Judgement – Yet Another Day
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Yet Another Day
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Jan 02, 2011 @ 1:33pm
Location   Romulan Consulate, Ambassador's Suite
Timeline   SD36, 06:00
The thing that puzzled Isha the most was not Tasha Tahir's misguided attempt to aide her officer, though that in itself spoke volumes about the flow of advice on Deep Space Five. Tahir probably thought that it would do some good, she probably thought that Isha would allow it to pass. She though on that as she lay on her bed in the dark, her arms wrapped around a large cushion

Isha knew that a defence counsel had been appointed, a fact that dissappointed her slightly as she had hoped to be able to work on Gabriel directly but it was no matter, she could live with it. What really surprised her was that counsel had not yet applied for an injunction to postpone the trial, nor had she issued a formal request that the prosecution share their evidence. Isha had somehow thought that Gabriel would put up more of a fight to keep his case out of the courtroom if he could possibly manage it ... perhaps he was that determined to play the martyr. It seemed a peculiar way to mount a defence in her opinion. Still, there was time, and she was prepared for it if they did get their house in order before the trial commenced in a few hour time.

Isha curled up her legs as as she ran the opening lines of her case through her head again, mentally editing her tone; though she was tempted to go for all out character assassination, Isha knew that she had to avoid too direct an attack - she could sketch a picture of a dutiful ma, but one who could not overcome his prejudices and for whom the need to lash out had become too strong. It was one that the jurors cuold identify with, and before they realised it consciously they would be agreeing that it could easily happen and beginning to lean towards naming him guilty. As for the rest ... well, she would adapt her strategy as she went along.