We All Fall Down – One On the House
by Ensign David Harris & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   One On the House
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Ensign David Harris & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Mon Oct 13, 2014 @ 12:22pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   WAFD Day 2: 2345

David needed time away from the office, the in-fighting, the stress and the dirty looks he was getting from his staff. He expected dirty looks from everyone else after all he was a Security Officer, but to have these looks from his own team...

David went for a walk along the promenade, it was close to midnight so the promenade had a few people walking around but most of the shops and businesses were closed. He was still in his uniform, he felt like an old American town Sheriff and while on the station he would always be on duty.

As he was walking along the promenade the Box of Delights was still open although not busy. He had heard about this establishment and needed to make his own mind up. These establishment were given a license to run and serve alcohol and then criticised when things went wrong.

David walked in and approached the bar. The sinuous wave divided the bar, and from the line of chairs, it was obvious that in busier times it would have been the heaving heart of the place. Tonight it was barely moving.

At the bar a statuesque woman, almost as tall as he was, was emptying a basket of glassware into the shelves below the bar. Behind her bottles of every conceivable colour and shape veiled the back of the bar from view. Her skin was a soft violet, and long hair was a darker shade of the same, and as he approached, she straightened, and he could see her eyes were completely white. It gave the illusion that she was blind, but she looked straight at him, and smiled. "Welcome to the Box of Delights. What can I get you, honey?"

David remained silent and just stared at the beautiful woman in front of him. He knew that he had only been staring for a few seconds but it seemed like hours. He then released how rude he was being and without thinking said "Sor, I mean, Umm what do you suggest, but no alcohol." He returned the smile.

"Ah now, thats not fun." She teased. Then she surveyed her shelves. "This," she brough down a twisting bottle filled with a pale gold liquid. "Is a Trill sarsparilla. Not unlike the earth original, but with a bit more fizz and a drier taste. Or if you like sweet..." She produced a squat square bottle, with a dark red content. "A Boslic fassbrause. Tastles like apples." She thought about it. "Mostly apples."

"I'll have Bostic fassbrause. I am defiantly sweet." He smiled at the beautiful woman. "David Harris, pleasure to meet you."

"Yolanthe. And likewise." She poured the drink and pushed it over to him. "There you go. On the house, because you're a new face." She paused, "you are a new face, aren't you?"

"Oh yes very new, and I will be grey haired within the year." David took a drink and my it was sweet, maybe a little to sweet but it did taste amazing. "Good choice on the drink, so how long you been here?"

"A year and a bit." Yolanthe retunred to wiping glasses and stacking them under the bar. "A very eventful year. If you like things quiet, you're going to have a very unhappy time."

"I can see that, I have feeling that it will be a very busy year. I have just taken over as Chief Security Officer and my mission is monumental."

Yolanthe went turquoise, golden yellow and then a pale pink in that order. "In that case," she purred, "let me top you up. You'll need the fortification. Have you spoken to Gabriel yet?"

"This is nice place, is it your bar?"

Yolanthe noted the avoiding of the question, but didn't want to push. "Its my bar. All the manor of pleasures and glamours and diversions for the needy soul can be found here."

"So tell me what is the word on the street?"

She laughed., turning a happy blue. "If you're after the latest gossip, I'm afraid I take my customers privacy seriously. No cameras, no records, no questions. But I'm hardly a hive of scum and villainy. If you want that, that's Qu'it's on the next floor up."

"Well you can't blame a security man for trying." David gave Yolanthe a big beaming smile. "I am sure that we will get to know each other over the next few months. I must go get some sleep. You going to the Merchants Forum tomorrow?"

"No, far too early. I won't be out of here before 3 am. I'm sending my assistant."

"That is a shame" David walked out of The Box of Delights, he liked Yolanthe, she was very beautiful and he looked forward to seeing her again, shame it would not be at the forum.

Ensign David HARRIS
Chief Security Officer
Deep Space Five


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights