Incommunicado – Changing Tide - Tsunami
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Changing Tide - Tsunami
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Tue Feb 07, 2012 @ 9:20am
Location   Dunham's personal quarters
Timeline   Between Judgement & Incommunicado

Ok so that was...Eggs, bacon, cereal....chocolate lops to be precise....toast with strawberry jam and dont forget the butter, scones but with no butter...and warm milk.....he thought, was it? Ahhhhh he couldn't remember and he'd only taken five steps to the replicator, with Eleanor gabbing onto his ankle in the process and giggling incessantly. Was there a toast order in there, and what was chelsea having? it was Eggs and bacon, eggs had to be was fruit loops cereal. The toast was supposed to be plain and the scones were having jam and butter on the...right?

Wait was it? Oh yes and the warm milk for the baby and he needed a juice of some kind....wait, oh hell were there drinks orders with that food order? He could pilot a starship through the depths of space command an air group...but for the love of all that was holy he couldn't manage a breakfast order.

The crying didn't help. That had started at around four o'clock in the morning station time, soon after the others were up and jumping on the Dunhams while they tried to sleep in their bed, demanding to be played with. This had woken up Kim who being a teenager was less than impressed with waking early and had a grouchy demeanor about her. Rick just looked harassed.

Chelsea was walking the floor with the baby, rocking him in her arms desperately trying to comfort him. "Did Angelina leave any item of her own clothing to offer him to make him think she's still here?" she asked as Rick handed her the warm milk in a small bottle with an artificial teat on it which Tyler immediately spat out in disgust.

Eleanor sat next to Todd but her tiny pudgy hand arrived in his bowl of chocolate loops as she put it up on the table clumsily in order to save herself as she slipped off the front of the adult chair. Todd bellowed at her for spilling his cereal and she, from underneath the breakfast bar, burst into floods of wounded tears both from the unhappiness of being yelled at by her big brother but also from the grazes from slipping.

Chelsea handed Tyler to Rick who looked horrified as the tiny bundle screwed up his face to start a new yell. She went to the cot and pulled out the fabric long-limbed *rabbit* toy which she gave to Tyler who grabbed at it and stuffed it into his mouth, grinding his gums on it intensely.

"Aha! He's teething!" Chelsea declared. "I'll get him something." She hurried over to Ellie and picked her up, comforting her and putting her onto her hip as she crossed to the side for her med-kit.

Ellie was fascinated with the whole proceedure of a childrens' dose analgesic hyperspray into her upper arm and again with the regenerator *mending* her knees. Todd grumbled but Kim served him some more cereal and mopped up the spillage.

"Thank you sweetie, you're my star yet again!" Chelsea praised her gratefully as she went back to Rick and Ty with another tiny hyperspray and baby dose of analgesic, this time applying it directly to his gums, immediately achieving peace. With his gums no longer hurting, Tyler took the bottle and appeased his stomach too.

Ellie was persuaded to return to the breakfast bar if she was allowed to sit on Chelsea's lap and her scrambled eggs were despatched with a spoon and some *aeroplane* noises, imitating Uncle Rick's alleged crazy flying antics in order to make everyone laugh and Eleanor willing to open her mouth to receive egg-fighter planes.

The navigation of these types of fighters and shuttles were MUCH more up Chelsea's street and she had no trouble at all 'landing' or even 'launching' them so she made a comment that they were nothing like the OTHER Chelsea, which even made Kim lighten up too as she added anecdotes for Todd's amusement about how their recent picnic had gone.

Rick, who had quite literally been left holding the baby was walking up and down the room trying to get Tyler to drink from his bottle, pretty unsuccessfully by the way, and was on the verge of contemplating beaming the milk straight into the babies stomach using a transporter, when suddenly he started to eat. Bloody mystery these things, he thought to himself as he looked down at baby.

Tyler was guzzling to save his life as now that his gums weren't on fire he had remembered that his stomach was empty.

Eleanor had finished all her egg and Todd was asking for more cereal. Kim served it up and set about her bacon and egg on toast and Chelsea reached over and handed Rick's to him, one forkful at a time without even having to lift Ellie off her lap.

"Sit here with him" she told Rick, who duly perched himself on the other side of her and allowed her to feed him too, much to the amusement of the kids.

"oh hell I'm suppose to be at work" panicked Rick suddenly as he checked his time piece.

"It's okay. I'll drop the little ones off at Creche and Kim can take Todd with her to school. Would you like that Todd? Or do you want me to come to introduce you?" Chelsea asked.

Todd shook his head. "I want to go with Kim" he said bravely. He looked up at her with something of a childish hero worship.

"Okay, that's great, thank you" Chelsea smiled, shooting a look at Rick as Kim stood up, all grown up and ushered him to check his books and packed lunch and then left with him in tow.

Rick was gone before the two for school got out of the door and that left Chelsea with only the babies to organise before she dropped them and all their 'day bags' to the creche and then back to get some sleep.

By 15.00 she was back to pick them up again and home in time to be there to provide Kim and Todd with some tea before putting the babes in the bath, getting supper all round, reading stories, tucking in and finally leaving Kim to babysit with only Todd still up for one more hour and the other two asleep.

It was then only half an hour before Rick would get back and Chelsea herself, although on duty soon, gave strict instructions that she could be called back at any moment if needed and that Kim was not to hesitate to do so if she had any doubts.

Kim was proud to be left 'in charge' even if only briefly before Uncle Rick got back. Chelsea set off for the night shift and this routine went on for several days before her shifts changed and Rick's did too.


A JP Between:

Cmdr Chelsea Dunham


Lt Cdr Rick Dunham

And many children related NPC's