Judgement – Unified Front
by UFP Ambassador Cyi Ainari & Ensign Addison Falkland & Ambassador Cala Lurn & Lieutenant Mathew Totti

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Title   Unified Front
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   UFP Ambassador Cyi Ainari & Ensign Addison Falkland & Ambassador Cala Lurn & Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Posted   Sat Jul 09, 2011 @ 1:29pm

After Cala had her lunch in with Onyx she made her way back to her department. She knew Mathew was in a meeting or will soon be done with a meeting; maybe then she could talk to him then. She found, Mathew quite intresting and be some what of a neet person to work for. As she walked into her office she and sat down in her seat. She looked over her PADDs and sighted knowing this deal she was going to make between the Nebari and the Ardana. Her eye caugt something on the view screen. She opened the channel open to see she had another appointment that she had to go to soon.

She rubbed her eyes and got up from her seat, wearing her dark blue gown, that she fluffed out the ruffles on it, she made sure her hair is placed nicely as she persued to walk out of her office and out of the department, and head to URP office to her meeting.

Cyi was in his office, making notes and following up on questions that arose from his meetings with the Embassies. He was busy with his work when T'Fel walked in.

"You have a meeting with the Starfleet Diplomatic personnel, Ambassador. The main conference room has been prepared and is ready for you."

"Thank you." Cyi replied standing, but still reading a report. "Lets go say hi."

Cala stood by the window and looked out at the stars. She'd admire them, how they twinkled and how after so many years they still haven't changed. She heard the door's open and she slowly turned around to be mesmerized to whom walked threw the door. She didn't know how to react to the man who walked threw the door. She fully turned and faced him with a soft smile, "I'm Ambassador Cala Lurn. The ships envoy. Lt. Totti and Ensign Falkland will be joining us shortly. They had another meeting to attent to. I'm sure its almost done." Then she bowed her head slightly to him.

After the meeting with the chief, Addison found her quarters and dropped her things off. The meeting went as well as she had expected it to, but now a call came in she had yet another one, with the ambassadors and her boss, again. She didn't bother to change, and went straight from her rooms to the conference room.

Addison straightened her uniform and stepped through the doors. When they hissed shut behind her, she noted who was already in the room. "Ambassador," she said politely and bowed her head towards her. "Ensign Addison Falkland, Alien Affairs."

Cyi smiled at them both. "Please, Ladies, have a seat." Cyi moved to the table as well. "I am Cyi Ainari, and as you probably know by now, I have been appointed by the United Federation of Planets as a Special Envoy to Deep Space 5. I would like to work together with you two, and Lt. Totti, to get a better understanding of the diplomatic situation on station."

"Of course," stated Cala taking a seat at the table. Once she took her seat she looked up at Cyi and stated, "So how are things for you of late?"

"Very well. I had a very enlightening talk with the Romulan Ambassador. What are your opinions of her?" Cyi replied.

Cala looked at Addison from a moment before coming out bluntly, "I think she is a very um.. arrogent woman. The last time I came into terms with her she was...Um... to me self on certain matters instead of selflessness. As an Ambassador you must learn to think of other's before your self. But then again she might have had a bad day. You? What did you think?"

Mathew entered the room in stride. He had read about these new ambassadors coming aboard and was uneasy about them. Though he knew one thing. And was glad about it; He had Cala. They would get through this if it got nasty. But hopefully this situation of two departments would benefit from each other.
"I think I'd agree with you Cala."
He nodded his head to everyone then took a seat.
On extending his hand Mathew proclaimed monotonously "Greetings I am Lieutenant Ambassador Mathew Totti."

