Things Past – The last day of a career and the first of a new life part one
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   The last day of a career and the first of a new life part one
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sat Aug 13, 2011 @ 9:57pm
Location   Camp Pendragon
Timeline   Feb 1st 2380
Wayne had started out this day as he would have any other in his almost 40 years of service to the corps he dressed in his PT uniform and went for a 5 mile run followed by a couple hours of weight training and general exercise. He knew that considering his age and his rank it was not something that most officers did but he was not like most of the officers in the marines. he had been trained as a ranger and well they were a totally differant breed of man. He returned to his home and showered before getting breakfast ready and dressing in his normal duty uniform.

He did things the old ways rather then using transporters he used ground cars or walked to his office each day and again it was not something he would change for his last day in command. he walked into his office returning salutes from his staff as he walked through the command center. In his office he had a few things to do most of which were simple things approving a few transfers, some promotions, and the like it was not really anything anything that a lesser officer could not do but as everything was pretty much done and this last day was simply for cerimony more then anything else and so the light work load was expected.

At 10 am with the final orders cut and everything wrapped up he hit his comm link to his personal aide. " Col walton would you please call the division to assembly not just the officers but everyone it is time for me to make an address to the men." Said Wayne calmly

"Aye sir when would you like to address the men." Asked the Col.

"Give them an hour to assemble so call it 1100 hours." Said Wayne as he closed the link looked around his office one last time before reclining back in his seat and letting out a relaxing breath and closing his eyes for a few minutes his was at the moment feeling every one of his 60 years, but he still had a few things to do and he would be damned if he would show any weakness before his men.

At 1100 hours he dressed in his dress uniform and walked out of his office. at each office he passed the occupant would rise from his desk and follow the general out of the command building It did not take long for every member of his staff to be following him out to the parade grounds where a perminate raised platform had been built with seating for every senior officer in the division. Wayne looked out over the assembled body of marines he had a slight tear in his eye as he addressed the men.

"Marines of the 1st Division you all know how I hate these long speaches so I will make this as short as I can. It has been my honor and pleasure to lead you all for the last several years. I have never served with such a dedicated bunch of marines. I have been ordered to retire by the higherups in the corps they seem to think that 40 years is enough of a career for any one man. Some of you I have led from the time you were nothing more then a bunch of raw recruits. I have had the pleasure to watch you grown and develope into one of the finest fighting groups in the marines and nothing would make me prouder then to serve with you for another 40 years, if that was an option. However I was allowed to personally hand pick the man to replace me as your commander. Since I have made it a practice of promoting from within from the start I will keep up with that practice. Your new Commander is Major General Collin Franks formerly the commander of the 9th brigade and a man I feel is fit to lead you for the next several years. Remember you are the marines of the 1st Division that is not only a unit designation that is a way of thinking. Always the first into a fight and the first to draw blood you are the best and the brightest in the entire of marine corps keep that tradition alive and you will do me and any commander you have in the future proud." said wayne as he stepped down from the podium and took his seat he knew that he had left some big boots to fill and now he had to turn his beloved marines over to a new leader, that was something that was a little tough to swallow but he was proud he had been able to be a part of it.