Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Evergreen
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Evergreen
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Fri Dec 19, 2008 @ 6:13pm
Location   Isha's Quarters
Timeline   SD 4
The after effects of that last sip of Kal`iFhou were still with Isha in the morning though Rh’vaurek had left during the night but not before placing her fully dressed into her bed. Isha lay there now blinking as the light changed while a ship passing from the docking ring cast a brief shadow over the room.

If she had not had quite so much to drink, and if her body had not been flooded with adrenaline from the encounter on the promenade Isha doubted that she would have had the nerve to go through with it. So far, Rh’vaurek appeared to be on her side, but she knew that could change if the arrangement ceased to suit his purpose.

She slipped out of bed shrugging off her gown; it slipped like liquid over her skin. Isha padded to the bathroom wishing that a deep tub of warm water awaited her rather than the clinical tingle of the sonic shower.

A little later, wrapped in a soft velvet robe and fortified by half a pot of tea Isha felt almost ready to start the business of the day albeit uncharacteristically late; there was only one item on her agenda.

She placed her cup aside and reached for the ring that Darson had given her, the chased metal cold between her fingers; This is a communications device. Tap the jewel once to open a Comm channel. Identify yourself to the person on the other end by the codename ‘Evergreen’ he had said.

Isha stared into the cut stone. She could still walk away from this and take over the embassy by legitimate appointment, no need to get any deeper into Rh’vaurek’s murky world, no need to have any further contact with Darson, there might even be other sources for the information she needed but she no longer had the luxury of time.

As soon as Isha learned from her daughter that Latasalaem had begun pressurising her she knew that she had to act. Isha’s own mother might have been content to let her be manipulated and coerced, but she was not going to allow Aidoann to become another pawn of the man who had blighted Isha’s own life for decades. It had to be now.

Biting her lower lip between her teeth Isha tapped the jewel sharply with her fingernail.

“Evergreen,” she said.

Deep in the bowels of the Marine HQ, in the Command and Control Center, the Delta Shift Watch Commander was busy sorting through several mundane and routine reports. Suddenly, the LCARS panel in front of him beeped twice. He turned to look at the information that popped up on the screen



The Marine instantly straightened in his chair, and his fingers began to dance over the panel. A few seconds later, he opened a COM channel to the Major, =/= “ Staff Sergeant Strickland to Major Darson.” =/=

The Major’s voice came back cold, with a tinge of annoyance, =/= “Yes Staff Sergeant, what is it?” =/=

=/= “Sir, I’m receiving an incoming secure transmission, from “Evergreen”. =/=

Darson’s voice immediately lost its annoyance, =/= “Ah, very good…route it to my office immediately.” =/=

Strickland did so, and returned to filing the reports. In Darson’s office, he opened up the audio channel and said in a coldly jovial tone, “Ah, Ms. t’Khellian…so nice of you to call. What seems to be the matter?

Isha lifted the teapot, watching the warm golden liquid stream into the cup as she spoke, “There’s been a development. It seems that I will be able to provide the assistance you asked for,” she placed the teapot aside and lay back in her chair. “I require your guarantee that you can deliver me the assistance I requested before I take any action.”

Darson considered her statement for a second, and then sat back in his icy cold chair, “Well, then, that really is a development, isn’t it? As for my guarantee…you have it. I have already submitted requests for the information you seek. I should have it within the next week or so.”

Isha nodded, an empty gesture during a voice communication, "That is all I ask, Major," she said, "I will make the arrangements, and in a day or two, she will be free. Do let me know if you have any additional proposals, won't you," she added, "Goodbye, Major."

Rh'vaurek she thought, would not go back on his word, so all that was left to do was to put thiings in motion; the emabassy would be hers and the masquerade was over.