Beg, Steal or Borrow – Another one? Already?
by Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Another one? Already?
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Jun 14, 2009 @ 4:09pm
Location   DS5
Timeline   SD 9 - 0900

Vincent strolled into the Strategic Operations office not quite knowing what to expect. He had foregone the usual Starfleet replicator breakfast this morning and gone to a civilian cafe. Whilst there, he found that the inhabitants of DS5 were quite free with the exchange of information. Most were worried sick about the recent attack and Vincent's words of reassurance had won their trust.

From breakfast he had found out the Commander Da'nal had only been the Chief Strategic Operations for a short time before being given command of the Freedom and that no one really knew much the department. To this, Vincent added the knowledge that he was going to be the acting or new department head and what he had read in a position description given to him by Admiral Uhlan. He was not expecting much.

To his surprise, even his expectations had been too hopeful. Vincent had just entered what appeared to a holding cell that had been hastily converted into an office with two desks facing the left and right walls and a workstation and computer console at the far end. Of the two swivel chairs there, he noticed that one had already been taken.

"I'm sorry," Vincent apologised to the woman seated there. "I think I've made a mistake. I'm looking for the office of the Strategic Operations department."

Alison swallowed the mouthful of almond croisant that was currently occupying her attention and dusted the powder from her fingers, "You've found it, Lieutenant ...?" she said.

"What do you mean this is it?" he stared at her.

"The result of not having a permanent department head, "Alison said, "Its a useful bolthole for breakfast or a break, doubly handy after the night we had, Lieutenant ...?" she repeated.

"Hmm..." Vincent scratched his chin to mask his thoughts. Although it was true he would spending much of his time in Main Operations on the twelfth deck, he was used to having a decent office to retire to when the work was done. Noticing the woman staring at him, he held out his hand. "Vincent Tan, I'm replacing Commander Da'nal as Chief Strategic Operations Officer for now."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Alison got to her feet and extended a hand, "Alison Bennet, do take a seat. He's only just got here too," she said, "seems impossible to keep 'em. It must be the hard time and cold shoulder we give all the new people," she said with a grin to indicate that she was joking.

Alison waited until he had sat before she took her chair again, "If you're taking over you might like this - it'll certainly save me a job," she said shifting the plate bearing the other half of her breakfast from off a padd. "Yesterday's reports. You find us a little less efficient than normal, we've all been up all night, even the day shift and now its calmed down I sent half of them off to get some sleep, they'll be back in about two hours then the other half will be gone. Not our normal operating pattern but after yesterday ..."

"I know," Vincent said. "I haven't much sleep either." Vincent quickly scrolled through the notes. They were good and concise. He was impressed by Bennett's efficiency. "Our department looks good. Thank you," he said, handing back the padd. "And how about the rest of the station?"

Alison shrugged, "Overall its stable, both population and infrastructure - there's no real reason why any of this should have been able to happen. We follow standard procedures ... I don't like to say it, but I think we've been unlucky."

That or that station is the victim of certain conspiring officers, Vincent thought but did not say. "I should hope that my stay will be a slight deal longer then. Let's get to work shall we?"

"For sure," Alison said, "Welcome to the team, and stick around," she grinned.

"I sure hope so," Vincent said, rolling up his sleeves.


Lt Alison Bennett NPCd by Louise
Lt. j.g. Vincent Tan played by Vana