Interlude – Here come the girls
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Here come the girls
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Tue Jun 15, 2010 @ 4:12pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   20:00 sd19
Nahir liked the sleeveless russet coloured dress better than she had in the shop adding some chunky gilded bangles, a long oversized necklace made of shimmering metal disks and a matching pair of earrings long enough to graze her shoulder if she tilted her head to one side. She twisted her hair up and secured it with a gilt clip before stepping into a pair of shoes that boosted her height to a modest 5'6". Satisfied with what she saw Nahir grabbed a little bag and left her quarters, she had no idea if her new friend would be on time or not.


Lemat slithered into her new dress, wriggling her hips to ease it on. She smoothed out her sides and looks at herself in the mirror. She smiled. This was the first time in years that she felt that she looked good. She let her hair down, then exited the room, headed for the promenade.


As she exited the turbolift Nahir, with a little difficulty in her heels picked up her pace. "I thought it was you," Nahir said as she caught up with Lemat in the corridor, "You look stunning by the way," she added with a smirk.

"Why thank you, as do you." She said with a smile. "Let's go tilt heads." Lemat said with a cheeky smile and a laugh.

Nahir thought that Lemat had had a confidence boost since she had seen her earlier in the day, was it the dress, the mood or had she been secretly chugging kanar before she came out? it did not really matter, Nahir was in the mood for a laugh and for forgetting that she had ever mer anyone called Rh'vaurek. "Here we are," Nahir said.

Lemat looked up at the establishment. "Wow. Looks nice." She commented. Lemat walked inside, taking Nahir by the crook of the elbow and tugging at her to follow.

"Have you been in here before?" Nahir asked as they entered.

"No, the Ambassador asked me to pick up his booze from here, but I sent someone else to do that. It looks nice though!"

It was too early for it to be too crowded so they found a table easily enough. Nahir shuffled along the fixed seat to allow Lemat to join her as she reached for the menu.

After they had spent a few moments studying the long list of drinks, an impossibly attractive human male appeared at their table with a small padd in hand. "Evening ladies, I'm Blake, and I'll be taking care of you tonight. Are you ready to order, or do you like taking your time?"

Her mouth open Nahir glanced at Lemat then back to the waiter remembering to close her mouth this time. "Surprise us," she said with a smirk.

Lemat still had her mouth open, and continued to stare at the man. "Yeah... Suprise." She said with her jaw on the table.

After they had spent a few moments studying the long list of drinks, an impossibly attractive human male appeared at their table with a small padd in hand. "Evening ladies, I'm Blake, and I'll be taking care of you tonight. Are you ready to order, or do you like taking your time?"

Her mouth open Nahir glanced at Lemat then back to the waiter remembering to close her mouth this time. "Surprise us," she said with a smirk.

Lemat still had her mouth open, and continued to stare at the man. "Yeah... Suprise." She said with her jaw on the table.

He looked from on to the other, then nodded, "Two surprises coming up." He moved off towards the bar.

Lemat leaned over to Nahir's ear and whispered lightly. "He, was, gorgeous!"

Nahir nodded, her head tilted slightly to one side as she watched him walk away, "Do you think he's on the menu?" she joked wickedly.

"I sure do hope so!"

Blake returned with two glasses on a tray. The first, a feminine pink confection in a delicate frosted champagne flute, he put in front of Lemat, "Some classics from back home. For you, champagne, orange liqueur and red grape. Its called a Black Magic. I know it doesn't sound like much, but trust me, its got hidden depths. "

He put the second, a warm red drink in an elegant martini glass in front of Nahir. A cherry on a cocktail stick bobbed up and down inside it "Manhattan Sweet. Bourbon, vermouth, cherries. Effortless sophistication with an extra bit of fun."

He straightened up. "I'll leave your tab open. Enjoy your drinks." he gave them both a dazzling smile and moved off to the next table.

Nahir flushed slightly, her cheeks turning a slightly deeper shade of green, "We should do this more often," she said to Lemat before nudging her. They had been so engrossed with the waiter that they had failed to notice the group at the nearby table. Quickly Nahir looked away and lifted her drink. "To fun," she said to Lemat.

"Oh... " She stated with a smile as Lemat looked over to the table. She winked at a particular Trill, then passed a smile to the others.

