We All Fall Down – Deep Space Five Security Department
by Ensign David Harris

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Title   Deep Space Five Security Department
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Ensign David Harris
Posted   Mon Sep 29, 2014 @ 11:17am
Location   Shuttle Bay Three
David was initially impressed with his Department but he had been hearing all kinds of stuff. He had seen little things that he was not impressed with. Untidiness, laziness, lack of discipline and the mountain of reports on corruption and illegal behavior. He needed to do something about this straight away and he believed that if you start with the little things then the big things will sort themselves out.

David had arranged for his whole department, (apart from those in key positions and those to sick) to be in the shuttle bay. He needed to inform them what he expected. He knew that he was not going to be popular but if he let his Department continue the way that it was going then he might as well kiss his Federation carer a goodbye.

David walked into the shuttle bay and about 80% of his staff stopped talking and a lot of them stood up straight, this was positive and it is was what he expected it was only small amount of his staff that were the problem.

David stood up on a podium that had been prepared for himself. "Ladies and gentleman some silence please." David was tall and large human and was standing tall on the podium but some of his staff were not being quiet. He immediately walked up to one of them. "Crewman you are on report. When I ask for silence or for anything I expect that to be treated as an order, is that understood?" The crewman stared at David and for about 30 seconds and David stared back. David knew that he could not lose this. The crewman then stood straight and said "Yes Sir." "I will expect to see a report on you weekly and your behavior to improve or I will remove you from duty, I have no room for dead space on this starbase.

David returned to the podium and this time there was silence. "My name is Ensign David Harris and I am now the Chief of Security. Things are now going to change. I will no longer accept tardiness, laziness, incompetence. I will certainly not accept illegal behavior or corruption and if you are involved in this behavior you will be seeing the inside of my brig. I expect things to change and when you are given a job to do you will do it to the best of your abilities." He paused and allowed what he was saying to sink in.

"I have selected ten officers who will answer only to me and they are my internal affairs team. I have heard some terrible things about this department and I want rid of all the bad apples. Refusing to assist me or these officer will mean that you will end up suspended from duty and court marshaled." David was disappointed it came to this but he was the boss and he had to do what was best. "I will also have a message bank set up for anyone to use to inform me of corruption or criminal behavior. This information will be for my eyes only and I will protect your confidentiality."

"I want this Department to walk around this station with their heads held up high, we are responsible for the safety of all persons an-board and we will make sure they are safe. Do I have any questions?" David looked over his department and no one send a word. "My office is always open. Dismissed."

David waited for his department to leave. He then returned to his office and sank into his seat. What had he got himself into by coming to the station.