Things Past – Sins of the Father... Part 6
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Sins of the Father... Part 6
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sun Apr 29, 2012 @ 6:04am
Location   Wes Halon Nebula
Timeline   Seven weeks after the destruction of Bera Don
Shale stood on the bridge of the Reya Imare, watching the purple space dust float past the observation screen. The extremely flammable purple space dust. Sixteen Telian Heavy Destroyers, four Harbingers, and three complete fighter wings hanging out in the no-man's-land of tactical warfare, where pulse weapons couldn't be fired. Takian phasers would be unaffected. They were sitting ducks.

How could the Takians resist?

Re'Lan sat in the command chair and observed his crew and they traversed back and forth across the ship. Various reports were coming in from the trained officers at their duty stations. He leaned forward towards the edge of his chair and began to focus on the tactical projection before him.

They were out-numbered, but the Nebulea prevented maneuverability and sensor reporting for the larger fleet. There had to be a purpose to this engagement.

"My king," Mari, the ship's AI, said. "I'm reading two Takian battle groups on long range scanners. Twelve Destroyers and seven Crusaders. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't too concerned, but I can't..."

"Thank you, Mari," Shale cut her off. "It's all part of the plan."

Several minutes passed without any sign of movement or engagement from the opposing fleet. The idleness was becoming unsettling.

"Hail them." Re'Lan said to his comm officer.

Shale stared up at the massive face before him. "Ah," he said. "If it isn't the Butcher of Bera Don. How appropriate that it is you who face our judgement first. What can I do for you, Commander?"

"My judgment shall come from only the Spirits, but how typical of an Aereom King to bestow upon himself such a title. " Re'Lan said bitterly.

"You are precariously close to Takian space. Turn back now and your soldiers may return to their wives and children." he added.

Shale laughed. "I make no claim to your... spirits, or to any god. The judgement you are about to face is Telian judgment. The Takian people are about to discover the reason for the Unity. Not to dominate, as you so believe, or to strengthen ourselves, or even to form an alliance of powerful states. The Unity exists to prevent us from doing to each other just what we're about to do to you." He signaled to his comm officer to cut the transmission. "Farewell, Commander. I wish I could say it was a pleasure." The line went dead.

"Alright," Shale turned to his officers. "We are not to destroy too many of these vessels. We will infect them."

"Infect them, sire?" Captain Melgor said. "Infect them with what?"

"Doomsday." Shale responded. "Defensive pattern sixteen-alpha. Draw them deeper into the nebula."

"My Lord," Mari interjected, "We will be defenseless in there. The Takian phasers won't ignite the derimite, but our pulse weapons will."

"So, they'd be fools not to follow us."

[Onboard the Bashtor]

Re'Lan stared at the blank screen for several moments in silence. The arrogance, the lack of civility. Such behavior had become common from those in the higher echelons of the Unity. They did not see other races as their equals, merely conquered subjects for their own amusement and abuse.

Never again.

"Def'nor, signal the cruisers to open fire on the lead vessels, have the Crusaders cover the Destroyers." Re'Lan said as he took his seat in the command chair and watched as the main viewer switched to a projection of the nebula.

"Begin. . ." he ordered.

[Reya Imare]

Shale braced himself against the operations console as the Reya Imare dodged between phaser blasts. Even with the inertial dampeners on full, he felt like he was about to be pancaked against the floor.

"Shale," Mari said, forgetting formality. "Mind filling me in on the plan? I don't like being kept in the dark."

"Keep going, Mari," Shale answered. "How far to the other side of the nebula?"

"Six thousand kilometers," Mari answered, her voice strained. "Give or take."

"Give or take?" Shale repeated incredulously.

"Hey, you wanna calculate our chances of survival, fly this thing, prepare targeting sensors, and answer dorky questions all at once?" Shale held up his hands defensively.

"Just tell me when we're almost out of the nebula."


"The cowards are running," Re'Lan said as he stood at he fore of his bridge. "They come to our sovereign space, make veiled threats and then run like scared children." He said rhetorically. "A quick death would be too good for them." He said as he walked over to his operations officer.

"Continue a passive scan of the vessels, our researchers have said that they've made significant break-thrus on replicating their self-aware computer systems, but they still don't understand just what gives it its "sentience". He said to the officer.

"Hopefully, once we're done with them they'll be enough of their vessels left for us to scan them and retrieve valuable information." the Commanding Officer added.

[Reya Imare]

Mari and her fellow ships, most of them sentient, darted between phaser fire as they dashed madly for the opposite end of the nebula. "Five thousand kilometers," she said to herself, aching for the free space where she could turn and engage her attackers. "Three thousand, one..."

"Hey there, Mari!" a voice said suddenly, breaking her concentration. "Sorry we're late, but we thought we'd like to surprise you. And the Takians, of course."

"Ari?" Mari gasped, shocked. Her sensors picked up the Redoa Aryn a few hundred kilometers outside the nebula, waiting. It was just Ari and Tevarna's Charger, otherwise known as Tev, but those two were a sight for sore sensors. "Ari, Tev," she snapped as she shot from the nebula, "Where the hell have you been?"

"Apologies, Lieutenant Mari," Tev said, as ingenuinely formal as ever, "but we knew the Takians just couldn't resist your sumptuous curves."

"I don't have any sumptuos curves," Mari protested darkly. She bolted behind Tev, then wheeled to face the oncoming storm of Takian vessels. "Now can I shoot them?" she whined.

"Tev," Shale said," is the device ready?"

"As it will ever be," Tev answered.

"As soon as they're out of the nebula, beam it on board the Bashtor. The particles in the nebula would have disrupted their shields." Shale sighed. "Allow the contagion to spread throughout the ship, then destroy the rest of the fleet. Make sure the Bashtor is hit, but don't destroy her. We want those butchers to limp back to one of their colony worlds. By the time they realize what's happening, the contagion will have spread out of control."

Shale VII (NPC)
Areom King

Mari (NPC)
Telian AI

Tev (NPC)
Telian AI

1st Commander Re'Lan Tru'Ane (NPC)
Takian Leader