Time is Fleeting – A Tale of Two Ensigns - Episode 4
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   A Tale of Two Ensigns - Episode 4
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Sun Oct 04, 2009 @ 4:30pm
Location   Deck 24 - Sector Patrol Administration Office
Timeline   SD15 - 09:05

Lieutenant Serine sat in her office working diligently at organising the latest patrol route for the Korvas system. It appeared that there were two patrol vessels in the neighbourhood that could check the system out in the next week. She made a note on her computer to recommend to Lieutenant Tan that both vessels go and check into the reported pirate sighting. She checked the time on her desk. It read 09:05 station time. It appeared Watts was late. She expected such behaviour from a reckless human, especially a male, but she knew that it was the burden of illogical beings to be unpredictable.

Her co-workers in the surrounding offices had all taken time this morning to head to the nearby portholes and windows to view the strange anomaly that appeared near the station. Some of them were worried that the station might be destroyed. Nonsense. Serine had reminded them that the senior staff would be dealing with the issue and if they were needed they would be called upon. No, the logical thing to do was to carry on with ones duties and trust that everyone else was doing their duty.

As the door chime sounded she put aside the PADD she held, signing off on the last report. All her morning work done exactly on time she straightened her tunic.


Watts entered the office. Chewing vigorously on a bit of gum. As a squadron leader he had often had to come to the offices of strategic operations and one of it sub departments Sector Patrol Administration Office. He personally thought to himself that their two departments should never really interact. That it could be done on a more senior level between the CAG and head of strategic ops. But every organisation had its bureaucracy even Starfleet. He reflected though that these feelings of negativity towards fellow departments in starfleet could actually be narrowed down to just one person. The Vulcan woman sitting behind a desk in front of him. Lieutenant Serine was notorious for her cold demeanour. An attitude that was so detached that it put other vulcans to shame. If she could feel shame that is. He took a seat opposite ready for an inevitable jibe at his character, or something about how flawed humans were.

"Well Ensign I want to keep this brief, since I'm sure there are other duties you have to be late for." Serine turned to the computer console on her desk and brought up the report the two ensigns had filed concerning their investigation at the Korvas colony. As far as she was concerned there were several unanswered questions.

"Now. I understand Ensign Brosarn has been called into the Science Department to help deal with the anomaly that has opened near the station, but I felt I needed clarification on this report you've filed." Her left eyebrow arched slightly. "What exactly did you discover when questioning the colonists?"

Watts held up both hands in indignation. "Wo there. Back up a bit. I'm not late" Watts checked his personal time keeping device. "I'm right on the money." He said pointing at the time on the device.

Serine raised her eyebrow further. "Computer, time." She asked.

"The time is oh-nine-hundred, oh-six hours." The computer voice replied promptly.

"You are in error. I suggest you correct your time piece after this meeting." Serine tried to turn the conversation back to the point. "Now, to the matter at hand. The colonists?"

"Well" said Watts a little put out and shaking his time piece while holding it up to his ear. "As you know from the report we came under attack from an unkown vessle. She attacked us and we barely got out of their alive. When we landed on the planet. We met with the Colony Administraitor. He explained that the priates had stolen some equipment. However call it a hunch but somethings just didn't add up plus he was being a little cagey with both of us."

"Yes this is all in your report. It then says that you moved on to question the local inhabitants. I must admit this section is fairly brief. It merely says that you found little from them and there were no decent leads." Serine looked the ensign in the eyes. "Is there anything that you wished to add?"

"Hmmm" he said rubbing his chin in thought. "Well call it a gut feeling or maybe human intuition. But I really thought we were not getting the hole story from those guys, and the more I think about it the I reckon they were hiding something. Or protecting someone."

Serine gave the ensign a serious look. She did not like the implications of such a situation and had to admit that things in the Korvas system did seem strange. Logic told her that something was going on beyond what the colony leader was telling them.

"That is quite an accusation Mr Watts. One that I feel you need more proof to support. If I were to give you mission authority how would you go about this?"

~Feel~ thought Watts to him self sarcastically. " I would take Ensign Tral Brosarn and head out again in a runabout to complete a survey in the surrounding area. If we can find that ship we might be able to get some answers. Their is also another route we could take. Maybe enlisting the help of Deep Space Fives more unsavoury characters in giving us the location to these pirates"

"It would appear that the conventional approach has not served you well so far, even though I would take the same path. Perhaps investigating those that might have had direct contact with the criminal element in this area or the Neutral Zone could prove fruitful. Perhaps you should look for individuals of a dubious nature that have docked recently from that area?"

"Ok. Do you have anybody in mind. This is not my area of expertise."

The lieutenant tapped briefly at her computer. She quikly logged into the docking authorities administration system and deftly leafed through the entries. There were very few enties once a few choice filters were applied to the long list. Date narrowed things down a lot and region of origin narrowed it even further. She looked up at the ensign.

"Well it seems that between the romulan attack, the war games and now this anomaly there has been little civilian traffic in from the Neutral Zone. However I have found two candidates that might prove able to provide you with information. One is a Ferengi trader named Flax. The other is a Yridian trader named Glanf. Both arrived in the given time period so might have current information and neither have filed any licenses under Federation Trade Regulations since they arrived."

Watts chewed at his gum in thought. "Well Yridians are regarded as information merchants and smugglers, though they are generally considered devious and untrustworthy. But the same could be said for a Ferengi. But i don't like to stereotype. We will go and see this Glanf see what he has to offer. But information does not come for free."

"Very well ensign, though you may have to go alone as I believe Ensign Brosarn will be tied up helping Lieutenant Tovon and his team in Science today and I have no-one spare. I expect a report by oh-seven hundred hours tomorrow." She turned back to her computer and tapped a few notes on the mission file.



Ensign Watts
Played by Dunham

Lieutenant JG Serine
Played by Tovon