Interlude – Friends and Family
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Friends and Family
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Mon Jun 07, 2010 @ 10:41pm
Location   Romulan Consulate/ t'Khellian's office
Timeline   SD22 - Evening

At the end of her shift, Arrienye pulled the strap that held her hair up. With a sigh of relief as the tension on her scalp was lifted, she ran her hands through her long locks. Stretching a bit as she hopped up from her chair, Arrienye scooped up the padd she needed and walked out. Nodding to Saren and the other guard as they saluted her, she pressed the chime to t'Khellian's quarters.

"Enter," Isha said closing down her screen. She remained in the seat at her desk in the corner merely swivelling her chair round to face the door. "What is it, t'Merek?" she asked seeing her security chief enter.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but I wanted to inform you that, due to Maiell's transfer, I've had to appoint erie'Arrain tr'Rul as the new head of your personal guard. Here are his credentials and he's already posted outside along with Saren," Arrienye explained, pulling slightly at her uniform jacket. ~I can't wait to take this off.~ she thought idly.

"Maiell's transfer?" For a moment Isha wondered what on ch'Rihan the woman was talking about, "Oh, you mean tr'Tahn?" she said in clarification. "Why is he being transferred? Do you expect me to get used to a new guard every other day?"

Arrienye sighed briefly, cursing herself internally for the slip of calling her cousin by his first name in front of the Ambassador. It had been a long day. "Of course not. The transfer wasn't my choosing. Admiral tr'Khellian appointed tr'Tahn as the Political officer on the IRW Dhelan," she explained.

The action that Isha suggested tr'Khellian should attempt was anatomically impossible for anyone whose spine had not been snapped in two. "Political Officer? That facetious runt? And on my flagship! I don't think so."

Arrienye blinked, taken aback by t'Khellian's reaction. Facetious runt? she asked herself. Sure, Maiell was young, but, even though she was surprised herself, Arrienye thought that he would perform very well in his new position.

"Fetch R'Vek," Isha snapped.

Arrienye opened her mouth to protest, but stopped when she realised it really wasn't her place. "Yes, ma'am," she nodded.

"Tell him it is a House matter," Isha said which might make the demand rather easier for t'Merek to comply with. isha could not command him as a member of the Tal'Shiar but she could as the erie'Hfirh of his House. "I will receive him in my my office," she added rising to her feet.

Arrienye nodded, turning to leave with a deep sigh. ~Seems like it'll be a long night, too.~ she thought. Walking outside, through the corridors, she finally arrived at the Admiral's temporary quarters and pressed the chime.

Eleni answered the door, not R'Vek, taking in the attractive young Romulan woman standing in front of her for a second before finally asking, "Can I help you, Arrain?"

"I am looking for Admiral tr'Khellian," Arrienye said, hiding her surprise at the human in the Admiral's room. But she was still new, so she brushed it off. "The Ambassador is looking for him on a House matter in her office," she told her.

Eleni rolled her eyes and sighed, "That woman always has some sort of an issue." She stepped back to allow Arrienye to enter and called into the back room, "R'Vek, your cousin has sent a messenger for you. Would you like to sit while we wait? I can offer you a drink, perhaps a snack?"

"You'd be wise to take her up on it, Arrain." R'Vek nodded as he entered, "My wife's baklava is something I'm sure is on the buffet in heaven. So," He said as he took his seat, "what brings you to our chamber this evening?"

Arrienye walked inside, adjusting her uniform jacket a bit self-consciously to make sure it looked well. At the offer, she opened her mouth to deny but at the Admiral's word she nodded in acceptance. "Thank you," she said politely, giving the Admiral a salute before taking a seat after he did. "I'm Arrain t'Merek, Head of Consulate Security," she explained, the human calling her a 'messenger' having hit a bit of a nerve.

"After my shift, I wished to inform the Ambassador to a change in her personal guard. As you may know, erie'Arrain tr'Tahn was in charge, but due to his transfer to the Tal'Shiar I've had to make some new arrangements," she told the older man. "When I told the Ambassador tr'Tahn had been appointed as the new Political officer on the IRW Dhelan, the Ambassador seemed less than pleased and wishes to speak with you. She says it's a House matter," she finished, crossing her legs and resting her hands on her lap.

"That's my Isha, overreacting again." R'Vek laughed, picturing his cousin all steamed up over something as simple as him giving Maiell a road to a better future, "So, Isha's losing her pretty head over this, I presume."

"What is Isha losing it about now?" Eleni sighed, that woman would make you think the sunrise was cause for war sometimes.

"The erie'Arrain I appointed to the political officer's post on the Dhelan." R'Vek replied, there were no real secrets between the two of them, "It seems it somehow displeases, Isha."

"I think Isha would complain about free ouzo." Eleni rolled her eyes and laughed as she took a seat next to the Arrain, sitting down a tray of snacks, "There we go, please, feel free."

"You'll have to forgive my wife, Arrain, she and Isha are still adjusting to each other." R'Vek laughed, "It's been a slow process."

"I can imagine," Arrienye said, though exactly who she 'accused' of being more difficult, the human or the Ambassador, remained a mystery. She nodded her thanks to the woman by her and took a sip of the offered drink.

"I believe it would be best if you saw her as quickly as possible," she advised, hoping to get out of the middle of this as quickly as possible. The last thing she needed after a day of dealing with officers, running an investigation and sitting in long, boring Diplomacy meetings was to be stuck in the Khellian family drama.

Eleni threw her head back and laughed, "You and I are of the same cloth, Arrain."

