Beg, Steal or Borrow – Departmental Regroup
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Colonel James Darson & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant T'Pal & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Departmental Regroup
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Colonel James Darson & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant T'Pal & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Wed Jul 08, 2009 @ 12:50am
Location   Captains Office
Timeline   SD9 08.00
Tag   15 authors

David rushed back from the Marine deck, still unsure to the Major's mental acuity. Pushing the door open, he was caught unaware that some of the heads were sat waiting.

Jarred sat at the table, he hated these meetings, hated them even more since he and the Chief were all that were left in the department, The cadet was busy with Alexandria.

"Glad you're back here Mr. Wallace, you will be the topic leader." David grinned as he zipped passed and took his seat at the desk.

Chelsea, who was already seated, also nodded to David in acknowledgement and smiled at him and at Richard. "Good morning" she said.

~Another meeting? Where's Ryan when these meetings are called? This is the second one this morning and it's only 8 o'clock! I should be in bed! I'm *meant* to be off duty. When I get my hands on 'Simon Smith' I'm so gonna make him get up at 6am on his morning off.~ she thought, feeling tired and irritable now as the first flush of early morning coffee had worn off.

Her reference to an ancient 20th Century song about a man and his "Amazing Dancing Bear" was an unkind dig at Ryan's dancing partner *Nora* with whom he had been practising for their show at every possible opportunity. All this exertion was allegedly why he needed his sleep more which was why he had asked Chelsea to move back to her own quarters. To add insult to injury, there was all this extra cover for shifts, 'on call', or meetings that Chelsea had been asked to do, to accommodate him.

Although she had not made the comment out loud, it was uncharacteristic of Chelsea to snipe. She checked herself and tried to think happy thoughts but then she remembered that Isha was leaving soon and her frown deepened instead of lifting. She wished she'd got herself another cup of coffee on the way in as she stifled a yawn.

Seeing the tired look in her eyes. Dunham leaned over to Chelsea and without saying anything passed her his mug of Black Coffee. With a Smile.

Surprised and a little pink-cheeked to think she had made her tiredness that obvious, Chelsea beamed her appreciation at the Squadron Leader. "Thanks, that was a very thoughtful gesture" she said softly, taking a grateful sip and flexing her shoulders to relieve the tension in them, she visibly brightened. It was amazing how uplifting a simple act of kindness could be.

Davies smiled to himself, he liked Chelsea, and she was naturally friendly and had a good heart.

"We'll wait a few minutes for everybody to gather, especially the new staff who have joined us. He tapped at his comm.

=^= "Ensign Elliott, please respond." =^= David called again, having summoned the new Operations Officer before his entrance into the Captains office.
"Computer, locate Ensign Elliott." Davies ordered.

The computer was not able to accurately state his whereabouts and it annoyed the commander as Davies wondered why the ensign had not responded to his hails. His department heads were mainly gathered after the morning’s happier events that had so quickly turned into a debacle.

The door to the office remained open as more staff gathered.

Jarred looked around, he wanted to meet Ensign Elliot, he'd heard some good things about him and he was hoping to add him to a mission plan that was up-coming, he also was looking around for Claire, chances are she wasn't moving too swift after not seeing Jarred last night. The room suddenly filled with a proverbial chill as he saw a Jag officer walk in, ~Crap now what?~ he mused.

Petro walked in, feeling taller than her 152 centimeters, and smiling. She found an empty seat, sat down and glanced around the room. Another meeting, hopefully a little less dramatic than the one prior.

Dunham thought to himself that it was nice to see so many happy faces come into the meeting room. This was one of two meetings he had on the stations since his arrival two days ago, and this one was going a lot better than the last.

A flustered Ensign Elliott entered with Ayren close behind, but it was the JAG woman who now held David's curious stare.
He had read that the JAG offices were being re-settled, but had no idea the Commander was aboard already. The number of new staff was perplexing to say the least and he had yet to greet half of them.

Ayren stepped towards an open seat and sat down. "Morning everyone," she greeted those who were here already, smiling briefly.

