Beg, Steal or Borrow – There goes the Neighborhood....
by Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   There goes the Neighborhood....
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Wed Jul 15, 2009 @ 6:35pm
Location   IKV HeD'not / DS5
Timeline   SD9 15:15
Toran was in his quarters watching Yzalla as she dressed. The two of them had been together for a number of years and still she managed to stir his blood at the mere sight of her. They kept things informal and that worked out perfectly. Even though Klingon society provided him the rite to more than one wife, neither one of them wanted to complicate a good arrangement.

As she brushed out her hair he let his mind wander over the memories ov there time together. However his mental wandering were interrupted as the harsh buzz of the ships comm alert sounded. "Bridge to Lord Toran. We are approaching space controlled by Deep Space 5."

Growling at the interruption, "Very well! Have Commanders Loktor and Na'Shara report to the bridge, and I will be there shortly."

"Yes, My Lord."

Yzalla looked back over her shoulder as he rose ans walked to the door, "Dinner tonight?"

"Probably not my doubt they will what to have some welcoming reception of some kind. If not, once the necessary arrangements are made I will see that you have a tour." He paused at the door. "If you would, see that our guests are notified perhaps Akhil can show you the station."

"Sounds like fun, "she said sarcastically. ~Just what I want to do have that old nurse show me the sights. Although the kids are cute...~

Na'Shara shook her head at the obstinate engineer. "I don't care... just get it done..." she snarled. "Or do you want me to replace you?" she asked. "I don't want to hear your problems..... give me solutions!" She was very aware that she would be 'tested' by the other officers on the ship and she would have to prove that she could stand her ground, but beofre she could continue she was summoned to the bridge.

"On my way," she said onto the comm. "I will deal with *you* later!" she growled at the engineer before turning on her heels and headed for the bridge.

~ Ward Room ~

Loktor sat at the table with his senior officer's laughing over the punitive actions the to that had gotten arrested back on SB 47 when the summons came through. Finishing the last of his bloodwine he slammed the goblet on the table. "I shall be there shortly."

~ Bridge ~

Toran had reached the bridge and had taken his seat in the command chair as Na'shara and Loktor entered the bridge.

"Hail the station."

"Yes sir. Channel open."

"Federation station Deep Space 5, this is the Imperial Klingon Vessel HeD'not. Acknowledge."

Na'Shara marched onto the bridge and took her station. "Reporting as ordered," she said.

Loktor began to report as well, when Toran raised his hand for their silence as he awaited a reply from the station.


Robert Rushtone eased himself over to the flashing console and tapped at the communication indicator. "Deep Space 5 to IKV HeD'Not. How may we be of assistance?" He asked, his concentration fixed on watching the approaching supply ship on the tactical viewer.

Toran glared at the child on the screen before him, the irritation in his voice clear to all. "Assistance?? We are here to 'assist' the Federation. I am Toran of the House of Moqrhat, Klingon Ambassador to this....facility."

He snapped to give the Klingon Ambassadors ship his full attention. "My apologies, I misread your designation. You are expected. Co-ordinates are being transmitted to the central docking platform. I will inform Commander Davies of your arrival." Robert spoke clearly.

The helm office turned from his console. "Coordinates received, my Lord."

Nodding for him to proceed he once again at the young Fleeter. "Very well, also inform your Diplomatic officer that I will need to see her immediately. HeD'not out!"

"That'll teach ya!" Harris teased, "ALWAYS read the beacon before you open the comm channel!" He advised.

"Oh yeah, like you know all the protocols already!" Robert retorted eyeing William with one eye half closed, daring him to mutter another word.

Harris shook his head and threw his hands up in mock surrender.

[IKV HeD'not]

Toran turned in his chair and addressed the to Commanders. Prepare for docking and have our troops redy to relocate to the station. I also want whatever facilites inspected, secured and remodel as needed. Until they are ready we will operate from the ship. Cmdr Loktor I want guards posted at both ends of the docking ramp."

Loktor nodded sharply, "I will see to the security measures immediately."

"Acknowledged," Na'Shara said. "I will prepare for docking".

Rising from his seat, "Excellent, Commander Na'Shara you have command. I will inform our guests that we are arriving."

"Acknowleged," she said and after a curt nod she turned to flight control officer and operations to get the vessel ready for docking.

< OPS >

Robert decided it best to speak to Davies in person, he didn't want Harris listening into his conversation and interrupting with his antics. He ran up the steps, 2 at a time and rapped on the open door to Davies' office.

"Sir, sorry to trouble you but the Klingon Ambassador has arrived." He panted, leaning into the room but holding onto the door for support.

David glanced at the clock and his brow dropped.
"Now? They are not due for 4 hours. What about Miss Haufs shuttle, that is now overdue!" David responded, standing and pushing the chair away with the back of his leg.

"No word sir, but the HeD'Not will dock within 10 minutes and the Ambassador already sounds displeased to say the least." Robert informed the Commander.

"Damned Ambassadors, they all want to arrive early and create maximum impact for the unimportant selves, after all, if they carried any weight, they would be on Earth...." His hand wiped his dry brow and swept down over his eyes, around his ears and then through his hair as he sighed outward. "OK, inform Miss Kelan, Commander Villiers, Lieutenant Commander Gabriel & Lieutenant Opaka Jo'el to meet us on deck 615." He turned away from Rushtone, the spun his neck back around, "And better arrange a small gathering on the Observation deck, as a sort of welcoming party. Let the Klingons onboard know that their new ambassador has arrived. Dismissed." David added.

"Sir!" Robert straightened and eased himself backwards from the room, heading directly back to the centre rostrum to carry out his orders.

David removed his command tunic and sat it neatly on the back of his chair and made his way to the covert wardrobe he had discovered and took the Dress jacket off the peg and slipped his arms through, stepping down the small staircase, a single step each time and coursed himself to the transport pad.


Commander David Davies
PO3C William Harris
CWO2C Robert Rushtone
By Tasha

Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Klingon Ambassador to Deep Space 5

Commander Na'Shara of the House of Torath
IKV HeD'not
NPC by Sharon

Yzalla, Cmdr Loktor & HeD'not crew
NPC by Chris