Intermission – Any Time Now...
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Any Time Now...
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Tue Sep 24, 2013 @ 6:25am
Location   Turbolift
Timeline   SD 73 - During "The Approval Process"
"Whatever are you smiling about?" Drant asked, a demanding tone in his voice where none was needed.

The wearer of the offending smirk - Sharas - arched his eyebrow as he looked downward at the minuscule Marine officer. "I was just picturing Drakt hitting you and, once again, wishing I could have been there to see it." As he returned his gaze to the door, the Andorian added, "And making a mental note to requisition the security sensor footage of the incident. Which docking port did you say it was?"

Drant just narrowed his eyes and glared upward at the towering humanoid. "Bay 29. Enjoy your misbegotten amusements."

With an uncharacteristic laughing snort, P'Trell flatly replied, "Oh, I intend to."

All the while, Steve stood between them, feeling very much like he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Indeed he would have taken a spot closer to the door were he not worried that Drant would try to kick Sharas in the shin, or something else of that sort. But despite that reasoning, he still leaned to his left and whispered, "Transmit me a copy of that?"

"You're not helping matters any, Lieutenant."

Wyman just shrugged, "I'm an engineer. I fix things. Nobody ever claimed I was some sort of diplomat. Though that would be part of the reason I never went to command school."

"Your talents would be a waste in the center chair, Mister Wyman. You're too skilled with your hands to be making the big decisions." The whole time Sharas didn't avert his gaze from the seam where the double doors met.

Now it was Drant's turn to snicker, a whistling hiss reminiscent of a tea kettle. "I believe, Lieutenant, that he just gave you what your kind calls a back-handed compliment."

Now feeling the love from both sides of the small compartment, Steve glanced down to his least favorite lizard. "Yeah... he's been doing that a lot recently."

Before Sharas could throw out another pithy retort, the doors parted to reveal Commander Villiers outer office, where a studious looking petty officer was seated behind a desk. As the three stooges exited the lift car and stepped toward him, the non-com looked up from his work. "May I help you, Commander?" he asked, directing his question to the senior officer of the group.

"Provisional Major Drant of Starfleet Intelligence would like to speak to the Commander. Lieutenant Wyman is his escort as a member of the starbase's senior staff. I am simply the babysitter assigned by a higher ranking officer to keep the Major out of trouble." P'Trell explained, gesturing to each of his companions in turn.

Glancing momentarily at the closed door behind him, the yeoman gestured to a small seating area in an out of the way corner of the room. "Commander Villiers is in a meeting at the moment. If you'll have a seat, I'll see if she's available once said meeting is finished."

Drant was about to argue when Steve clamped a hand around the end of his snout and Sharas began pulling him away. "Thank you, Yeoman." Wyman said with a smile before helping move the squirming Zarnac away from the desk.