"Pleasure to meet you Lieutenant Totti, I am Ambassador Ainari, the UFP Department of State's Envoy to the DS5 but please, Lieutenant, feel free to call me Cyi." Cyi replied with a smile, knowing this meeting would set the tone for future interactions between his office and that of the Diplomatic Officer. "As far as my impression of the Romulan Ambassador, she is well... very Romulan." Cyi kinda chuckled. "As much as individuals can differ within a society, it has been my experience that governments choose representatives that are archetypes of the personal characteristics they value the most. I believe she is a great example of the Romulan sense of themselves; Noble, Proud, and with sense of Entitlement they believe their history affords them. She has a very acute sense of who she is and what she wants to accomplish, weather those goals will actually be met, who knows, but in her mind it is a forgone conclusion, more or less a matter of which method to be bring them about the quickest and which would be most advantageous."

Cyi reached in the middle of the table and poured himself a glass of water from the pitcher into one of the water goblets which each had the UFP symbol etched into them. After taking a sip, he rested his hands on either side of the goblet's stem. "As we will be working together for some time, I have a question for each of you: What do you believe your role is in relation to the diplomatic situations on and about Deep Space 5?" Cyi asked neutrally.

Mathew sat near perfectly straight after glancing towards Cala to take the question for both of them, then to Ainari again.
He spoke in a slightly lower tone than usual "I know... My role is head of diplomatics on this station. I; oversee everything you ambassadors do, Advise my fellow Command staff and keeps interracial relations positive."

He paused then began again in his normal tone.
"We here represent both the shared interest of Star Fleet and the UFP."

"I see." Cyi replied with a sigh. "Lt. Totti, Ensign Falkland, Ambassador Lurn; I have come to understand you to be capable and reliable members of the Starfleet Diplomatic Corps, and am very much looking forward to working with you. I believe it is important; however, to distinguish our particular roles so as to avoid... misunderstandings in the future. Perhaps the most obvious difference with respect to our spheres of influence, is that I am not a member of Starfleet but am rather an appointed representative of the civilian government." Cyi corrected, his voice remaining unchanged from his neutral tone the entire time. "This important difference gives us a remarkable opportunity to engage our international friends on a variety of different levels. While you do not, in fact, oversee me or my office; I do believe our working together would be paramount to our success and does nothing but help further our shared interest in the United Federation of Planets. My lack of military affiliation, for example, allows me a certain measure of impartiality in dealing with other civilian governments. On the flipside, I am bound by the rapidly changing political landscape, which you and your detachment would be more insulated against in Starfleet."

Cala smiled at Cyi as he was talking. After he was done she come out, "Well that was a mouth full of info." Then giggled and continued on a serious tone, "I pretty much try to keep the peace around here. Um. When Star Fleet needs to send some one out to smooth things over between rivals. I'm usally the person they use. Seeing that your not good when it comes to Miltary, I would be of servce to you in that area since I have at lest at lest five hundred years of knowledge of this in several different species. For the near future. If need be." Then she tipped her head slightly and then looked at Totti, "Over all I try to establish peace among worlds and Lt. Totti over here continues to making sure everything that is set in the treats and such are still effect. If I'm correct sir." She wanted to make sure she wasn't stepping over her guest diction.

Mathew sat forward displaying a mask of happiness towards Cala and Faulkland "Cala, Faulkland, thank you for coming. Now I need a word in private with Ambassador Ainari."

Cala looked at Mathew with bewilderment. She nodded her head trusting Mathew knew what he was doing. She stood up and bowed to Cyi and gracefully walked out of the room temparely until she and Ensign Falkland were called to come back.

As the door sealed Mathew sat back again staring at Cyi. All masks were dropped. "I know what you're really up to Ambassador. I think it is wrong, stupid and reckless. Something you Federation P.C boys will only realize after it all goes wrong. The Romulans are taught to hate us. We have tried for centuries for friendship, yet the only points we agree on is things like the banning of subspace weapons, That were invented to destroy each other I might add."

