Beg, Steal or Borrow – Preparations
by Arrival Kaia & Arrival Alexandria Marshall

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Title   Preparations
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia & Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Mon Mar 09, 2009 @ 5:10am
Location   Kaia's Ship
Timeline   SD8 10:00hrs

"Well, If you can do that we'll need to find him before the feds do. If that doesn't happen, we've of course been charged with hacking their network anyway. I guess it depends on what opportunity affords us." Kaia said. "In the meantime, Let's see about getting this ship ready for a hot zone."

"Natrually.." Natrina stated.


"Ship..." Kaia muttered, seemingly to herself. "Ship... Ships...OH!" Kaia exclaimed, dropping the white noise device. "I got completely distracted! Natrina! Right before we got arrested, I was on my way to tell you that there are a bunch of cloaked ships orbiting the station!"

Natrina smirked, "How disturbing, yes indeed. It is as I expected."

"Expected?" Kaia responded quizzically. "You mean these folks are on a guest list or something? I always thought the feds were a bit sketchy about cloaked envoys. I'm guessing they're not here for a friendly social call. What do you know?"

"Recently several artifacts of Romulan Origin have disappeared. And true to form, the Romulans suspect the Federation." She laughed a bit. "You have to admire Romulan Diplomats, why there are no finer spies in the Quadrant. But their military is heavy handed at best. I would prefer to see the artifacts returned than witness a confrontation between the two powers. Perhaps the Pirate's Databanks can give us information on the locations of these artifacts. After all, Pirates deal in stolen goods."

"I'm supposed to be the archaeologist and you're the one telling me about artifacts? Geez, have I been living in cave for the last we- Oh... Yeah, heh heh, I guess I have..." Kaia mulled this over for a minute or two before continuing. "I don't know. Pirates do deal in stolen goods, it's part of the job description, but something about that theory doesn't match up. Maybe I'm assuming the Romulans were more responsible than that... Even if this pirate base were operating on the Romulan side of the neutral zone, why would the artifacts be put at risk? If pirates took them, why would the Romulans accuse the feds of being involved?"

She grinned, "Have you ever took the time to enjoy those Enigma Tales I loaned you?"

"I'm afraid I haven't." Kaia replied. "Like I said, I've been here in my ship for the past several days making technical modifications. I'm afraid I'm guilty of being confined to a world of schematics, circuits, and the backs of my eyelids for a bit too long, it seems. "

"Everyone's guilty of something my friend. We need to discover what everyone around us is guilty of. Once you know that, you can bargain with them. The Romulans just don't loose important artifacts, no one is that stupid. I believe the Federation is being lead into a setup. Eventually the Federation will find the Artifacts, but not before incidents happen which the hardliners within the Romulan Senate could use to their advantage. We Cardassians have a saying. Before you have your cake and eat it, make your neighbor look like he stole it from the baker." She said with a grin.

Kaia chuckled. "That I can understand. I agree with you that it's a set up. The Fed's aren't ambitious enough to try something like that, and the Romulans aren't careless enough to just 'let it happen.' I'm just curious what the Romulans think they'll accomplish with the ruse. Not to mention I just got this ship in working order again, I'm not looking forward to the resulting bloodbath if someone scratches the paint in some political maneuvering."

"Neither am I, but where there is power, there is always plots and dissention." Natrina pointed out.

"Well, if Gabriel is indeed aware of the situation, he may want to keep Darson and his goons here until the Romulans make their move. I'd like to think he's not so foolish as to remove a significant portion of the station's defense personnel with such a political threat staring him in the face. That could give us the head start we need to reach the pirate base before the assault teams. If this place is about to become a firing range, my shop is empty and yours is locked down, I don't see a reason to stick around for the fire works.... Well, unless you've got some other ideas?"

"Not a one, and I suggest dealing with the issue at hand." Natrina noted.

"Then let's," Kaia replied. "I'll get the ship ready to go as soon as possible while you configure your holoprojectors. Let's also keep a monitor on the Fed com traffic. That might give enough of us a heads up to get out before the shooting begins..."