We All Fall Down – The Klingons arrive (in force)
by Klingon Ambassador Tu’rocK of the house of Onnak & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Ensign David Harris & Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC)

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Title   The Klingons arrive (in force)
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Klingon Ambassador Tu’rocK of the house of Onnak & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Ensign David Harris & Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC)
Posted   Sun Oct 19, 2014 @ 12:09pm
Location   on Qo'noS, IKS Qu'Hab, DS5
Timeline   WAFD Day 2 16:00

--------------1 week ago--------------------------------------------------------------------

Tu’rocK responded to the High council’s summon promptly as he walked in the council chamber he stopped to admire to grandeur of the hall the fries burring the sculptors of past battles and the history of the empire. He approached the council and took a knee “I’m Tu’rocK Son of Mek of the house of Onnak what does this council wish of.” He said

The chancellor rose and spoke “Tu’rocK Son of Mek of the house of Onnak, you have served the empire and brought much honor and glory to House as well to yourself and empire we need your service now this different than past assignments and far more challenging. You will represent the wishes of the Empire on space station deep space five as ambassador of the Klingon empire as a good portion of the crew of Qu’Hab has been reassigned to other duties you have 1 week to select their replacement you leave for DS-5 a week from today Qapla'!”

Tu’rocK rose render a traditional Klingon salute and replied “Qapla'!” exit chamber and set about find replacements he was not pleased with assignment nor was father but the time was not yet right to challenge the chancellor.

----------------------------------Now- --------------------------------------------------

He had hand-picked most of his senior officer who would double as the upper echelon of his staff when they arrived at DS5 as departed Qo'noS they drank, sang and toasted to victories and honor yet to come Tu’rocK took part in most of this for several hours before heading to ready room he much to think about, and official policies, and positions to review and feminize himself with. As he stepped into his ready room and began to read over the various PADDS on his desk he thought to himself, why did the chancellor pick him for this assignment he was no diplomat by any stretch of even wildest imaging could be that the chancellor that many of the great houses including the House of Onnak were beginning to loses faith in his ability to lead, that felt they Klingon were growing weak and stagnate with his peaceful policies and ways. Was it that the chancellor feared his growing popularity among the people and the Great Houses. He had just finished reading over the last of the current treaties and trade agreements when the gong on his ready room door sounded. “Enter!” he said welcoming the distraction he it frist officer walked in
“sir were approaching DS5 eta 20 tups.{minuets}

“Order the fleet to cloak and prep to drop out of warp 2000 Kellicams before the station.”

“Yes sir.” his officer replied before returning to bridge to issues the orders.

Tu’rocK put on his armor and robe straightened his baldric witch display his many award as well as position as heir to the house of Onnak, before stepping out on the bridge and taking his seat in the captains chair.

“Sir we nearing the coordinates you specified earlier your orders?” his first officer said

Tu’rocK grinned and said “signal the fleet lock wings in attack position arm photon torpedoes full spread set to detonated 6000 Kellicams above the station de-cloak and fire on my mark!”

“Yes Sir.” Replied the first officer as issued the order to escorts. A few moments later the first officer said “Sir the fleet has acknowledged your orders is standing by for your mark.”

“Now!” he bellowed his raised his right hand clichéd in fist above his head.

---MAIN OPS, DS5---

Soran looked up from the Strategic OPs console, obviously pleased. "The Klingon Ambassador and his escort fleet have arrived on time." She announced to Commander t'Vaurek. Her console pinged a sharp warning. "And they're bringing phasers on line!" target locked twelve thousand kilometers, bearing zero mark ninety." SHe looked to the commander, a frown on her face. "They're firing over our heads?"

Isha smiled thinly. Theatrics. How terribly terribly misplaced. She too could provide little drama for those who relied on theatrics.

"Mister Harris, prepare the brig for the Klingon delegation. I want them beamed there the moment they step on board Deep Space Five. Klingons are supposed to respect the dead, and if the Ambassador has not researched our recent tragedy he can learn to respect those who lost their lives on the platform malfunction cooling his heels overnight," she said flatly.

--------------IKS Qu'Hab--------

As the ships fired dozen red glowing ball speed toward their mark above station and exploded in brilliant flash of red and orange.
Tu’rocK turned to Comm officer “Open a channel to the station on the main view screen.” He ordered.

“Right away sir” she replied.

-------MAIN OPS, DS5 ----------

"They're hailing us," Soran told the commander. "Do we acknowledge?"

"Acknowledge," Isha concurred, "we are expecting them after all. Don't give them any impression that we've noticed their firework display."

The trill touched the panel that opened two communication and spat out, "'oH Deep Space Five. qaqItlhneS. nuqneH!"*

"jIH duy'a tu'rock puqloD mek tuq onnak, political DoH jatlhpu' chay' vIvoq.hardship vay' undue vIchel luH van. vergh clearance iks qu'hab request jIH wa'logh settled qaStaHvIS rIvSo', qatlh mej DorwI'. **

"We speak Federation Standard here," Isha said flawlessly in that language. "We've no time for a diplomat who hasn't taken the time to learn to speak it," she added to Soran.

Tu’rocK glared at Romulan commander for a moment, “You are dangerously close to insulting my honor commander I would hate to see our first encounter end in bloodshed.” He said in flawless Federation Standard.

Isha had no interest to acknowledge threats, empty or otherwise - she could hold her own. "What a delight to learn that you speak a civilised tongue. Ambassador Da'Nal became a great friend of mine - he wears his heart and honour on his sleeve, time will tell if we can achieve the same," she said.

“A Romulan who speaks of honor, I hope for your sake commander you’re not a fork tonged viper like the other of your kind I've dealt with, in the interest of diplomacy I’ll take your comment about Klingon but an uncivilized tongue as a bad joke, I haven’t insulted your langue don’t insult mine again. Now about that docking clearance.” Tu’rocK said the impatience ever so evident in voice.

"I judge on actions not illogical stereotypes. Think on that before you offer your host further insult in her own home," Isha said before cutting the communication. "Allow them to dock but have the diplomatic delegation escorted to the brig. They have breached the weapons embargo necessitated by the platform malfunction. If they manage to keep their heads we *may* allow them to be taken to the diplomatic facility instead. Understood?"

Isha's lips twisted into a slight smirk. She had written the book when it came to diplomatic tricks and had an answer for every cry of 'immunity'. Her message was clear - I'm not impressed, I'm not afraid, and the only way you will get my respect is to earn it.

Tu’rocK turned to his crew “The Romulan undoubtedly has a trick or two up her sleeve. No matter they do you will not retaliate unless I express give the order, or I Kill you myself it will be and honor less death.” He said with a steely glare before turning back to view screen impatiently pounding the arm of his chair with right hand clinched in tight fist it annoyed steady rhythm as thuds echoed around the now silent bridge.

Commander Soran tapped the panel in front of her. "Please proceed on the indicated heading for Docking Bay One." Despite the 21-gun salute against taste and regulations, Tu'Rock was still an ambassador. As such she routed him to what acted as their VIP reception. "Your escort have been sent a holding pattern whilst we coordinate their needs for docking and victualling."



This is Deep Space Five, We are honored to meet you. What do you want?!

"I am ambassador Tu’RocK son of Mek of the House of Onnak, I trust our salute didn’t cause any undue hardship, I request docking clearance for the IKS Qu’Hab once we have settle into the embassy the escorts will depart.”