Judgement – Too late for sorrow
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Too late for sorrow
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Tue Jul 05, 2011 @ 11:55pm
Location   Shuttle hangar 18
Timeline   SD 38 0520
Tasha's desk began to flash lights at her in a dazzling manner and at first, she was concerned that there was an error with the board. It was only as she watched and her hand came to her comm, did she realise it was a warning that the CIOs personal quarters had been intruded upon and a site to site transport had been initiated.
Her hand moved across the console and she read with some surprise as she roughly interpreted the reading.
Her hand moved to the comm channel.

"Computer, locate and open a secure channel to the following staff. Commander Karen Villiers, Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman and Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis and also 2 security officers, " She stated, not even bothering to locate Colonel Darson, because if she knew, he probably knew as well. "

=^= "Level one alert. Arm yourselves and prepare for site to site transport." =^= "Computer, initiate transport in twenty seconds." The Captain commanded as she pulled open her middle draw, took out a phaser and set it to stun. She stood and moved just ahead of her desk and waited.

Bruce grabbed the phaser rifle from the wall in his quarters. He never liked the small hand phasers and decided to keep one of the rifles instead. 'I better get to use this. Since I didn't like being awoken the way I was.' He thought to himself as the transporter took him.

As the Captain and her posse approached the hanger door, a small fire-team of Marines appeared with a clattering of weapons and armor. Looking distinctly better equipped than the average grunt and with faces hidden by masks that, while not as frightful as Colonel Darson’s, were quite ghoulish in appearance. Remaining silent, as if their purpose was already clear without words, they fell silently in step slightly behind the Captain deferring to her authority with a thumping of boots.

Martina closed the maintenance hatch and put the tool kit away, as she turned to climb into the runabout she saw the Captain, First officer, and a collection of other officers entering the hangar she looked at the group and decided not to make a dramatic exit. "Unless those marines or the security detail start shooting I'm not going to stand down Captain, I've got to do this." she said trying to show some determination.

The Marines spread out as they entered, standing shoulder with apart and slightly in front of Tasha, dwarfing her but ready to close ranks should anything happen. With military precision, they brought up their Phaser carbines and trained them on the intelligence officer.

Tasha's hand was already extended, the phaser ready.

"Nobody wants to shoot, but an explanation as to your plans would be a start." She replied as she held the intelligence officer in a hard glare.

"He's alive Captain, and I'm not going to sit here while people who claim to be his friends and colleagues leave him to rot as a pirate prisoner, the number of times' he's saved us and the federation is to hard to just ignore." Martina paused to catch her breath "There was a report of a distress beacon in an asteroid belt located on the far side of the Nebula, but no one has followed up on it, and the identifier code matches the lieutenant."

Darson’s voice suddenly rang out from above, “And so,” he said as he calmly strode down the catwalk above and behind Marina, and opposite the group of officers and Marines “You decide to go off the reservation?” He held no weapon and merely stood there, leaning on the railing, looking placidly down, cloak furling about his feet.

Bruce already had moved to a console started working. He knew being in Intelligence the Ensign probably knew how to override the hanger doors and he had to make sure they weren't opening to anyone but himself or the Captain. Playing with the overrides a little he figured he'd made it hard enough they weren't going to open. He also boosted power to the force field to make sure a phaser wasn't going to cut through the doors just incase. He finished as Darson finished talking.

"Besides Ensign, unless you plan on using magic your not going anywhere." Bruce yelled over his shoulder.

Martina knew that she wasn't totally beat, but it wasn't going to go smoothly "I wasn't planning on leaving with out a plan, I used the computer on the runabout to call back the Arrow."

Security Investigator Debrah Kato was not thrilled about having to respond to a breaking and entering report. Ordinarily, she would not have even been expected to respond to such a low-level incident. However, with the Commander Gabriel suspended from duty, Lieutenant Duquesne still recovering from his injuries suffered on Feltor Prime, she had been forced to assume additional duties within the security department.

Now she found herself embroiled in some pedestrian standoff with a member of the Intelligence Bureau. Kato looked towards Trellis and he signaled for her to take the opposite position flanking the younger Intelligence officer.

Trellis noticed the additional fire team that had arrived with the Captain. He had hoped that this would not turn into an unfortunate event. However, he did recognize that this would prove a great joint-training exercise. While Darson and the Captain continued to engage the younger officer, Trellis signalled for the Marines to take a more direct position within Ensign Martina's direct line of sight. That way she would understand the gravity of the current situation.

Almost as if it was some kind of unexplained magic the bay door opened, the blueish hue of the force field grid engaged and the door slid up, then a ship de-cloaked and slowly maneuvered into the bay. To the causal observer it was an elongated version of either the Talon class or some kind of hybrid of several designs, the federation markings were the only giveaway that this mysterious ship the center of conversation. As it took up its position on the hangar deck and landed the landing struts extended and with the grace of a rookie pilot the ship landed with a light thud. As the ramp dropped from the under carriage the lower markings confirmed that this was indeed the ship in question USS Arrow NX-999091.

