Judgement – Injunction
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Injunction
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Feb 07, 2011 @ 5:53pm
Location   Deck 56. Court Complex
Timeline   SD36 - 10:45
At the eleventh hour, that was the expression humans used … a reprieve, a stay of execution … the latter in Isha’s mind was most correct. The defence was inept at best, but someone, somewhere had found the nouse to file for an injunction – that delay. For it would only be a delay, might allow Gabriel and his attorney time to come up with a firmer defence.

Isha read the notice once again;

RE: trial scheduled to begin 11:00, Stardate: 62711.18 on Deep Space Five concerning the case of the Romulan Star Empire vs Dorian Gabriel (Lieutenant Commander)

As the senior Officer of the Department of the Judge Advocate in residence and the Arbiter on the above mentioned case, I, Commander Karen Villiers state that the above mentioned trial will be postponed pending consideration of an injunction raised by [redacted].

The court will convene at 11:00 twenty four hours from the originally scheduled time of trial at which juncture I will announce the verdict on the injunction.

Written representations from the Prosecution and the Defence will be considered.


“Imirrhlhhse!” Isha muttered as she closed her eyes and rested her face in her palms. She had prepared down to the minute how she was going to discredit asnd expose Gabriel. She knew how weak the case the defence had was and could shred it, but with another twenty four hours they could use to prepare … well, Isha could still destroy them, she just had extra arguments to plan for, and no doubt another visit from that faelirh ch'susse-thrai demanding to know what she was going to do about Gabriel now the trial was delayed.

Isha dropped her hands onto the desk and sat back, her eyes still closed. She spent the next two hours right there in silence, working out what her next move was to be.

Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae