Judgement – Parts restricted
by Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Ambassador Cala Lurn

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Title   Parts restricted
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Ambassador Cala Lurn
Posted   Sun Sep 04, 2011 @ 12:55am
Location   Bradshaw Offices
Timeline   SD37 15:00

After the meeting was over, Se'lia was more then happy that one of her fellow aides had informed her that a part to the satellite; that they were looking for was here on the station. She had informed her aid that she herself would personally got retrieve this device herself. Walking through the main area with Lt. Totti who was more then happy to take her to her destination for the part.


It had been a rather busy day do far for wayne he had already had several meetings and more then a few surprises but one of the biggest was getting a call that they had somehow gotten ahold of a romulan device that looked like part of a satalite. He wondered what the heck was going on and where the part could have come from, and was about to let his son and the R and D people start working on it when he thought better and at least for now decided that he would hold the unit in storage after all it was not that big and if it was indeed romulan well it might just come in handy at some point in the future.

Upon their arrival at Wayne Bradshaw's office Totti chimed the doorbell and waited. He knew from his contacts Wayne had the part and wondered what it would take to get it.

Se'lia stood next to Mathew and waited to be enter in, she looked at Matt and stated, "Lt. Do you really think he has what we need?"

Totti looked over to Se'lia "Mr Bradshaw is a resourceful man I have no doubt he will have the part."

Wayne opened the door and was at least pleasently surprised he had expected the Romulans to come calling and instead he was greated by two people he had not expected to see. "Please come in." Said Wayne calmly he stepped back and allowed the two people entry to his office sneezing softly as they passed but trying to downplay that. though he had to wander what the cause was as he did not beleave he was alergic to anything.

"Thank you Mr Bradshaw."
Mathew took the offer and entered the room and waited to be offered a seat.
He was still going over some things in his head, but did not show it.

"Please have a seat and tell me how I can be of help to two of the federations finest." said Wayne as he gestured toward the seating area away from his desk. since he was not exactly sure what this meeting was about he would keep things formal but not to formal and see what happened.

Mathew took his seat and waited for Selia to sit and begin.

Selia took her set next to Lt. Totti. She looked at the man Mathew call Mr. Bradshaw. "Mr. Bradshaw I'm Ambassador Selia," she started kindly, "I was informed that you have a part that I might need?" She placed her hands nicely on her lap and had hoped this man had what she needed.

"I have a great many parts in my warehouses so it is likely I might have what you need or I can get it for you so why don't you tell me exactly what it is you are in need of and I will see if I can help you out." Said Wayne calmly

Selia pulled out a small padd from her robes and handed it over to Wayne. "You see we need these parts to fix my planets Satillite network. I would be very appreciative if you have these parts for us to use Mr. Bradshaw."

Mathew sat forward clasping his hands and looked to Wayne "Mr Bradshaw the Federation and Star Fleet would be thankful also. And able to make fair Reperations on any costs of this Sattelite interlink array."

"Hmm well the things on this list are not all that hard to get and infact I have most of the parts you need on hand. What I do not have on hand I should be able to get without any trouble. When would you like these parts by and do you have a ship to transport them or should I make one of my frieghters available to make this run." Said wayne thoughtfully as he handed back the PADD knowing that he would get a copy of it at the end of the meeting and who knows it might be good to have the federation and starfleet owing him a small favor.

"As soon a possible," Selia protested with urgency, "We do have ship that will take the equipment to the statilite. I thank you so much for your assistance Mr. Bradshaw."

"Alright I can have most of the things you need ready for transport in 24 hours though there are a couple parts that will take a little longer to get here as they have to come in from other facilities so let's say 48 hours and you should have everyting ready to go." Said Wayne calmly

Mathew sat forward with his hands encompassing each other "Thank you very much Mr Bradshaw, I believe I am in your debt. It is very good having a reliable non Ferengi businessman on the station." Mathew reached into his jackets pocket producing a padd. On handing it to him Totti started "We will leave you with this. And I look forward to doing business with you again."

Selia stood up from her chair and held out her hand to Wayne, "I apprecate what you can do for us Mr. Bradshaw. Pleasure doing busness."

"The pleasure is all mine I enjoy doing business with people and who knows maybe there is something else we can work on togather at a later date. Right now though I beleave that I have a load of material to get ready for you so I will bid you both good day and will be in touch within 48 hours of when you can pick up the equipment." said Wayne calmly he was already working out what he might be able to do both to help these people and to help his own company expand even more.


Lieutenant Mathew Totti

Ambassador Selia played by Cala Lurn

Wayne Bradshaw