Judgement – Drowning sorrows leaves bodies
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Drowning sorrows leaves bodies
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Tue Jul 12, 2011 @ 11:04pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 38 2200

Vedra, Jessica and Leila looked down at the two women slumped on the sofa's snoring gently. "How much have they had?" Jessica asked the Risian waitress

"Pretty much everything," Vedra replied, and consulted the tab for Jenna and Alex, "Bolian Tonic Water, Bajorran Fire sprits, Andorian Ale, Tequila, Mai tais, Assisted Suicides, Sloe comfortable screws..."

Jenna opened one eye and the room was spinning. "uhhhh" the waitresses were accustomed to the precursory sound and one held out a discreet bowl. Unfortunately it was *too* subtle and when Jenna disgorged the contents of her stomach, she managed to project with an impressive amount of force for such a slight woman.

Vedra stepped to one side. "Make that uncomfortable screws."

"Why on earth were they drinking so hard?" Jessica asked. "They're both Fleeties aren't they? They're usually more sensible."

"Men trouble I think," Leila said, then clapped her hands. "Well, no sense putting this off. We have to clear them out or Trellis will have our trading license." She went over to Alex. "Come on sweetheart! Wakey, Wakey!"

Alex stirred and waved at the air as if to shoo away something that was annoying her in an insectoid kind of orbit around her head.

Jenna looked pale but apologetic. "Sorry" she mumbled into the disposable towel she had been handed to clean herself up.

"Alexia?" She assisted with the attempts to wake her new found friend and fellow commiserator. "She needs a coffee" Jen announced, groggily. It was probably not the best advice she'd come up with ever but she was still *very* drunk herself.

Jenna looked mournfully up at Leila and explained for some reason, not that she'd been asked for such. "Poor mare, she's been in love with her boss for .... I dunno...." she waved an arm in a huge, wobbly arc, dangerously close to Jessica who was close behind her. "...... forEVA......but he never even noticed. Bastard.... Men are ALL Bastards! ALL OF 'EM!" She began to get animated and was still flailing her arms without any co-ordination at all.

Vedra ducked in to steady Jenna before she keeled over completely, waving Jessica towards the barrista machine on the bar. "Of course they are sweetie, every last one of the Y chromasoned little shits." She gave Leila a wink over the top of the human's head. "Sympathise!" she mouthed, "Keep them Sweet!"

Leila nodded, "Come on..Alexia?" She shook the woman again. "You need to wake up now. Show your boss he doesn't deserve you!"

Alex stirred. Jenna hadn't finished championing her friend's cause. "COURSE he doesn't! NONE of em do.... Bloody men. He's not even her boss any more but she *still* loves him. He could do with a friend from what I hear but he won't see her. Bastard."

Alex had allowed herself to be helped up into the seat and was looking around a little bewildered. "Who?" she asked.

"Your Gabriel" Jenna was still very loud, although she was the only one who couldn't hear that. She was unaware of the sharp intake of breath her revelation of the object of Alex's unrequited love had caused.

"He's not MY Gabriel. He never even noticed me." Alexia began to cry.

"Bastard. Just like that paparazzi that I fell for. Told me I was his only one, took me to nice places and pretended to be interested in a relationship and all the time that two timing piece of shit was knocking off that Chief of stuff.....Bit of Chief... Her.... who moved on and broke his fickle heart! HAA... serves the creep right.... He..............." suddenly her excitement took its toll on Jenna's system again and she groped for the bowl again, just in time.

"Dorien wasn't like that. He's a martyr. A real hero!" Alex protested.

Jen would have argued but she was too busy.

Leila and Vedra exchanged looks. It was hardly the first time either of them had cleared out drunks, but these two were quite a sorry pair. "Gabriel?" Leila mouthed to Vedra, who just shrugged in return. "Alright," leila whispered to Vedra. "I have a cunning plan!"

"Honey," Leila got an arm under Alexia's shoulder. "You set your sights, and I'm sure he's worth it. Why don't you go tell him how you feel? Tell him everything. He's down in the brig. He can't get away."

Alexia looked as if she had been struck by an idea. "I WILL" She tried to get up and stagger towards the exit. "Come on Jen... Let's go....."

Jenna got up unsteadily and staggered after her new best-friend-forever. "Wait... you don't need him........." she called as she shambled out in pursuit, still clutching her handbag in one hand and her sickbag in the other.

Leila turned to Vedra and Jessica as the croupier came over with two cups of coffee, now unneeded. "And that is how you handle drunk women." She gave a smug grin

Vedra laughed. "What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall when she gets the the brig?" As an after thought she called out to the two girls "Come back and tell us how it went!"

The girls didn't hear her. Alexia didn't hear anyone, not even Jenna calling as she tried to catch up. She was a woman on a mission.


A JP Between:

CPO Jenna Minton
Administrative Assistant
& Ensign Alexia Jackson
Secretary to Security Department
NPCs by Jools


The girls of the Box of Delights
NPCs by NOtty