Judgement – Some Secrets Can't Be Kept Forever
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Some Secrets Can't Be Kept Forever
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Fri Nov 26, 2010 @ 8:41pm
Location   Romulan Consulate, Ambassador's Suite
Timeline   SD35. Undisclosed.
It was no good, Isha thought as she looked at her reflection in the large looking glass that stood in her dressing room, sooner or later people were going to start to notice.

Isha drew her hands over her belly as she turned and looked sideways at herself. To the untrained eye. or anyone who did not know she could still get away with it, she mused but that did not change the fact that she was growing.

Aaithe khiilal hrrafve haedlir kre'eyin, Isha muttered as she pulled on a loose robe of Tholian silk, and tied it at her waist, poor little babies.

She wandered through into her living room and sat on the chaise beneath the window, with the Gabriel case ongoing she had too much attention focussed on her when she left the embassy to be able to take the time out to discuss clothing alterations and so Isha had taken the unusual step of inviting Madam Azuma to visit her in her apartment.

She could hear her coming along the corridor now, sounding more like a school mistress than a tailor of considerable talent. "No dawdling, Temisia...come along Felicity." And then the Betazoid matriarch hoved into view, chivvying her assistants along as they pushed several wheeled cabinets into the ambassador's private apartments.

She beamed at Isha, "Madam t'Khellian! Its lovely to see you again. How may I be of service.?" and then, like an echo, the real question arrived in Isha's head. ~Thought I'd put on a bit of a show, in case we're being watched, a bit of a distraction. Are we being watched?~

Isha smiled as she got to her feet. Even though her deeper thoughts and memories were inaccessble Isha still felt the presence of someone touching the surface of her mind unnerving.

~No, my private apartment is one of the few areas in the Consulate that is not constantly monitored ~ she replied leaving the thought for the Betazoid to pick up as she passed Azuma and her assistants and closed the door.

"How is my friend's wedding dress coming along?" she asked gesturing to one of the sofas in the centre of the room.

"We're supposed to fit the toile tomorrow, but pinning the girl down to a time is like trying to grab an oiled eel," Azuma admitted as her assistants removed dressforms from one cabinet, garments from another, and set up their employer's holoprojection drafting board from a third. "Don't you worry though, I'll run her down and bring her to heel. All will be done in plenty of time."

She brushed her hands together, looked around the apartment, and then directed her silent assistants in the setting up. "So, putting on a little weight, Madam t'Khellian? Serine! The sizing scanner!"

She was quite the frill sergeant.

"I know I can trust you to be discreet, Madam Azuma," Isha said pleasantly, "Given that my husband died ten years ago, neither of my Houses would quite understand this sort of weight gain. I'd like to conceal it as long as possible ... at least until this damned trial is over - until then everyone is looking at me. There must be something you can do with folds and such," Isha suggested as she turned.

The betazoid nodded knowingly, and brought the scanner over to the romulan. "Oh there's always things we can do, assuming the trial you're talking about isn't some complex thing that's going to go on for months." She tipped her head on one side, as if listening to something. Then her jaw dropped just a little before she caught herself and shut it with a click. ~You are having twins! Oh congratulations my dear. ~

"So when is the happy event?" Azuma began to rifle through the cases she had brought with her, putting together outfits that would obscure the truth in the immediate future; all billowing folds or artfully draped layers.

"I don't know precisely," Isha responded before she drew a deep breath, "a month at most which gives me another six to deal with. "

~I appreciate your congratulations, but I know how my Houses will react and I have no idea what their father will say~ leaving thoughts on this level made Isha itch, but she understood the precaution but she knew that she could confide here.

~Does he know yet?~ Azuma didn't ask who he was, if the ambassador wished her to know, she would be told. ~In my experience most fathers are overjoyed. Are Romulans all that different?~ "Lets try you out in some of these then" She said alloud, moving to help Isha undress.

For once that was not hard as all she wore was a robe of Tholian silk, belted at the waist. Having been raised with body servants Isha lacked any false modesty when it came to her person.

~No~ Isha thought as she shrugged off the robe. ~We're not so different, but he is ... I hope that he reacts as I hope he will~

Though her body did not, her mind crept back at the thought as it was exposed.

~My Chief of Staff~ she added with a slight smirk as she turned. "So, Madam Azuma, make me appear formidable whilst I act as though I were demure, " she said ~ and by all the Elements help me keep my secret.~

~The handsome one?~ Azuma let a chuckle echo inside Isha's head. ~Ah, if only I were twenty years younger~. She turned to the clothes racks. "Don't worry, my dear, by the time I'm done, you'll have your illusion." She helped the woman into a pleated robe that gave the illusions of layers, which could be used to hide the increasing bulk, for a while. "But if you carry on the way you are, you'll be needing a new wardrobe. Good tailoring can only hide that sort of weight gain for so long."

"Then perhaps I can hide in the wardrobe," Isha sugested with a smile. "You have no idea how delighted certain parties would be if I chose to withdraw from public life," she said, "Even for a few months. I see what you mean," Isha continued as she studied her reflection, "It will be enough to deter gossip, I suppose."

