Interlude – The Watering Hole
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Arrival Thomas Whitlock

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Title   The Watering Hole
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Arrival Thomas Whitlock
Posted   Thu Jul 01, 2010 @ 12:10am
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 23 - Afternoon

Pushing politely through the gathered crowd at the bar, Ai'lani finally managed to get to the one empty table in the back of the room. Flopping down into his seat, he ordered a strong raktajino from a waitress that passed and pulled out a PADD to work on, along with a few others to compare his notes.

"Anything interesting?" Thomas asked, slipping into an empty seat and looking at the PADD.

"Oh, nothing special. Just preparing my interview with the Chief of Security of the Romulan consulate," Ai'lani explained, tapping something into the PADD in his hand.

"t'Merek?" Thomas asked. "She's an interesting one. I hope you have better luck with her than I did."

"Oh, she already agreed," Ai'lani nodded, smiling sweetly at the waitress as she brought him his drink.

"Agreeing to meet and actually talking are two very different things," Thomas replied, ordering another Ion Storm before the waitress left.

"No, we already met. I came to her office, we spoke and she agreed to answer some questions," Ai'lani clarified, sipping his strong drink.

"How did you do it?" Thomas asked, hating the fact that he'd done something Thomas hadn't been able to do.

"Oooh, do I detect a hint of jealousy in your voice?" Ai'lani teased in a good-natured tone. Then he shrugged. "It took some tactics. I asked for an interview, she declined, said she had better things to do with her time. So I gave her an alternative, to which she agreed. Now, I promised to not say what the alternative was, so that's all you're getting. And I, unlike you, believe there is a certain finesse requirement when speaking to a lady like t'Merek," he pointed out, knowing of Thomas' infamous 'right between the eyes' approach.

"I would love to hear what she has to say," Thomas replied. He sipped the drink the waitress brought to the table and said, "What else has been going on with you recently? I haven't seen you around much lately."

"Nothing very interesting. Doing mostly photography work. Joined an Art class, making some friends, connections," Ai'lani shrugged. "What about you?"

"Making friends, following a few leads, getting attacked," Thomas said offhandedly. "Nothing new," he added with a chuckle as he sipped his drink and scanned the room.

"Attacked?" Ai'lani exclaimed, shocked. "What happened!? Are you okay?" he asked in concern.

"Commander Gabriel didn't care for some of the questions I asked him," Thomas replied, still looking around the room. He turned to face his friend and said, "He grabbed me and slammed me against the wall. It could have been worse," he added with a shrug.

"Oh, well that's not too bad. You most likely caught him at a bad time. It's happened to me a few times," the Deltan nodded in understanding. Journalists weren't exactly popular anywhere. His only advantage in some instances was that he could occasionally mellow out someone with his pheromones.

"When isn't a bad time with him?" Thomas asked. He'd spotted a young woman that looked slightly depressed and wanted to end the conversation before she decided to leave but he couldn't be rude to his friend. "How's Dominic?"

"He's fine. Go talk to her, your opportunistic bastard," Ai'lani smirked, not being blind.

Thomas looked at him and smiled. "You know me too well," he said as he stood up. "Want to meet after your chat with t'Merek?"

"Sure," Ai'lani nodded. "Though I can't really tell you for sure when that'll be," he admitted.

Thomas nodded and smiled at his friend again. "Take care of yourself and stay out of trouble."

"I could say the same thing to you," Ai'lani smiled, giving Tom a wave as he shook his head, watching the man zoom in on the young woman a few tables away.


Thomas Whitlock
FNS Reporter

Ai'lani Elley
Freelance Photojournalist/Artist