Things Past – Punishment
by Citizen Min Zhao

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Title   Punishment
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Citizen Min Zhao
Posted   Tue Oct 01, 2013 @ 5:55pm
Location   DS5 - Cargo Area
Timeline   SD73 - 0200hrs

Melissa DelPrado stepped across the threshold of one of her secured cargo bays. Glanced around the darkened room, she saw several of her staff, among them Sun Hee, standing around two figures bound to chairs.

The first person, one of her scouts, sat slumped in the chair bleeding from several cuts and bruises inflicted on him by the two enforcers in the room. The second, Alarian Thomas, sat in the other chair, his hands bound behind his back but otherwise untouched.

Sun Hee stood nearby, watching the two men. As Melissa stepped into the light, Sun Hee turned to her.

"We caught Larson sampling one of the new girls. I was about to counsel him as to the error of his ways."

Melissa stepped up to the man her scout. Tracing a finger across his shoulder as she walked around him. "Larson. I am truly disappointed. I gave you a second chance, set you up in a position of trust and this is how you repay my generosity?"

Larson looked up at Mellissa. "Mistress Jasmine. A weakness of judgement on my part. An error I assure you I will not repeat."

Melissa nodded. "I believe you Larson. But this can not go unpunished. I must have your complete loyalty and unwavering obedience. But what do you propose I do?"

As Melissa spoke with Larson, Sun Hee stepped around behind his chair. With a nod from Melissa, Sun Hee pressed a hypo into his neck, releasing a toxin into the man's bloodstream. The toxin would shutdown the victim's autonomous nervous system and voluntary muscle systems, leaving him fully conscious while his body shutdown around him.

"Mistress. Please!? I beg you."

As the toxin took hold, Sun Hee released his bonds, allowing him to slump to the floor. His body convulsed a little as systems started shutting down, one by one. A minute or so later, the man's eyes went blank as death took him.

Melissa looked at Thomas. "Now for you Master Thomas." She shook her head. "You've been my trusted courier these many years. You've been in the game so long. So how do you make such a simple mistake?"

Thomas looked at Melissa. "If I knew what mistake I made, I'd have corrected it. According to the manifest our people gave me at the start of our run, we had everything we were supposed to and the correct customs clearances."

Melissa nodded. "According to Sun Hee, there were some missing customs forms in your paperwork. She had to personally file them with customs to get you off the hook." She paused. "Starfleet would've torn that ship apart if she'd not intervened."

"I don't know what to say."

Melissa looked at Sun Hee, a silent nod given, before turning to Thomas. "Be that as it may. Mistakes were made and I'm holding you responsible." She turned to Sun Hee, "You may finish counseling him. Make sure he understands the punishment for failure."

"With pleasure Mistress."