"Hi" said Dunham warmly. Already sitting in his chair. He offered his hand to shake to Ayren. "I don't think we have met? I'm Richard Dunham."

"No, I don't think we have, Ayren Kelan," Ayren said smiling as she took his hand. "Nice to meet you", she said

"Pleasure to meet you too, so umm what do you down around here then?"

'I am the Chief Diplomatic Officer here," she replied and looked at his uniform. "And you are a ... squadron leader, right?" she asked.

"Yes Ma'am" said Dunham switching to a more formal address and cringing slightly as he realized the importance of the woman he was talking to. "Squadron Leader of Bravo wing and the CAG's right hand man."

"Yeah, he is." Rianni smiled, taking a seat beside Richard. With Isha being away and her not really having had the time to bond with anyone else here he was the only person she felt comfortable with, "Hell of a pilot, too. Real hot shot." She extended a hand to Ayren, "Lt. Cdr. Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian, CAG, nice to meet you."

Ayren smiled warmly, sensing the sudden discomfort of the squadron leader. "Nice to meet you too," she said and took Rianni's hand and made the connection to the Romulan ambassador now on the Freedom. "I did hear about how excellently you guys performed during the attack," she said. Ayren knew few of the staff of DS5, mostly engaged with non-staff members. "And that includes the CAG," she said with a wink. "The only time I was in a pilot's seat was at the academy," she said grinning.

"Well, if you ever want to take some lessons, let me know." Rianni smiled, kissing Ayren's hand as she did so, "Maybe we can help each other out a bit. My aunt is always on me to learn more about diplomacy."

Ayren dipped her head slightly at the unexpected gesture. "I would like that," she said her grin widening.

"Good." Rianni smiled, glad to see she'd gotten a decent reaction from the beautiful diplomat, "We'll have dinner, too. Old Romulan proverb, 'One negotiates best on a full stomach'. I figure it would apply to learning to negotiate as well."

"If we can bring this meeting to order, I want to keep this brief, but we shall wait for Commanders Gabriel and T'lan before I continue." David said aloud, but didn't address anybody particular.

Karen merely flicked her eyes over the faces of those present - she had barely been noticed, which suited her well enough; she needed to know these people as they were, not as they wished to be known. Admittedly, she was curious to see what sort of a person this Gabriel was, but as the commander had said, he had not yet arrived.

Petro smiled at the woman who seemed to be sizing everyone up. Despite her earlier run in with Dorian, she could be cordial enough for this meeting. As of yet, she wasn't sure what this one would be about.

Dunham, blushing from his Commanders comments nipped to the replicator to grab a glass of water then he ducked back down into his chair hoping he was not to rude getting up.

Gabriel walked into the room briskly. His eyes surveyed the area in an intent manner. He wanted to find and strangle that Klingon, but if he couldn't find him he'd have to settle on his Romulan cohort. His meeting with Jo'el had enlightened him as to the breach of duty on behalf of Da`Nal when he ALLOWED a Romulan attack vessel to escape. He did not see either individual, for the time being he was going to have to control his demeanor until this meeting was over and he could handle things his own way.

Before he sat down he once again locked eyes on the J'naii. She knew something, he wasn't sure exactly what, but she knew something that gave her the audacity to accost him in front of the entire senior staff. He was going to have to keep an eye on her.

Petro noted the glaring look that Gabriel gave her and even as she stared back at him, she couldn't help but smile. That was more likely to infuriate a man like him more than anything she could say. Despite the fact that she didn't like him, which was a rarity for her, she had to admit that he was strongly self-aware.

~Lets get this tea party over with~ Jarred thought, ~I've got other things to do and I don't have time for this~ Jarred had work to do, and it was piled up on his desk.

T'Lan entered the room holding a PADD. This was not a PADD on anything on DS-5, but one outlining the specifications of her new command. She sat down and continued reading.

David watched as the officers sat and then stood and nodded to Lieutenant Freeman.

