Judgement – On a Station Called Five
by Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   On a Station Called Five
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri May 27, 2011 @ 8:01pm
Location   Captain Tahir's Office
Timeline   Early SD 37 07:45

An exotic scarf wrapped around her head, a pair of sunglasses masking much of her face that wasn't already covered by the scarf, and a light trench coat further hiding her lithe figure, Kreallia dressed as to not be recognized. She didn't exactly call that a bad thing, after all, word was circulating around the station that a certain Romulan was selling her soul to a certain Romulan Ambassador and was going to see her later this morning. Though further thought into her attire made Kreallia think she was more conspicuous with this on then anything else.

Kreallia removed the glasses as she climbed into a turbolift and rested against the wall as she ordered the turbolift to OPS. The last three weeks had been taxing, and the week before that might be the week to define her experiences on DS5 for months to come.

She had sold out her soul, her heart, and possibly vital intelligence to Isha t'Khellian, and given her self to the agenda's of two powerful Romulan women. And for what? A position she barely wanted, to make her grandmother proud even though she had no ambition to please her, but that had all stemmed from her first encounters on DS5.

But damn her for making that deal with Isha, but the one thing that could be worse then the deal it's self might be Isha asking for it...

Stepping out of the turbo lift, Kreallia paused in the early morning silence of ops, she had never seen much of this place in her days on the station, but she preferred to see it this way. It allowed her to take in her surroundings without obstructions from noise and other distractions that called the eye and the ear away from the architecture.

Walking around the central area towards Captain Tahir's office, she continued to take in the lovely views of the exterior station on the monitors. Gently walking through the doors of the reception office for Captain Tahir, if one could gently walking into an area.

Pushing the comm button from behind the reception desk as there was no one diligently manning the desk at the moment, Kreallia paged her self in. "Captain Tahir, your Chief Counselor for you." She said almost playfully.

Tasha could only hope that the plans for today went better than yesterday as she re-issued orders for the duties on the rosta for the rest of the week.
The Relentless, the Borg, the Pirates, the kidnapping, the trial, the S'elenai or whatever the name of Akamus ship was called and the wedding were all bearing down on her and what she needed already, was a break.
Earth had given her a chance to recharge, but it did not take long for DS5 to usurp any energy that Tasha had set aside, though truth be spoken, she would not have it any other way.
She had barely left her chair when the call came through and despite letting nobody know she was here already, someone had found her.
"Chief counsellor?" She questioned to herself as she altered her course to the door instead of the replicator and reached up, pulling it inwards.

The woman in the reception area looked as if she were in disguise, hiding from some unknown assailant who was about to pounce as she peered over the dark glasses. Tasha didn't know whether to laugh or to shut the door and hope this woman would go away but knew she would not.
"Chief Counsellor?" She asked this time to the female in the outer office, "Work or pleasure?" She added as she stepped back, granting access to her domain.

Kreallia removed the scarf and the glasses to reveal her Rihannsu features. "Whatever you need Captain, we haven't met, but I'm Kreallia t'Jay, board certified psychiatrist and your not so new Chief Counselor."

Tasha was somewhat surprised. The counsellor had been replaced nearly 2 months previously, maybe more and now was the first time that she was meeting the replacement. Where had they both been or more to the point, where was Krealia going.
"Are you going, or have you been?" She enquired, easing the door to close as Krealia began to strip away the covert disguise.

Kreallia sighed slightly as she prepare to give the long story of the last four months, or parts of it. "Well I was on Romulus, ch'Rihan to my people, you kind of have to get my situation but I'm sure someone can fill you in." She said as she stepped into the Captain's office. "Commander Davies was here last time I was in this office, that's how long it's been." She laughed.

~ Nearly two months! ~ She thought to herself, but she was not sure why the Counsellor was here now, just to introduce herself, or to apologise for not coming earlier or even to reprimand Tasha for not making any counsellor based appointments.
"Well, I would say welcome aboard, but I guess you have had that already. I was about to get a tea, would you like something?" Tasha asked as she motioned to the vacant seat on this side of Tasha desk. She had a vague understanding what a ch'Rihan was and what the carried responsibilities were, but to as to why a female member of Starfleet would be expected to carry out what could be seen a s Romulan males role in leadership, but she was sure Krealia would explain over something hot to drink.

"Tea is fine Captain." Kreallia replied with a bright smile. "I've been here since the beginning of Commander Gabriel's downward spiral, and the wake of the Sarek incident, I was here for all of two weeks before I landed in the senior staff inner circle."

Tasha nodded as she ordered and carried the cups back to the desk and placed her own Morning Breakfast on the table and the other in front of Krealia.
"So how did you get the call to carry such a burden?" She enquired as she took her seat and pulled it forward by wrapping her ankles around he base of the chair.

"The old counselor got up and left, and I can't blame her. The mental well being of so many is quite the challenge, unless someone recommends a case I find my self in the minors of administration." Kreallia said with a chuckle as she gently sipped the tea in front of her.

Tasha reciprocated on the smile with one of her own. "So many is quite the challenge? You could have stayed here and done that." She stated matter of factly. "I mean the real reason." She looked into the eyes of the counsellor. "Parental pressure? Pride?" She leant forward, using the cup as a shield as she wanted to say 'Running away', "Personal challenge?" She changed the question keeping the real one behind the shield as it were.
Holding the cup up, she leant back into her chair and blew the rising steam across the hot surface of the clear brown liquid that was her tea.