A couple of tables over, four young males, two human, a trill, and an efrosian seemed to be getting restless. One of the humans and the trill in particular kept looking in their direction, though quickly looked away every time either Lemat or Nahir looked up.

"They're watching us," Nahir said licking traces of the sweet sticky liquid from her lips.

"Indeed they are. We should go say hello." Lemat stated with a playful smile, taking a small sip of her own drink afterwards.

"Without an introduction?" Nahir said before realising how uptight that sounded. "I've got a better idea," she said, "Let's grab that waiter again and send them over a drink," she suggested, then they can come and talk to us.

"Right... Sorry, I'm bad at the whole flirting thing." Lemat said with a nervous laugh.

"Well, it doesn't seem right to appear too keen, does it? Why should we do all the work?" Nahir said as she picked up the menu again. "I tell you what," she said to Lemat their faces hidden by the laminate list of drinks, "Why don't we keep it simple, I'll send aylihl, you send kanar, then they'll have to come over and say thanks when the waiter points us out." Nahir peeped over the top if the menu to check that they were still interested before ducking down again and giggling. Perhaps that was the Manhattan Sweet asserting itself.

When Blake put down bottles of the infamous romulan and cardassian alcohols, the boys around the table went very quiet for a second, before breaking out into hushed but excited whispers. When Blake turned slightly and pointed down towards Nahir and Lemat, there was relieved laughs, and a quite a lot of nudging.

As the waiter moved away, the Efrosian stood. "Well, I think I'm going to go throw my money at a dabo wheel for a bit. Look after the drinks for us." He put a hand on one of the human's shoulders. "Come on, give me a hand." The human started to protest, but the Efrosian hauled him up and propelled him towards the gaming area on the otherside of the bar.

The two boys left behind held a hurried conversation, before the human got up, a little nervously, and headed towards them. "Erm, hi. My friend and I just wanted to say thanks for the drinks, and if there's anything we can do for you?" He went suddenly red, "I mean get for you. I mean, a drink."

Nahir grinned, "Why don't you join us," she suggested, "there's room for your friends to squeeze in when they come back." She raised an eyebrow at Lemat, "and you're welcome. Did you like it?" she asked.

"They're both quite strong," he admitted, turning back and beckoning his friend over. "Worse than tequila!" He took a chair between the two. "I'm Takahiro. Call me Taki. This is Olan." He nodded at the trill who was moving over with all the drinks. Olan smiled at both women. "Hi."

"I'm Nahir, and this is Lemat," the young Romulan said with a smile, "Nice to meet you both. I haven't seen you around the place before," she continued being vague as to what she meant by 'the place' the bar, the promenade, the station - it could mean anything.

Lemat passed a wink to the Human, and a long, lasting smile to the Trill.

Olan made a face, "We've been buried under research reviews, I've not had a break in a fortnight."

"We're doing our doctoral studies at the Border Research Institute." Taki translated, "It doesn't leave a lot of time for getting out and about. What about you? Are you based on DS5, or just passing through?"

"Oh, we're stationed here. Desk jobs and such... We've come here to relax, and have a little fun." Lemat stated flirtatiously.

"Let our hair down a bit," Nahir added with a smile showing off a little by switching from Rihannsu to Federation Standard before continuing in Trillish. "What about you guys?"

"Oh, definitely letting our hair down." Taki beamed at Olan, who was looking both surprised and delighted at the attention.

"Yes," the trill agreed, "There's live music upstairs tonight apparently. We thought we'd check it out. Would..would you want to come with us?"

Nahir glanced at Lemat. "Why not," she agreed before the Cardassian could reply. "I'm empty," she said looking past the boys for a waiter.

Blake appeared at her elbow less than a second later. "And what will the ladies be drinking now?" He smiled at Nahir, but the question was directed at the two men. In turn they looked at Nahir and Lemat, hoping that the girls would let them buy their drinks.

"There are four of us," Nahir noted quite reasonably, "wouldn't it make sense to share a bottle of something?" she suggested.

"Actually, can we get a pitcher of Risan Mai Tais?" Taki grinned at Nahir. "You have to try them, they're fantastic."

"OK, Taki." Nahir agreed, finally able to forget that she worked for an hysteric who hated her and that she had jumped blindly into an affair with an older man who, it had turned out could be described generously as abusive. Nahir could leave that all aside for now and just enjoy herself.

