Interlude – The Barn
by Commander Richard Dunham & Arrival Thomas Whitlock

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Title   The Barn
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Arrival Thomas Whitlock
Posted   Tue Jun 15, 2010 @ 5:02pm
Location   Starfighter Wing Docking Bay
Timeline   Interlude

Thomas stepped through the doors and paused. He always did like seeing the flight decks of the ships and bases he'd visited. He stood for a moment and watched the crews moving hastily across the room, doing one thing or another to the various craft in the area.

His gaze fell on a fighter not far away that didn't seem to have much activity around it. Without really thinking about it, Thomas moved closer and slowly walked around the vehicle, admiring the sleek lines. He made a complete circle around the craft then moved to the small ladder to climb up to look at the cockpit.

Dunham crossed his arms over his chest, and stood there a moment watching the man admire and look around the Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighter. His first line of thought was to have a word with Lt Commander Gabriel, and discuss with him how what appeared to be a civilian managed to get past security onto the fighter hanger bay for Alpha and Beta Wings. Still the man looked harmless enough, and just seemed to be admiring the fighter. Dunham walked up to the ladder and made a coughing noise. "Can I help you sir?"

"Hi," Thomas said, looking at the man. "Just looking around. Beautiful piece of equipment isn't it?"

Dunham smiled. "Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighter,Cruising Velocity of Warp two, Maximum Velocity of Warp four, Ablative armour, Micro Torpedo Launchers and a type U Micro Pulse Phaser array, entered service during the Dominion War, The Valkyrie is based on an aerowing design, which is suitable for limited atmospheric flight. The smoothed aerowing surface encases the twin warp nacelles and impulse engines. The cockpit incorporates features similar to a standard Starfleet shuttlecraft, with additional mission specific equipment, and the incorporation of a manual steering column. The cockpit also incorporates an Emergency Transporter system for the flight crew. Who are you? "

"Thomas Whitlock," he said, extending his hand. "You fly one of these?"

"Richard Dunham" he replied taking the man's hand and shaking it in a friendly manner. "And Yes....allot, I'm the CAG, why are you in my hanger bay." he asked a little confused.

"Nice to meet you," Thomas replied. "I'm just looking around," he said again, turning his attention to the controls in the cockpit. "Looks complicated. What does this button do?" he asked as reached out to press one of the controls.

"Not allot at moment that ship has no warp core, and hence no power....this area is off limits to civilians Mr Whitlock, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask for you to leave."

"Off limits?" Thomas asked. "Then why wasn't there anyone at the door to stop me? It wasn't even locked."

"That's a very good and valid point Mr Whitlock, and I will be taking it up with the appropriate parties, however as you may of guessed by the uniforms, the racks of proton torpedoes, the starfighters, guns, and all the rest of the stuff that makes up this hive of activity, this is a starfleet hanger bay not a civilian one, and is therefore off limits."

"Would you mind giving me a tour since I'm already here?" Thomas asked.

"Do you mind showing me your credentials or security clearance first?" Replied Dunham

"I have this," he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his FNS ID. "Will that work?"

"Federation News Service," said Dunham with a smile as he examined the ID. "Ok, looks good to me, lets go for a little walk and talk then shall we." Said Dunham gesturing with his hand for the reporter to follow him and smiling in a friendly manner. "Were would you like to start?"

"It's your territory," Thomas said as he climbed out of the fighter. "I'll let you decide."

"Ok said Dunham with another smile. He started his tour buy showing the reporter around the starfighters that they housed in the main hanger bay and the alert fighter rapid deployment system, Broadsword Multi-role Assault Fighters,Peregrine Heavy Fighters, Razor Interceptors and of course Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters. He then showed him the views from up in the docking control room that looked down into the hanger bay, and also around the gangways and wlakways that crisscrossed the hanger bay. He also took him below decks were they repaired and replaced the fighter if needed. Dunham had nothing to hide from the reporter, but he kept tactical and deployment information to himself.

"This is all very impressive," Thomas said as he took it all in. "How often do you get called out on a mission?"

"Were Starfleet, We are always on mission." said Dunham with a grin.

"Of course you are," Thomas said with a chuckle. "How often are you sent out to attack someone?"

"Were not at war with anyone at the moment, so never," said Dunham not sure were the reporter was going with his line of questioning.

"Do you miss not being sent out like that?" Thomas asked, smiling at the man.

"Starfleet is a Peacekeeping, Humanitarian and Exploration Fleet, if there is no war going on then we have done our job, to keep the peace."

"I've heard that speech before," Thomas said with a nod. "That doesn't answer my question, though." He paused and looked around the room for a moment. "What made you get into flying fighters?"

"off the record?" said Dunham with a smile and a twinkle in his eye.

"I'm not here on official business, Lieutenant," Thomas said to him. "This entire conversation has been off the record."

"I got into flying fighters because of girl" said Dunham with a smile and a little laugh.

"Really?" Thomas asked, a little surprised. "Care to explain?"

"I didn't get into fighters, until after I graduated from starfleet academy, my first tour of duty was as ships helmsman on the USS Agamemnon, a defiant class starship, I met this girl on board, she helped me through a few things, showed me direction, after that I got re-assigned to starfighter wing, and I've loved it ever since."

"Must have been quite a woman," Thomas said with a sly smile. "Do you still talk to her?"

"Noooo" said Dunham thoughtfully "I haven't spoke to her in while" he stroked the stubble on his chin, thinking he should drop her a line sometime.

"May I ask why not?" Thomas asked.

"You may ask, but never kiss and tell"

Thomas laughed and smiled at the man. "Fair enough. Do you like being on the base?"

"I love being on the base, its been one of those life changing experiences. wouldn't swap it for the world." Replied Dunham with a friendly smile.

"I couldn't agree with you more on that one," Thomas said with a nod. "I'm sure you have more important things to do than play tour-guide," he said to the man. "Thank you for your time," he added, extending his hand.

Dunham shook the reporters hand, "Not a problem Mr Whitlock" said Dunham.


Lt Richard Dunham
(Acting) CAG / Wing Commander


Thomas Whitlock
FNS Reporter