"Thank you for coming back to the table so quickly, I will try to keep this brief. As you know, we took a bashing yesterday, inside help is always a hindrance and thanks to the sharp thinking of Lieutenant Freeman and the re-supply from Ensign Petro, we got away without major damage, though we did suffer some causalities. Bruce, how are the repairs coming?" David asked, offering the Chief Engineer the floor.

"Surprisingly they are coming without many problems. Everyone in engineering is doing their best. Give us another day and we should have all the recent damage completely repaired. On a bad note we have gotten slightly behind on the regular wear and tear of the station, and those grow every day. Oh yeah another good note is that the special project should be finished in a couple of days also."

Darson swaggered into the conference room as the meeting was beginning. The chains and circlet gone from his head, and the sling had disappeared from his arm, which seemed to be back in working order. As he moved around the side of the room, he didn’t interrupt the reports in progress and moved straight to his seat, taking the time to inspect all the new faces in the room discretely and bring up their dossiers.

Ensign Elliott had been standing there a moment, unsure of whether to sit at an open spot or just keep standing until called upon. Seeing that it could be a while, he decided that quietly moving to an open seat would be the best. That and to keep very quiet. No use bringing his belatedness into the meeting.

So this is the full set, Karen thought from her position at the back of the room. A staff meeting was not that much different from a courtroom really, she surmised, all the different characters and already beginning to show what they were about. Perhaps she should have introduced herself to Davies in advance ... but the delay of her ship docking caused by the recent skirmish had rather put an end to that possibility. She shifted a little, refolding her arms.

Jarred looked again at the woman at the back of the room, he didn't need to read her mind to know she was a JAG officer, he just felt it was a little presumptuous to just wander in to a meeting with out permission, or without a formal introduction, let alone the fact she may not have the clearance to be here considering some of the sensitive information being discussed.

"Good news Lieutenant." Davies replied to Bruce as he turned his attention to Darson and the remaining heads that came and took their seats. Again he focused his attention to the JAG officer. She was attractive, despite her obvious aloofness and position but she intrigued him. He thought she appeared a little like Captain Tahir, but perhaps a little older. Her brown eyes complimented her hair and in stark contrast to her uniform, the insignia displaying a Commanders rank.

~Who is she? ~ He pondered, casting an eye on T'Lan, before taking a breath and remembering what he was doing.

"Commander Gabriel, Ensign Wallace has requested a full transfer to Intelligence, do you have any objections?" David asked, as he also glanced at Jarred.

Gabriel looked from the Ensign towards Commander Davies and contemplated for several moments before responding. "How, pray tell, does Ensign Wallace plan on being a beneficial member of the Intelligence department when he has completely disappeared from this station without any form of permission nor request from either myself or Captain Tahir." he said as he leaned forward.

"And before you even start, save me that cloak and dagger crap!" Gabriel responded quickly. "Isn't it convenient how your 'orders' seem to appear out of nowhere and without any confirmation from station command?" Gabriel asked rhetorically.

Petro listened to the back and forth and, despite the smile she held, confirmed that her opinion of Gabriel was justified.

Before Wallace could respond Gabriel forcefully raised his hand cutting him off and looked towards Davies. "Fine, I have no further objections, unfortunately for Chief Ayers, Wallace is the highest ranking member within the department." Gabriel said with obvious dissatisfaction.

Davies' lips turned down. "Thank you Commander, your points have been noted." Davies turned towards Jarred. "Are you ready to take on the role of Chief Intelligence Officer and if you are, you must guarantee your commitment to DS5." Davies added, as if strengthening what Dorian had said.

Jarred decided to play along "Unlike Mr. Gabriel, I take my position serious. My ambitions are to protect the citizens of the federation, So I accept the position of Intelligence chief and all its duties." Jarred stared right at Dorian and thought ~Unlike you who had to use political connections to get the job.~

"Very well...." Davies began as the doors opened inwards and a perplexed looking Tan entered.

Vincent stumbled into the meeting room, his right hand tucking his shirt in, his left holding a PADD. He had an Apple Danish clamped between his teeth and a disposable coffee cup tucked in the crook of his arm. Seeing that the meeting was already underway, he juggled things around so that his mouth was free. "Sorry, everyone," he said. "I got lost..."