Nahir returned Taki's grin, "Risan Mai Tais it is," she said.

Lemat eyed the Trill. "That sounds, delightful." She said, maintaining the smile.

The drinks came, and Blake poured before dissapearing back into the crowd. Music could be heard intermittantly from above as the doors to the second bar opened and closed. Olan shifted closer to Lemat, in order to look up to the balcony. "Sounds like they're getting going up there."

Taki nodded, "Sounds like. Do you girls want to dance?"

"Sure." Nahir said. The invitation gave them an excuse to stand up and with both girls in new outfits they wanted to show them off to their best advantage.

Appreciative eyes followed them up to the mezzanine, and not just those belonging to Taki and Olan. From the staircase they could see more than a few individuals watching their progress towards the second bar.

"We're being watched," Nahir whispered to Lemat as they ascended the stairs, "by almost the entire male half of the room," she said with a smirk, "What do you think of our new friends? Good enough?"

"I've never had this much attention from men before!" Lemat exclaimed giddily. "And our new friends? I call the Trill!"

"He's yours," Nahir giggled, "let me know where the spots stop," she added as they reached the dancefloor.

"Oh, I will." Lemat said, as she led the Trill off by one hand without asking or clarification.

With a roll of her eyes towards Lemat Nahir turned to Taki, "Dance?" she grinned.

The human didn’t have to be asked twice, and guided her through the crowd on the dance floor to a clear space near the front, not to far from where his own friend was dancing with Lemat. The second bar was no different to the main bar. Plenty of males seemed more than happy to watch the two girls, gaining them some more than jealous looks from the women their watchers were with.

"So you research?" Nahir asked as she held Taki's hands in hers as she adjusted to the movement of the music.

"Bio-mimetics. Practically had to sell my soul to get the placement." He matched his movements to hers, though with slightly less grace. "Mostly its uses for cellular generation, regeneration and constructions. After that i need to get very technical, and I'd prefer Olan to be the job bore." He laughed, and brushed a hand over his hair. "Are you at the embassy, or are you a free agent?"

"A Romulan away from ch'Rihan is never free," Nahir said dropping her gaze for a second, "But I have no commitments," she told him, "I thought you were going to try and blind me with science," she said, "What else should I try?" she asked as she moved back in time to the music.

Taki wonderered if he'd slipped up when she dropped her gaze, but covered his uncertainty by helping her spin round as the music got faster. "I think you've already managed to blind me." He blushed suddenly. "Sorry, that was cheesy. I can blind you with science if you want. I'm just used to most girls considering it unbearably geeky."

"I would disagree with them," Nahir said sliding her hand up his cheek, over his ear and into his hair, "How could the workings of the universe be geeky?" She asked with a grin as she pulled him closer.

He put his hands on her waist and smiled down at her. "I don't know. I think they're fascinating. I mean forget the weaponized aspects of BM-gel, just think of the various applications you can have with say, genetics. You could wipe out hideous diseases forever, reverse engineer the DNA of a dozen species into a single genome and create an ancient humanoid - assuming you have anyone willing to be a test subject. All those things like gender, and species, or caste and colour become things you can actively choose. A fashion not a fate. I could wake up one day and choose to be a tholian, or an andorian, or a changeling or...or anything!" He was getting slightly flushed, and his eyes were bright with excitement, "And the very next day, change my mind again. Can you imagine what the galaxy would be like if your species was something that came out of your wardrobe, rather than your genes?"

Nahir's mouth simply hung open for a moment, "Why would I want to be a different species," she said her lips brushing his as she spoke.

The touch of her mouth seemed to stall his brain, and there was a pause full of surprised silence. Then he bent his head to hers, "Because it might be fun?" he said quietly, and kissed her.

It was soft, gentle and uncertain, just his lips on hers for a few moments before he pulled away, looking at her with a mix of excitement, hope, and nervousness, wondering if he had pushed his luck too far.

"I bet you do that to all the girls," Nahir said, her tone a little husky as she swayed in time to the music.

"No." He shook his head, swaying with her. "Just the really pretty ones who don't think I'm a complete nerd. So, er, hardly any. Just you, really."


Nahir i-Orinwen
Tipsy little minx

Lemat Berok
Finding out where the spots stop

Olan & Takahiro
On top of the world