"I didn't do that." Marti who was as puzzled as the rest of the people in the hangar were.

Tasha wanted to know who did as well and if there was anybody aboard.
She glanced up towards Darson and then to the security officers and the marines gathered and she shook her head, seeing the overkill of the situation.

"If you didn't," She began as her hand moved to her sidearm, "Who did?" She questioned.

"I think we should take a look, this is some seriously weird stuff." Martina half commented.

The Captain signalled each of the security and Marine personal to fan out.
"Be careful. Ships don't just materialise within the confines of a space station, even experimental ones." She cautioned as she began to move forward.

Marti looked at her tricorder, "No life signs on board, and there's no sign of the ship being occupied for the last thirty plus hours."

~Odd~ Tasha thought to herself as she signalled with her phasered hand for security to proceed.

She watched as they moved towards the door and as if on cue, it opened, beckoning those outside to peek inside.

~Spider and the fly~ Came the thought to the Captain.

She glanced upward to Darson, who seemed to be hovering, as if he were about to leap off the catwalk.

Darson's eyes would have narrowed with suspicion at the arrival of this mysterious shuttle if they had been visible beyond his faceless mask. Instead, his hand tightened the grip on the railing as he followed the unwelcome vessel with his gaze. As it landed, he reached up and undid the clasp on his cloak, letting it slither to the ground and revealing in full his armored glory.

He started walking down the catwalk towards the area over the shuttle, and then suddenly broke into a run, the distance evaporating quickly. As he approached, Darson suddenly leapt on to the railing, and used it as a springboard to propel himself high into the air. He flipped over in midair like a gymnast, and landed square on the dorsal side of the Arrow with a loud clang. With a roll, he was on his feet and running again to the rear of the ship, where the hatch was, and where everybody had started to gather. As he began to run out of ship, he fell backwards and slid with a shower of sparks the rest of the way. Grabbing the lip of the edge as he fell, he landed right between the group of officers and the yawning hatch in a crouched position.

“Life-signs can be blocked,” Darson said nonchalantly as if he had just taken a smooth turbolift ride down, “And there exists things in this universe that don't give off traditional signals of life. Also...” He looked towards Martina, “I don't trust that woman. If its all the same to you, Captain, I think I'll go in first”

"There's no signs of jamming of anykind, so we can proceed." Martina said as she closed her tricorder.

Tasha nodded towards Darson but also edged forward herself before a restraining hand on her shoulder stopped her from venturing further. She turned to see had halted her and acknowledged the security officers authority in this situation.

Watching the marines board the experimental ship Marti stood back and looked, "Empty, wasn't it Colonel?"

After a couple of moments, the Marine’s returned and nodded to Darson before stepping back, “So it would appear. But that still leaves several questions. What is this ship doing here, is the first one that springs to mind.”

Marti just smiled, "Give me twenty minutes and I'll see if I can crack the command codes and get some answers."

===Twenty-five minutes later===

Marti came down the ramp, "Ok that was interesting, this is in fact an Arrow Class prototype, it's been in service for just about nine months, assigned to Lieutenant Jarred Wallace." She paused as the data scrolled down on the PADD, "And I have its navigation log, which means we have a starting point."

Twenty five tense minutes had passed before Marti had re-emerged and in that time, Tasha had grown anxious. She was not happy at the current situation and with the report that Marti gave, her nerves had not eased.
"We may have a starting point, but I am not convinced this ship is .... " She paused as she looked across it's hull, "...safe." She looked towards Trellis and Darson. "I would feel a great deal more comfortable if this was placed somewhere more secure." She stated without giving an exact order.

"This is one of the more secure hangars on the station, we could post a security detail here, its not like the shuttle is going to fly away again." Marti commented.

I can clear away a tertiary hanger temporarily and place a guard there," Darson said thoughtfully as he looked at the mysterious ship sitting ominously off to the side, "but that would mean moving my collection of aged wines and cheeses. I think for the time being, the intelligence officer is correct, this hanger is perfectly secure. If you feel it is unnecessary though, I shall oblige. However, I agree that a guard is required. I can spare some Marines if Security is stretched too thin, but more important than that is making sure that this ship is indeed disabled."

He turned to Bruce, "Commander Freeman, can you make sure that this ship is locked down, as well as the hanger doors? I was thinking of going in and ripping out some cables, but I'm sure that you can do it more elegantly than I."

Bruce moved over to a different console in the bay and moved his fingers over the console. It was a little harder than he thought it was going to be but he eventually got it. "Done and Done, though Jarred didn't make it an easy task. If you want to your more than welcome to enter but I am with the Captain and don't think the Ship is too safe." He moved over to the group. "Give me a day to run some diagnostics then we will know for sure."

Trellis nodded. "Darson's placement of a Marine to watch over the ship will be acceptable." he commented.

Tasha holstered her phaser. "Sounds secure enough to me. Best, we set about back tracking and finding Lieutenant Wallace." She stated and turned on heel, heading out from the coldness of the hangar.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Major James Darson

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Commander Bruce Freeman

Ensign Martina Perth (NPC)
Intelligence Officer