Judgement – First Arrival
by Ambassador Cala Lurn

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Title   First Arrival
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Ambassador Cala Lurn
Posted   Tue Feb 01, 2011 @ 3:09am
Location   Airlocks
Timeline   SD 36 09:30hrs

Cala’s small ship made it’s way to DS5, with all its might it managed to make it. She was still surprised after 15 years this ship had some kick to it. Sitting in her Captains seat she looked over to her XO and stated, “Ready to command my ship.”

Knowing this ship only had 80 personal aboard this piece of metal he nodded his head and stated, “You will be missed sir.” Cala grabbed her XO’s hand and stated, “I will miss you guys as well.” Then she let go of his hand and told her helmsmen to put the station on view screen. A few seconds later the Station was on view, Cala couldn’t help but feel a little anxious. The thought of what will become of her here, a new life, much different then the one she had know. Even thou she had Ambassador rank, there would be someone over seeing her. Oddly enough she hadn’t had in quite some time.

“We are clear for docking,” stated the helmsmen as he started to dock the ship to the Station. After the ship was docked Cala stood up and walked to the front of the bridge. She turned around and faced her fellow crewmen and stated, “Computer open all communications to all Officers on this ship.” After the Computer gave the ok, Cala started humbly, “I want to say that it has been my honor serving with such fine officers. I will miss you all very much. I do not know what lies ahead of me, but what I do know is that my services are needed else were. I entrust Commander Bennett, my XO officer to be your new Captain. May he take care of this ship as well as her crew.”

Then she looked at her XO, “He has been a dearest friend to me and a great confidant as well. I have great faith in him that he will as good of a Captain as I was.” Then she smiled and then looked aback at the rest of the crew, “I want to personally thank all of you for sticking with me, even thou we knew it would only be a short while. I will never forget it. I wish nothing but good things and that my life will have a piece of me always missing.”

Then she looked down on the ground and bowed her head to all the bridge officers, “Then at last I end. You all have been the finest crew I have ever had. Computer end communications.” Holding back the tears she finally stated, “Commander Bennett you have command.” She looked at him with a weak smile and nodded her head before she left the bridge with grace and dignity. She walked all the way down to the airlock, with sadness and despair. The officer passing her by bowed to her and then went on there merry way. All the memories she created here will never be forgotten. It was time for her to leave like every other time she ever felt comfortable. But she knew well as any that nothing last forever.


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Cala Lurn
Federtion Envoy