"If may be allowed to show my ignorance of your ways, why hide it? A bully should be stood up to. Instead of living in seclusion, why not take your condition and stuff it down these people's throats so far they choke on it." She blushed suddenly, "I'm sorry Madam. that was crude of me."

"My dear Madame Azuma, he may have been dead for ten years, but I am still my husband's wife. My House, the one I inherited from him will not approve ... the simple act of shoving it down their collective throat is one of those that whilst tempting would cause no end of trouble. Given time and the correct approach they will accept it," Isha really did not know if that was true, she'd just have to wait and find out. "Why don't you fetch us some tea," Isha said to one of the Betazoid's assistants before turning back to the dressmaker.

"And on the other side, in my mother's House it raises the whole question of succession should I have a daughter. That will push four relatives another step down the list and a tiny child right at the top after me," she explained.

~Two tiny children.~ Azuma reminded her. "Children and politics don't mix well." she allowed. She glanced at the first outfit, and made some adjustment to the collar, realigning the tucks that looked like layers. "But here, surely, you are far from your house, surrounded by friends, you can afford to relax a little, blossom proudly?"

Isha's half smile fell away and for a very long moment she simply stared at the other woman. ~ It doesn't work that way, ~ she thought, knowing that if she tried to speak the words would catch in her throat.

"Temisia and I are going to fetch the patten books," One of the assistants said suddenly, and the two girls left, following their companion who had gone in search of tea, leaving Isha alone with the older woman.

~Nothing works the way we choose,~ Azuma said soothingly, giving Isha a comforting pat on the shoulder. ~That's the way of things.~ She reached over to one of the dress forms, a plain grey mannekin that matched Isha's slender form. She touched a few buttons, and the stomach began to grow, swelling up under the billowing yellow and orange silk gown that was wrapped around it. ~but if you want to get to look like that, then worrying and fretting about what will happen won't help.~

"I might not be able to stop it," Isha said, "they have already been through so much and I, I don't want to put them at risk. I have to hide them as long as I can," she said grasping Azuma's arm as she watched.

"And we will. You can always count on me for that." She put her arm around the romulan. "Besides, I'm looking forward to designing some baby clothes. Do romulan's wear booties?"

Isha wrapped her arms around the Betazoid and closed her stinging eyes, "The very small ones do," she said unable to help herself as she pressed her face against the woman's shoulder.

Azuma didn't have to be telepathic or empathic to know what do to do next. She held Isha to her as the slender woman fought the tears, her thick strong arms providing reassuring support. ~Let it out, girl. A good cry will make everything feel better.~

"You're so kind to me," Isha muttered as tears and her own feelings of guilt crept out, she would probably never forgive herself for leaving t'Merek waiting for her. "If I could run away I would ... its stupid, isn't it," she sniffed, "If anyone looks at me they think I have everything, and if I look back at them I think that they do."

"No, no," Azuma patted the ambassador on the back as if she was soothing a child, rocking slighty. "The grass is always greener on the otherside, as they say. You've got a lot on your plate, more than most ever have to cope with. And having everything never made anyone happy."

"I'm sorry," Isha said without letting go, "You must think me very childish."

"Oh, no my girl. In your condition this is perfectly natural. Should have seen me when I had my boys. And its going to be twice as bad for you, you're having twins. You're just going through what every mother goes through, don't you remember from your first little ones?"

"I do," Isha said, "but then I was at home, among my family and doing what was expected of me. Out here its just me, and I am so very tired ..."

"Nonsense," Azuma said briskly. "You're hardly alone. Young Chelsea is very much your friend. And you'll always be welcome in my workshop. and as for being tired? You can delegate. Have some bright young thing take some of the load. That t'Merek seems very efficient. Lean on her a bit, let her do some diploming for a bit. You have to take care of yourself."

"I think that t'Merek is probably not very fond of me right now," Isha replied, "but you are right about Chelsea, she cares very much. I'll be ok, I always am," she added with a bit more pragmatism.

"Of course you will. You are Isha e-Khellian-Ramnau t’Illialhlae, and anyone who forgets that is a fool." She gently pushed Isha to arms length and gave her a firm look. "And that includes you, my girl."

Isha allowed herself to smile. "Thank you," she said. "I am and I always will be, no matter how onerous I find it," Isha said with the most indecorous sniff in history. "I think that if I ever leave here I shall have to bribe you into coming with me so that I can have at least one person who talks common sense to me."

"Oh, pish-posh." Azuma dismissed the idea with a wave of her hand. "I'm sure you have plenty if you let then." She clapped her hand biskly and her assistants filed back in. "Well, we have work to do, Madam t'Khellian." She picked up another dress containing artful swags and folds that could hide the pregnancy. "How do you feel about the blue?"


Madam Azuma
Dressmaker and solid shoulder to cry on

Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illiahlae
Oh woe is she! Her diamond shoes are too tight and her wallet is too small for all her money (to paraphrase a line from 'Friends' very badly).