Interlude – The Doctor is in
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   The Doctor is in
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Thu Jul 01, 2010 @ 10:36pm
Location   Cardassian embassy
Timeline   Current

Tharek lent back in his chair, the stress from all the current events and people starting to take its toll. Isha, Gabriel and Toran were all out for Tharek's head, and likewise for them, Tharek wanted them all gone.

"Vi'kar Gul... " Lemat stated quietly over the comm.

"What is it... " He said, rubbing his temples.

"Doctor Shelar to see you." She stated quickly.

"What are you waiting for? Send him in!" He exclaimed, sitting up in his chair.


"You can go through now." Lemat said politely as she stepped out of the way for Shelar to go through.

"Thank you, my dear," Shelar told her politely before heading for Tharek's office with a rather quiet step for a man of his size. Passing through the doors, he instinctively turned his head to watch them close before turning to Tharek. "Ah, Getal," he greeted him. "It's been a long time," he pointed out.

"That it has Shelar. That it has." Tharek smiled at meeting his old friend once again. "Thank you for your haste in coming here."

"You caught at a good time. I was only a short distance away from the border when I got the call," Shelar told him, sitting down in the chair opposite Tharek, leaning back.

"Help yourself to Kanar." Tharek said, gesturing to the bottle on the table. "I actually called you here for a business purpose actually... I need an implant."

Pouring himself a Kanar, Shelar stopped mid-glass, his eyes looking up at Tharek. "An implant?" he asked, knowing exactly what he was referring to, but wanting to hear him say it.

"Yes. An implant. Specifically, the one they give the Obsidian Order agents before they go away on missions." Tharek said, looking Shelar in the eye.

"And what mission are you going away on?" Shelar asked him in return, a smirk on his face as he leaned back in the chair again, taking a long sip of his Kanar.

"I'm already on one. It's a... Fail safe, should this mission fail." He said, smiling sinisterly.

"Hmm..." Shelar nodded, seeming to think it over. "You will need authorization from the Order," he told him.

Tharek lent in. "I am the Order." He said, his face twisting into a serious, yet sinister smile.

Shelar looked at him a moment. "We will need time to procure the implant, and I will need some equipment, but I believe we can have the procedure done within a week," the old doctor told Tharek. "But, you do know this is not without risk, Tharek," he warned.

"There is always risk. And I don't have a week. We will begin immediately."

"Tharek, listen to me," he said, more calmly. "We can't proceed until I have the proper equipment and some preliminary scans. Implants don't just appear inside you because you want one," he told him.

"I already ordered the equipment, and I have my entire biological file in my personal database." Tharek replied quickly. "I will transfer double the regular pay to your account on Cardassia."

Swirling his Kanar in the square glass, Shelar studied Tharek. There was something going on behind the line, he had no doubt of that. But what? What exactly was Tharek planning.?Still, it really was no matter he should concern himself with.

"Well, when can we begin?" he asked with a bright smile.

"Right now." Tharek said, standing and walking through his office and into a new room. It was laden with medical instruments and a dark beige surgical chair in the middle. "After you Doctor."

"Why thank you," Shelar said only half sarcastically, making his way into the room and heading straight for the sterilization controls. "Sit please," he instructed.

Tharek responded as instructed and took his place. "Just pump me full of sedative and get to work."

"I know how to do my job, Getal. It's why you called for me," the doctor told him. "So I would recommend you keep quiet and let me do it." The large Cardassian physician loaded a hypospray and walked over to Tharek. Looking down at the man, he moved the hypospray in his hand for a few moments, seeming to contemplate something as he studied the man's face.

With that, he pressed the hypospray to his neck.


A Joint Post By:

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador


Dr. Shelar
Obsidian Order
( NPC-ed by Arrienye t'Merek )