the site of two Starfleet guards taking up post just inside its doors.

"What is the meaning of this?" Turrel asked sternly to the two officers.

"Starfleet matter sir, " Ensign Kiran stated. "We are under orders not to allow anyone into the Embassy until his particular matter has been resolved, sir." The Bajoran officer stated in a detached tone as he maintained eye contact on the lead Cardassian.

"Is that so?" he asked. His eyes fell to the floor and a small smile spread across his otherwise impassive face. "Gentlemen, I wonder if you know where you are standing. See this line here," He pointed to a red line painted across the floor a foot's fall behind him. "This line indicates where Federation jurisdiction ends; you are now standing on Cardassian soil as agreed upon by both Empires. To deny a Cardassian entrance to his own embassy is a BIG infraction. If I reported such you both would be tossed out of Starfleet without another word. In fact," He took a step forward until he was inches away from the two men. "If either of you was to even touch me, I could have you shot on the spot without ANY repercussions on a political level." Without a word, both of the Shri'vara leveled their rifles and pointed them at the humans.

Kiran observed the raised weapons and realized that the situation had just entered a dangerous zone in which the wrong choice could end badly for either side. "I understand that sir, however the Federation does not hold itself out to be any form of an Empire, sir." he replied.

"Furthermore, you may have the ability to shoot both me and my fellow officer here, but you and your men would never step foot on this station alive if you were to pull that trigger, sir." The Ensign stated to the Cardassian. Kiran was fortunate enough to not have been alive for the Occupation of Bajor, but resentment towards Cardassians was strong enough throughout his life that he recognized the look of excitement within the Cardassian's eyes. He knew that nothing would bring him more pleasure than to be responsible for the death of another Bajoran.

"With that being said, you can order your men to fire their weapons, and therefore plunge your people into War with the Federation for yet a*third* time, or you can make the more rational decision have order your men to state out here until the situation has resolved itself." He said as he the officer to his right raised his weapon into the ready position and drew down on Turrel.

Turrel ignored the weapon pointing at him. "I really think you misunderstand. You are on MY soil; the Federation will brush this incident away to AVOID war because a few rogue Starfleet personnel overstepped the bounds of their legitimate authority. You cannot legally bar me access to land that doesn't belong to you. Now if you will excuse me, I have business inside." Turrel brushed roughly passed the two Starfleet officers. He nodded to one of his shock troopers to remain behind and secure the front.

A few paces further in he saw two more Starfleet officers near the front desk. He was starting to get irritated with the number of uninvited and armed guests on Sovereign soil. With a dismissive look to the men he turned his gaze to the secretary. "What the hell is going on in here?" clearly in an angry tone.

"A Starfleet Security matter, sir, if you would just take a seat right over there, we will be out of your way at our earliest convenience." The Lieutenant responded to the boisterous entrance.

"At YOUR earliest convenience?" Turrel spat. "Oh this is ridiculous." He tapped his comm badge "Turrel to the Rakara."

"Rakara here, Sir" Came the response.

"Send a security detail to our consulate," Turrel looked with burning eyes to the Lieutenant "It seems some Starfleet officers are trying to overrun our embassy."

"Right away Sir!"

The comm link was closed with another tap of the Gul's badge. Turrel folded his arms. "The impudence of you fools astounds even me."

- - - Docking Bay - - -

"Ensign! Stand down!" Trellis said in a loud authoritative voice. He was still overseeing the cargo inventory of the Bradshaw vessels when he received an excited comm from Docking bay Security.

As he finally arrived in the area he saw what was about to become a Battle Royale. A group of Cardassian Officers were standing beyond the docking pylons within the Docking Bay with weapons drawn preparing to storm the castle.

Conversely, the Starfleet officers had their weapons drawn and were awaiting the Cardassian invasion. Trellis didn't want to increase the volatile situation on the station, but at the same time he knew that he couldn't allow things to maintain at this level.

Dozens of Cardassians lined the gangway ready to charge the waiting Starfleet lines. The Shri'vara was to lead the charge if the people didn't get out of the way quickly. The shock troopers had their phaser rifles equipped with a wicked blade attached to their weapon stocks for close quarters fighting, and from the look on the rough Cardassian's faces, they were relishing the opportunity for a fight.

The Cardassian officer in charge stepped forward with his own phaser rifle in hand. He addressed the highest ranking officer he could see. "I need your men to get out of our way right now before this turns into a blood bath."

"Sir, I understand your concern, but the station is currently on lockdown. Nobody is allowed on or off the station until the lockdown has been lifted." Trellis stated in a measured tone trying to lower the tension in the area.

"Do I look like I care if the station is in a lock down? The Cardassian consulate requested a security detail on site NOW."

"I can personally assure you that your embassy is fine, we will provide your Commanding Officer with a detailed report once the matter has been resolved.

"Unacceptable. Your assurance means nothing to me. Your people have five minutes to get out of our way. If by that point they haven't moved, you had better be prepared to fill your morgue with dead bodies."

- - - Embassy - - -

"Consider this a warning, if I find out that you had *anything* to do with the bombing, I promise you that my next visit won't be so friendly." Gabriel replied as he exited the Ambassador's office and entered the Main Foyer where he was greeted by a visibly hostile Turrel.

Gabriel continued to maintain eye-contact with the man as he retrieved his weapon from the nearby officer. "You look like as if you have something you want to say," Gabriel said as he continued to stare intently towards the Cardassian.

"Yes I do as a matter of fact. For someone having such an 'in depth' understanding of security boundary’s, you certainly overstepped them this time. We both know how illegal it is for you to have stormed in here like this."

Gabriel secured his weapon within his holster and stepped closer to look the man in the eye. "You know who I am, don't you?" Gabriel asked rhetorically.

"I control the Security of this station and its inhabitants. You are the representative of a fledgling government that is struggling just to secure its own borders let alone actually posing a true threat to the Federation." He said in a low tone.

"If you so much as *look* at a Federation citizen the wrong way, and I guarantee you that the Rakara will enjoy the same fate as that damn Freighter" He said while maintain his stance in front of the Cardassian.

"Think about that over the next few days as this station remains under lock-down. Nobody leaves this station or comes onboard until *I* say otherwise." he said as he gave a signal to the other officers to follow him out the door.

Normally if someone spoke to Turrel like that he would have had them shot. However, considering the circumstances he couldn't help but start laughing at the absurdity of the man's comments. He turned and faced the man's back as he walked away. "Incredible, the last time I saw a display like that it was from a small child throwing a temper tantrum. You may have tried to instil some kind of fear in me; however, all you have managed to do is supplant your face for that of a small...whining...child."

Turrel then turned and walked in the Vi'kar's office. He waited for the doors to close behind him before he regarded his friend. "What the hell was that all about?"

Tharek took the knife he carried in his back pocket, and dug it an inch into the table. "Dorian Gabriel has accused us of destroying the freighter." Tharek stood, leaving the elegant blade where it was. "Turrel. You are my most trusted ally, and closest friend. This cannot be tolerated. I want Shri'vara to accompany you everywhere. Same with any Cardassian that leaves this embassy. As for me? I'm going to see to it that Gabriel ends up with a Cardassian blade between his shoulders."


Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador

Gul Turrel G'mar
Garrison Commander