Petro stifled a laugh. It was easy enough to get lost on a station this size. She had done it a few times, despite taking several rounds to acquaint herself.

Embarrassed, he quickly slotted into a seat towards the back of the room, giving a friendly nod to Dunham as he did so and desperately trying to avoid Gabriel's piercing gaze.

"It happens." David said as Vincent sat.

Given the lull that the arrival of 'Danish' had caused, Karen glanced at a PADD that had been resting in her lap, "Commander - Davies, with your permission I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you all,"

Davids eyes went directly to the woman as she spoke.

Karen did not actually wait to see if that permission was forthcoming. She pushed to her feet, and stepped around the table so that everyone could get a good look at her, "Admiral Brailsford of the JAG office has decided that this station may benefit from the establishment of a permanent presence - the sector, at present being the edge of a remote and somewhat lawless frontier - a frontier that is receiving increasing attention from both allies of the Federation, and more distant 'friends'. I have orders to gauge the need for that office and to get an understanding of the overall political implications of that 'interest' so we might best counter any threat through the courts. I will be meeting with you all individually to take soundings about recent events at this station, your word will influence what action, if any, the Federation chooses to take against the RSE."

Karen stepped up to Davies and handed him the PADD, "Commander, there is information there for you from Brailsford," she knew what was on the PADD, but it was up to Davies announce her appointment as his Executive Officer and make the second 'official' part of her purpose known.

Petro listened and watched, wondering what, if anything, she could say about the recent events. Her being in a coma for a while didn’t help matters any. There was so much that she missed and just wouldn’t know about. Still, if this newcomer, whose name she didn’t say, has questions for her she would be willing to answer them in whatever capacity she could.

The Commander scanned the PADD, his eyes widened as he read. He looked towards T'Lan and then back to Miss Villiers a look of disbelief in his face.

"Okaaaaaay," Karen said as she saw the man's face moved like someone who had just been unexpectedly subpoenaed. She turned back to the room, "Karen Villiers," she announced, "I'll be in touch."

With a twitch of a smile Karen stalked back to her seat.

Davies recomposed himself, deciding now was not the time to announce the full reasons to Karens arrival. He lay the PADD on the desk, beside the other that he had laid there earlier and waited for the assembly to quiet down, now that all eyes were on Miss Villiers.

He cleared "As I was about to say, Ensign Wallace, you are promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade with immediate effect, but," He waved the PADD towards the Commander, "I think I should introduce you all to Commander Karen Villiers, who has been assigned JAG Officer to Deep Space 5." He returned his attention to the woman, unsure in what capacity her primary role would provide,. "Welcome aboard Commander." He glanced back to T'Lan.

He tried to recollect what order of business was left for the meeting, but his head felt muggy and thick and if there was a window, he would have opened it, just to feel fresh air enter his lungs.

~Bloody hell. Wonder what that was all about.~ Thought Dunham to himself watching the exchanges across the room.

"Very well, I think that just about covers everything," Davies said, steering the meeting to a close, "If there is nothing else, I think we know what needs to be done and you all know what and where you supposed to be." He closed, hoping nobody would want to say anything more.

Ayren sat quietly and shook her head inwardly. This was indeed a very odd meeting. Apart from the verbal interaction, the emotional currents was thick enough to cut with a knife. "From my side as well, welcome, Commander," she said addressing Karen specifically.

"Thank you," Karen acknowledged the diplomat with a nod. She was somewhat bemused by Davies' reaction and resolved to speak with him afterwards.


CO: Commander David Davies.

Ensign Petro

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams

Lt. JG Jarred Wallace

Commander Karen Villiers

Lt. Cmdr
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lt. Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt. JG Vincent Tan

Lt. Bruce Freeman

Ayren Kelan

Lt Col Darson

Lt Comm Monteros

Lt JG Jo'el

Comm T'Lan

Ensign Elliott