Kreallia still found the Captain's question vague in parts, but tried to give her an effective answer. "Oh no It was for my residency at first, then I was promoted right after I was board certified, Commander Adams really made me feel like part of the team early on and I simply couldn't refuse Commander Davies' offer to stay longer. Lovely station Captain, so many people and yes it is a personal challenge, new disorders come to the surface in Deep Space and I'm also a student of sociology and political science so this is the place to be!" She exclaimed.

Tasha could not help but laugh and she was reminded of a saying that her uncle used to use.
"We're a pair of 'Angry Dolphins" She continued to chuckle as she brought the cup to her lips and sipped her tea. She could see that her statement had confused the counsellor. "I meant what drew you to leave DS5 and take up the challenge of ch'Rihan on Romulus." She admitted, not yet explaining the 'Dolphins'.

"Oh that, well I went there to please my grandmother, the entire situation is very complex and we will save that for another day. But lets get to know each other a little bit before I have to go to my series of clandestine meetings hmm?" Kreallia said with a wide smile.

Tasha shook her head, having a gut feeling that were 'Clandestine' was used, then Isha would not be far behind.
"What shall we talk about? Me? My past? A good place to start would be my uncle Grantesh, he was the one who used to tease me about the 'Dolphins'. Not really my uncle, but he worked with my father and when I was young, he took me to a little place near shore, I forget the name of the village, but it's long gone. Anyway, I was calling to the 'Dolphins' and Grantesh said, that I would make the Dolphins cross. I asked 'why?' as children do and he said that they were not dolphins, they were Porpoises. I said something about them being not being so angry purposes and that became 'Angry Dolphins' when we are at 'Cross Purposes', like you and I then." She explained with a wide grin. "So tell me something about your youth?" Tasha asked in return.

Kreallia smiled at the reference. "Well my parents died when I was six, my adoptive mother is Vice Admiral Katherine Vandergarr, I studied at Oxford and the Academy, I have two bachelors and an M.D. well actually that's not too long ago." She laughed.

Tasha was doing mental maths. "How old are you Krealia. Twenty Six, twenty Seven?" Her mind had sprung into action when she had mentioned Admiral Vandergarr. Tasha knew of her or at least the name. A friend of a friend of a friend at San Francisco had passed about a report that the Admiral had been remonstrated for something that was unbecoming of an Admiral and that she should not place her adoptive Romulan child over her rank.
Tasha had enjoyed the fact that a mother would forget her rank or position to do something totally inane for the sake of her child and Tasha had hoped that she would be in a similar position with her own child with Roman and then just a few months after, he was killed.
She blinked at Krealias reply.

"Twenty six." Kreallia replied. "Doesn't take long to finish college and a residency by the time your twenty five if you're a typical Federation wonder-kid, I think I have my mother to thank for that."

"Twenty six." She repeated and looked down into her tea, not wanting to look into the eyes of the woman opposite her. "I was posted at Starfleet in San Francisco about ten years ago, paper pusher, and though I had never met Admiral Vandergarr, I had heard of her ... and you." Tasha added without sounding condescending and a smile crept across her face. "What was it that your mother had done to fire up the Fleet echelons. I recall reports flying about with her name on for weeks!"

Nodding with a smile, Kreallia sipped her tea for a moment before answering. "Kathy likes to pull of grand executions of battle strategy and her plan to detach a Galaxy class's primary hull and move the two pieces at a sort of multivector attack destroyed a rogue Tholian warship that almost lead to the destruction of the secondary hull as it rammed through the newly created debris field at high speed." She explained. "She prefers being an Astrophysicist more then anything else though, Starfleet Command is her part-time job according to her."

Tasha understood her need to cover for her mother and would not push that question too far, but she knew that it was more to do with academics than grand executions and nodded at the counsellors explanation with a knowing smile. "Of course, there was that too." She answered as if in summary. "And what of you? What are your plans for the future?" She enquired finishing her own tea.

"Me?" Kreallia inquired with a sip of her tea. "Well I plan to be able to get enough experience to be a candidate for a research position in the private sector somewhere, be able to live comfortably in England somewhere. I’ve always enjoyed Oxfordshire in summer, there’s a town called Abingdon where Kathy’s family has this large house on a beautiful property by the river, I’d like to live there someday, have not a worry in the world and die peacefully at the age of 320.” Kreallia reflected. “But then again there are two hundred and eighty years before that happens and I don’t have any pre-set goals before I turn forty.” She said with a smile. “Keeps life interesting to live in the moment the first few decades you’re alive no?” She said with a wink.

Tasha chuckled. "Past that point already." She replied with a semi smile. "The problem with life when you're a human, is that as it gets interesting, you get too old to keep the interest alive!" She shook her head as if disagreeing with the Lieutenants statement, when she in fact, agreed. "And parents have a tendency to keep you all too busy as well, no matter what your age." She added as she moved in her seat, pushing herself into its cool back.

"I only have one parent so I think I might be okay, in terms of extended family then yes, there is quite a lot to keep you busy." Kreallia laughed.

"And talking of busy," Tasha began as if making the excuse, "I had better not keep you any longer." She smiled hinting strongly that she had other things to attend to.

"Yes as they said in Rome two thousand years ago Captain, 'vale'." Kreallia said with a nod of the head as she stepped away from the Captain's desk and proceeded to the door. "...Vale." She said under her breath as she left the office.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Lieutenant J.G. Kreallia t'Jay
Chief Counselor
Deep Space Five