Interlude – Awkward situations
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Awkward situations
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Fri Sep 10, 2010 @ 9:31pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD31 - Early evening
Arrienye checked her reflection in the mirror one last time. She needed to look perfect for meeting Maiell's 'girlfriend'. She had to snort at the very word.

There were several others that came to mind which were more fitting. But her mission tonight was not to talk semantics, but to look much better than the Bajoran. Not that it would be hard, of course.

Arrienye had chosen a simple outfit, though much brighter than she usually would've picked. A sunny yellow dress that was tight under her chest, then flared out under the small band there. The dress ended at her knees and showed off her hourglass figure. It had a V neckline that wasn't too low to look inappropriate, but overall, the dress accented her figure nicely. She wore matching, short gloves.

Slipping into her shoes, she pushed her black hair back and adjusted her gloves. Checking the chronometer to see that she still had about an hour and a half left, Arrienye decided to spend it making sure everything was set in the kitchen. Unfortunately, fate had another idea. Half way to the kitchen, she heard her computer beep, announcing a message had arrived.

Checking it, Arrienye frowned once she saw that the rather 'delicate' piece of merchandise from ch'Rihan had arrived at the agreed drop off point. She let out a sigh, knowing there was no way she could leave it there for more than an hour. Letting out a frustrated growl, she stormed out of her quarters, got onto the turbolift and left the Consulate, heading for the Promenade.

Sotar, as usual, was lurking with intent. After any sort of bar. His first meeting with Arrienye he vowed never to drink again, within hours, he was hitting Kanar back like it was water.

"Why not." He said out loud, as he thought about taking a stroll. Nowhere in particular, just, about. He needed to feel like a normal person, not a Cardassian warmonger.

Arrienye walked quickly through the Promenade, moving past people while muttering occasional 'Excuse me's, not really looking at who they were. Barely managing to move passed a pack of Caitian, she finally pulled free and bumped into someone else. She growled internally. What the hell was drawing all these people to DS5, she wondered.

Sotar imagined the same thing. What could attract this many people to one of the most hostile spots in the quadrant? He didn't care really. He just wanted to find a quiet spot to dwell by himself. He saw her then. In the midst of chaos, among the crowd. She stood out terrifically. A tall figure, only enhanced by the clothes she wore. "Magnificent." Sotar said aloud, before quickly slapping a hand over his mouth.

Arrienye looked up, meeting his eyes. Blinking a few times, she suddenly did the unimaginable. She blushed. Visibly, the skin of her cheeks, while flawless, took on a distinct greenish color. She cleared her throat. "Um...thank you," she said quietly.

"Oh... You... You head me?" He asked, a lump forming in his throat.

"Yes..." she admitted, motioning to how close they were. With people pushing to get passed them, the two were nearly pressed up against each other. But, despite the crowd, Arrienye didn't really notice the people around them.

"Well... You do . I must admit. I have seen you wear some flattering clothing. But none competes to this!" He said, gesturing at her clothes. "Special occasion?"

Still blushing, Arrienye took the opportunity of one the crowd thinning a bit to take a small step back. "Yes, I suppose. I'm having dinner with someone," she said, and then, her eyes widening at the implication, she spoke quickly. "No! I mean, yes I'm having dinner, but not with...a man. Or a woman! Not in that way," she explained, shaking her head. Then she caught herself.

~Why the hell am I justifying myself to him?~ she asked, shocked at her words. She cleared her throat. "So, how have you been?" she asked him suddenly, crossed her arms defensively, hoping to look casual.

Sotar laughed. "Don't have to defend yourself Arrienye. Who you have dinner with is your matters. Your life is your life." He said, a bit relieved that it wasn't a man or woman, in that way.

"I know that!" she told him firmly, still blushing. "So, what are you doing skulking around the Promenade?" she asked.

"Walking." He replied. "Just... Walking."

"Hm..." she just said and that awkwardness fell over them again. Why the hell were they awkward, anyway?

Sotar laughed at the awkward situation both of them had created. "What are you doing, if you got dinner with 'someone'?"

Arrienye looked at him confused, then a look of realization came over her. "Oh!" she exclaimed. "I have to go pick something up!" she said, remembering and moved passed him. Getting a few steps again, she turned around to face him, looking at him for a few moments before saying. "I'll see you...when I see you," she told him, cursing herself for being so 'smooth'.

"When you see me." He repeated. He gave her a smile, a small nod of the head, and then he turned. He turned and walked off into the crowd. Sotar sighed to himself. Don't get involved. You know how she feels toward you!

After giving him a smile back, she watched Sotar disappear into the crowd, standing there for a few minutes. She sighed, putting a gloved hand against her cheek to find that it was still burning hot before turning around and going towards the delivery service's office.

JP by

Sotar Telet & Arrienye t'Merek
Unmistakeably awkward