Beg, Steal or Borrow – Checking in on our guest
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Checking in on our guest
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 2:02am
Location   Deck 26 - Hospitality Quarters
Timeline   SD 9 - shortly after the meeting
Tag   (Cross post on the Freedom)
Gabriel tried to read as much on Commander H'daen as he could. However, like most senior ranking Romulans, the relevant information was above his pay grade. Now that the station had been safely secured and the threat of any reprisal attacks were done away with, Gabriel was free to have a genuine conversation with the man without the false pleasantries.

As he turned the corner he nodded to the two security officers who had been standing guard over the room since he had assigned the Commander to that location the previous day.

"I'm going to speak to our "guest". Nobody is to enter or leave without my authorization." Gabriel said as he raised his eyes from his Padd and received acknowledgment from the two officers.

Gabriel nodded again and the doors were unsealed and he was allowed to enter.

“Ah, Lieutenant!” tr’Rehu said as he got to his feet and reached for his jacket. “There seems to have been some terrible breakdown in communication. That door and its communication panel ceased to function and I have been unable to summon a bloody soul to come and fix it.” Irked he shrugged on the garment and turned his attention back to the Federation officer, “Now it seems to be resolved I have a lot to do beginning with raising a complaint about my treatment!” he stomped toward the door then realizing that he was not being followed he paused and turned back to the room, “Lieutenant?”

Gabriel put down the padd that he was reading and observed the man for several moments before responding. "I'm sorry, but you'll be hard pressed to find anybody on this station to sympathize for you." Gabriel said while walking calmly across the plush carpet admiring the recent renovations that had been performed.

H’daen tr’Rehu raised his hands in an exaggerated shrug and stepped back towards the table, furious with himself for having fallen for the act, “If you think I’ll overlook this because the surroundings are pleasant you’ve got another thing coming! Imprisonment is imprisonment whatever the surroundings. You bring me here and leave me for hours, restrict my movement and leave me unable to even replicate the most basic sustenance - I will not forget this.”

Gabriel smiled to himself briefly. "You are right, I did mislead you, so shoot me." Gabriel held his hands up in mock fear. "Wait, your people have already done that in the past 26 hours!" he replied angrily. "I want a full description of those artifacts and what significance they have to you, and don't give me that religious crap, because I doubt you are pious enough to invade a Federation installation for that." Gabriel said as he stepped closer.

“I have done NOTHING but try to co-operate with you. My government will have something to say about my treatment. I demand to speak with someone from the embassy NOW!” he demanded.

"I'm not playing games with you!" Gabriel said as he snapped his fingers towards the two officers at the door signaling them to exit the room and lock the door. "The only thing that your government knows is that your ship was destroyed and all hands were lost. It wouldn't be much of a stretch if YOUR body ended up floating amongst the wreckage outside" Gabriel said to the man.

"Unless of course your government KNEW about the attack ahead of time and you coming over here was all a part of the plan." Gabriel added.

”Don’t threaten me, faelirh ch'susse-thrai, I came here to resolve a situation that your security services proved incapable of handling, and of my own accord!” Posturing aside, the man had a point, accidents did happen. “My sister Senator ir-Ainleth knows I left that ship and if anything happens to me that knowledge will be made public. Can I make myself any more plain?”

Gabriel stepped closer to the man holding the padd which contained information on the artifacts in his face. "The trinkets. . .talk!" Gabriel responded, signifying that his patience was beginning to run low.

H’daen snatched the padd and threw it onto the table, ”They are not trinkets. You could not begin to understand their significance! Those bloody monks had loan of them and they were stolen … imirrhlhhse, they’re not ours to steal! They were on loan to the monastery, they’re usually in a secure location on Ainleth, part of the inherited wealth of the colony. One set was presented to each of the chief negotiators of our side of the Treaty of Algeron, and of the seven sets that were presented only three sets of figurines are still known to exist. This isn’t a joke, Lieutenant, the fact that they were stolen by a Federation vessel is the seed of an interstellar crisis. They are priceless.” the Romulan said passionately.

Gabriel observed the man's emotional reaction. It was hard for a person to lie when they became emotional towards a subject. Perhaps Gabriel was beginning to get to the bottom of things after all.

"Stolen by a vessel, you've said that before. What gives you any idea that those artifacts were taken by a Federation vessel in the first place? We don't possess stealth technology, we believe in being upfront in our objectives." He said.

“The Federation warp signature!” H’daen replied in an exasperated tone. Bloody fool! If this was the calibre of the average Federation officer it was a wonder someone hadn’t ordered a full scale invasion.

Gabriel thought for a moment as he let the words sink into his mind. ~Every vessel was placed on lockdown at 13:40hrs when the station went to Red Alert. All vessels have been examined already, what other vessel has had access to this station since then?~ He pondered, then it suddenly dawned on him as he turned to face the Romulan.

"The lady doth protest too much, me thinks" Gabriel said to the Romulan as he began to unravel what had happened. Where else would be the best place to store an item except for a place that nobody would ever be able to find it. The Romulan agent probably stole the items and placed them on a vessel that was designated to depart from the station, that way the Federation would be forced to deny vehemently, and the Romulans would refuse to believe them and eventually open fire.

“I’ve had enough, Lieutenant – whatever your name was. You will not keep me here any longer; I have a complaint to make then I want to speak to my consulate so that I can arrange a way out of this … this … circus.”

Gabriel looked at the man and contemplated whether he should share his revelation. He decided against it considering that he was a Romulan who had an agenda of his own. "I'll do you one better, not only will I let you go, but I'll give you a luxurious mode of transportation." Gabriel said as he walked over to the doors and unsealed it via his access code. When the two officers looked into the room Gabriel pointed towards the Romulan Commander.

"Escort this man to the USS Freedom. According to the ship manifest, they are scheduled to travel to Romulus, and I'm sure they'd be more than happy to drop off our friend on the way." Gabriel said as the men entered the room to begin escorting the Commander.

“Don’t think you’ve heard the end of this,” H’daen jabbed his finger under Gabriel’s nose, “I hope you wanted infamy, because you’ll be so well known in the Empire when I’m done that you won’t be able to move for fear of reprisal.”

Gabriel smirked, "Be sure to use a *good* photo of me when you do." Gabriel said smugly. As the doors closed he suddenly felt like being generous to one more person.

"Computer, send a communique directly to the USS Freedom's Chief Intelligence Officer, Lieutenant Ericon. Tell him that Christmas has come early and he's about to have a "guest" to talk to during his trip back to Romulus. End message." Gabriel said as he began to exit the room. He knew that Ericon couldn't hold the Romulan Commander, but there had to be a dozen different things that the Lieutenant could do to keep both himself and the Romulan "occupied" during the trip.

Riov H’daen tr’Rehu
(NPC by Louise)

Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security