Cyi grinned sincerely. "You are a very interesting diplomat, Lt. Fine. Since it is just to two of us speaking informally, I will put aside... political correctness. You are a Starfleet officer. You are trained follow orders. The very nature of this is contradictory to the diplomatic process. That fact that you can even utter that little xenophobic sentence proves that I am justified in any of the interventions I am going to make. I am the representative of the Federation Government and its people. Those people are tired, Lt., tired of one war and conflict after another. The Borg. The Klingons. The Cardassians. The Dominion. Now I know, I know, it is a very dangerous universe. We are going to meet hostile, unfriendly races. I understand that some diplomacy is more effective when there is a phaser involved. But not always, and I don't believe that approach is going to work with the Romulans, or has not worked with the Romulans. We have been posturing and threatening each other through the DMZ for years, and your right, THAT has accomplished nothing. But for you, an officer of the so called 'Diplomatic Corps' of Starfleet, Lt. Totti, for YOU to believe that their entire race of people were taught to hate the species of the Federation, makes you incapable of engaging the Romulans on any truly meaningful level. The Federation will be making a gesture of peace in the coming weeks, a unprecedented gesture of cooperation." Cyi shrugged. "I'll be honest. It might not work. Who knows. If it doesn't, then we go back to the table. If it does, then we have made a huge step to ensuring a lasting peace. Doing the same thing we have always done, THAT Lt., is something I find wrong, stupid, and reckless."

The smile was returned with less sincerity and his voice became lower again.
"The Ambassador shows his true colours. Your correct I am a Star Fleet officer trained to follow orders. Joining Star Fleet allowed me to move beyond what you do. To insult my department is very immature as it is conjoint between Star Fleet and the Federation. As I said; we represent the interests of both. You however do not."

On sitting forward he began again in a neutral tone.
"Listen. Now we both have different views and different jobs. And we both do them well.
You do yours I'll do mine. Now if you need anything, don't hesitate to come and see me.
You are welcome to use any of the facilities in my department for meetings etc.
I will let Elizabeth my aide know you have top priority over the other diplomats in scheduling."

Cyi kept his face neutral the entire time Mathew spoke. While there were many things the young officer said that he took issue with, he wasn't about draw this out any longer than it had already gone. He believed they had a fair understanding of where each other stood, and that was what mattered. When in doubt, lean on formality. "Thank you, Lt. Totti. You are likewise welcome to the use of our offices, once they are fully completed of course. T'Fel will be in touch often to update you on any noteworthy activities from our end."

Mathew extended his hand again, though this time sincerely.
// Perhaps he is not so bad afterall//
"To peace."

"To Peace," Cyi said accepting the outstretched hand. "May it come swiftly and last long."

Cala was standing outside of the door wondering what they guys were disscussing. She paced back and forth with her arms folded. Occationally she was thinking that this is just a waste of her time, knowing that there was two world in dire need of help and her she was standing here waiting to be let back into the room.

Cyi stood and walked Mathew to the conference room door which slid open to reveal the other two members of his staff. Cyi smiled and extended his hand to each of them. His handshake lingered a bit longer with Ambassador Lurn. "Ambassador, this has been a unique pleasure. I would like to schedule some time to tap some of those centuries of experience."

Cala quickly removed her irratated look to a more happier one. She shook Cyi's hand and smiled softly. Then stated, "Of course. Tomorrow for lunch perhaps?"

Cyi tried to remember his schedule. "I believe that would work. I will check with my Chief of Staff to make sure she didn't schedule any baby kissing and send you a message later today? You pick the place, Im afraid I know little of the dining scene on station."

She chuckled at his statement. "Perhaps I'll come to your office and pick you up," she replied sweetly, "Or you may pick me up at my office. I'm new here as well. I only know two resturants. So...What ever is convent for you."

"Sounds great. Meet you here for lunch at 1200h." Cyi smiled and nodded to each of them. "Lieutenant. Ambassador. Ensign. It was a pleasure." Cyi said before turning and heading to his office.

Cala watched Cyi leave, but soon she turned back around to her calleges. She couldn't help but fell uneasy by there stares. She bowed her head and smiled before she walked back down to her office and back to work.


Posted by

Ambassador Cala Lurn

UFP Ambassador Cyi Ainari
UFP Special Envoy

Lieutenant Matthew Totti
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Ensign Addison Falkland
Alien Affairs Diplomat