Time is Fleeting – Assimilated I Assume?
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Assimilated I Assume?
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Oct 01, 2009 @ 9:41pm
Location   DS5 Deck 54 Science Lab
Timeline   M3 MD5 18:00 {DS5 - SD15 06:00}

David strode into the lab to meet specifically with the man who was to be the new CSO aboard the Sarek, which he hoped would be on approach, but as they were not able to communicate any distance beyond the station, he had to look inwards, before they could look outwards.
"Mr 8 of 12?" David asked to the lone figure stood over a console.

8 of 12 stood stock still near an Engineering panel that was flashing a large red ‘Denied’ at him. For the past two hours he had been trying to get some kind of information out of the computer, only to be denied access due to his being locked out for many reasons unknown to him. The Ex-Borg was now a part of the Science division in Starfleet, yet he was trying to get into Engineering, so the reason would be obvious to any who watched from behind him that he didn’t possess the proper codes. But others would also know that the reason he was unable to access even the Science department of the Station, was because he was still acting very much like a Borg drone. It was only natural for them to lock him out until he could be trusted.

More time passed and 8 of 12 still couldn’t understand why he wasn’t able to get into any of the departments, as on the Borg ships as a Drone he had full access to any and all departments there whenever he needed. His face remained an expressionless mask as he tried again multiple times to access the other departments, not fully realizing that the more he tried to get in, the more likely it was that someone would flag him for trying to hack the computer.

A voice sounded from behind him, making the former drone turn slowly at the use of his Borg designation. The person who stood before him was a Commander for sure, but his name was unknown to 8 of 12 currently, who had immediately sought out a console the second he was onboard the station, which means he missed out on the orientation.

“Eight of Twelve....” he stated bluntly, either in response to being improperly addressed as Mr. 8 of 12, or just to acknowledge that he was indeed the drone known by that designation. Whatever the reason was, he didn’t say anything else as he stared at the man in front of him.

David gave a single nod in respect. "Eight of Twelve. I am Commander David Davies and I understand your part of the team that are to transfer over to the Sarek when she docks?" He asked the rhetorical question as he also noticed that a single rank pip sat upon his collar, signifying an Ensign.

"I'm afraid that with this 'Anomaly' of our station, we're not able to get any communications out other than old fashioned radio." He stated as he drew fully alongside the former Borg drone. "Perhaps you can try to remedy that?" David offered, glancing at the console behind them. He wondered if Commander Gabriel, the stations Chief of security had cleared the ensign for access.

8 of 12 tilted his head ever so slightly to one side as he took in the question that was being asked by the Commander. His eyes started to move rapidly from side to side as if he were reading an invisible Teleprompter behind Commander Davies. Suddenly, the former the drone straightened up and spoke in a tone that would have labeled the speaker as being bored, had such a thing been possible with the current subject.

"Affirmative, we have been assigned to the Federation Starship, USS Sarek, Ambassador class, Starfleet registry number NCC- 46517"

8 of 12 paused only momentarily to recall the reason for him being assigned to that ship, before continuing his speech.

"Our function on the Federation vessel is Chief of the Science Division"

Again he paused, but this time it was to take in yet another question that the Commander had for him. This one was immediately processed by 8 of 12 and an answer was being formulated from the little data he had on the situation.

"Negative, the technology of this vessel is not sufficient enough without Borg advancements to assimilate the data needed for repairs. We can not comply...."

The Borg now watched every move that was made by the Commander; learning from his observations of this vessel's crew was becoming easier.

"Computer, allow Ensign eight of twelve access to science database and services and register him as active on DS5 until the USS Sarek, registry NCC 46517, has docked." The commander stated and the computer duly responded.

"This will allow you access." David advised. "If you need to recharge, we have a number of recharge pods on deck 170." David added, just for information as the station was so immense, that unless specific requests were made, a person would never find what they were looking for.

8 of 12 turned around almost robotically to face the computer panels again. The chirping of the computer granting him access to the Science labs, databases and anything else that would be under his Department, made the Ex-Drone tilt his head again.

"Something wrong?" Davies enquired taking a step closer to the person who seemed a little confused if the tilt of his head was a sign of confusion. "If it would be of use, I could assign Lieutenant Hale to help." He offered.

8 of 12 continued to stare at the panel, before punching in some requests for the computer while speaking to the Commander. "Negative, we are compiling data". The Borg looked up and down the computer panel, reading all that popped up on it and then asking the computer for more.

At that moment, 15-year old Russell Paragon came charging down the corridor, his expression a mixture of grief and fury. His twin Seline wasn't far behind, but her expression was more fear rather than fury. At an even more sedate pace than the girl, a woman in her early 40s approached. "Excuse me...didn't I hear you mention the Sarek just now? I couldn't help but overhear. Aren't they a little overdue? Why aren't they calling in, we can't get any message sent..."

Davies turned around, annoyed that children were running around the station unattended, then an older woman, whom he assumed was their mother, entered.
He studied her for a moment before asking who she was.

"You may address me as Mrs Paragon," the woman replied. "My son Russ and my daughter Seline. My stepson is on that ship, and we've gone to take the child home. Their father just died, and we've a funeral to arrange for." She regarded the Borg frostily. "And you are? What is a Borg doing on this station. Where's security, to arrest him?"

David moved between them and kept his voice low. "I am Commander David Davies, commanding this station and 8 of 12 is not a Borg, Mrs Paragon, but a Starfleet officer, which is more than I can say for you. These are restricted areas for personnel only and though I feel for your loss, I must ask you to wait outside." He gestured to the door his lips thinning as he could see she was obviously aggravated.

Eyes still on the science officer, Miranda Paragon nodded once, fury in her eyes. Her right hand balled tightly into a fist, but just in time she remembered she could not lash out at this officer. It wasn't his fault that her wayward stepson decided to be difficult. "Russ!" she called, "take your sister out of here. And don't make trouble. Once Sarek is here, we'll get Wintrow and go home."

Russel smiled nastily. "He'll regret having run away," he promised.

David wondered whom had run away, but waited until the children were out of the area, before taking Mrs Paragon by the elbow and guiding her closer to the door.
"The reason we cannot communicate is the anomaly that has appeared outside the station." He shrugged his shoulders. "The reason is yet undetermined, but we are confident that the anomaly is emitting enough radiation, harmless I must add, but it's absorbing all radio and subspace communications. We have an experimental carrier that we are currently putting into use, but so far, the best way to get a message out, has been to leave the station by ship and relay our messages. Now, unless I can offer anything else, I must ask you to supervise your children and return to the civilian areas, or we may have to involve security." His voice calm, he hoped that it was sufficient for Mrs Paragon.

The woman glared at both officers. "Russ, take Seline back to our quarters. We'll wait for the Sarek, and we'll get the boy once the ship docks." She nodded to both officers. "Good day."

David turned once she had rounded the doorway and returned to 8 of 12.

"Women eh?" He said offhandedly.

8 of 12 looked at the doorway where the family had vanished. The whole subject went right over his head, as did the remarks that had been cast in his direction. He turned back to the Commander quickly and stated quite simply "We do not understand.....This vessel does not possess a Borg Regeneration Alcove, your modified ports will suffice...We are in need of Regeneration". The Borg looked back at the computer panel and requested the exact location of where he would be 'recharging'.

Davies looked at him, surprised that the ex Borg had missed his earlier advice. "Deck 170." He reiterated with a slight arch of his eyebrow.


Commander David Davies
CO: DS5 - Aaron

8 of 12
Chief Science Officer: USS Sarek

Miranda Paragon
Russell Paragon
Selene Paragon
by Talla H'Rhar : CO: USS Sarek