"My wife means she has no more desire to be involved in my family dramas than you apparently do." R'Vek smiled, then joined his wife in her laughter, "I take it you'd rather this whole thing be over, at least on your end?"

Arrienye smiled, a bit uncomfortably. Was she that apparent? It really must've been a hell of a day if they could see through her so easily. "You have no idea, Admiral," she admitted with a small sigh, taking another sip of her drink.

"Of course he doesn't." Eleni smiled, sipping her own drink as she did, "He thinks his family is perfectly normal."

"It is. For a Romulan family," Arrienye said.

"Then the whole species is insane." Eleni laughed, "But Isha especially."

"Now, darling." R'Vek sighed.

"Oh, it's true." Eleni shook her head, "That woman could make sunshine and clear skies a reason to mourn."

Arrienye stayed wisely silent. It wasn't her place to comment with an affirmative or otherwise. After all, she didn't know the Ambassador for long enough to form an opinion on it, either, let alone a comment.

"Well, Arrain, let's not keep the Ambassador waiting." R'Vek replied, standing to follow her, "Lead the way."

With a nod, Arrienye set her glass down. "Thank you for the refreshments," she told the man's wife, giving her a small bow of gratitude. "Have a pleasant evening," she wished turning to lead the Admiral to t'Khellian's office.

"You're more than welcome, please feel free to stop by any time you'd like." Eleni nodded, Greek hospitality was an absolute.

Walking through the short corridor, Arrienye finally pressed the chime to t'Khellian's office, wanting to make sure she was ready to see them.

As she had said she would be Isha was in her office. She had started on one of the sofas in the seating area, then moved to the desk, then stood waiting as though to be 'surprised' by her cousins arrival, then she had taken her seat at her desk again. Just as she was about to reconsider her location again door chime sounded so she remained where she was as she pushed a button to release the doors.

R'Vek entered through the whoosh of the doors, fully knowing what this would be about, but having to act surprised for decorum's sake, "You sent for me, Cousin?"

"Indeed," she said linking her fingers together. "I trust that Rianni has informed you of her new appointment," Isha continued, "I found myself in need of a commanding officer," she added with a slight smile as she touched lightly on the subject of the Dhelan.

"Indeed she has." R'Vek smiled, "The Norexan class is one hell of a warship, but she's in good hands; Rianni is a Khelliana after all. Eleni and I are planning a feast to celebrate her release from sickbay and her new duties to the Empire, you're very welcome to join us." Deciding he had had enough of this particular ruse, he baited the hook for his cousin, "You can bring t'Merek, even Raedhoel, oh, and of course, Maiell is going to be joining us."

"Am I the only person who is not on first name terms with tr'Tahn?" Isha said tightly. "Of course I would be delighted to attend but I see no reason for tr'Tahn to be invited," she said her green eyes flashing in annoyance. Isha was not going to say it, so R'Vek would have to broach the subject.

"Why not?" R'vek asked, playing perfectly innocent, "He is responsible for saving Rianni's life after all. The least I can do is provide the boy with a hearty meal."

"Well, he'll be there of course," Isha conceded much too quickly for her to have yielded the point. The corners of her lips twitched, she had thought that this might happen. R'Vek was going to be stubborn. "He's head of my security detail, so naturally he will attend me," she said as though her earlier conversation with t'Merek about tr'Tahn being replaced had not occurred.

"Really?" R'Vek raised an eyebrow, he already knew that tr'Tahn had been replaced as head of Isha's security detail, he'd ran into the new head of the detail, who had taken a moment to attempt to curry his favor, "Well, he's going to be a busy boy then, isn't he? I mean, breaking the laws of physics and all by being in two places at once. That is, unless you've decided to move onto the Dhelan. I'm sure Rianni will be delighted if that's the case."

"I'm not planning any journeys, R'Vek, nor would I dream of interfering with your daughter's new appointment," Isha replied. "Why don't you tell me, cousin why part of my security guard would need to be aboard my flagship," she suggested leaning back in her chair.

"Because every Romulan vessel has to have a political officer of the Tal Shiar, dear cousin." R'vek replied ambivalently, "You know this as well as I. This posting is Maiell's reward for loyalty and courage, he's a man of action, the type the Empire needs so desperately in these trying times."

"You believe that I and Rianni need to be spied upon by a stranger?" Isha asked. R'Vek knew damned well that Isha had struggled for years to keep the presence of the Tal'Shiar on board her ships to a minimum, to impose this on her now was unfair. "I have read tr'Tahn's record, I am sure he perform his duties adequately," she said in a reasonable, if slightly terse tone, "but perhaps you might find a place for him on another vessel, where outside observation is necessary," she suggested carefully.

"That's just the thing, Isha, I do not think observation of you or Rianni is necessary." R'Vek replied, "But the Empire thinks every Romulan vessel should be under observation, so I choose tr'Tahn for the posting because I figured not only did he deserve it as reward for his actions but because I felt he'd be the least offensive option to you. I know you don't like Tal Shiar, but you know they're going to be there, so wouldn't you prefer to have someone there selected by your own blood, who has a loyalty to your family?"

Isha chose then to amend her strategy slightly. "How am I supposed to view this? You come in here and poach my staff without asking me! Why don't you just commandeer my office, my apartment and cast me out onto the promenade? Is this any way to treat the erie'Hfirh of your House?"

R'Vek simply rolled his eyes, before adding, "You're kidding right? Isha, don't you think that's just a bit of an overreaction? Likening me helping one erie'Arrain in his career to casting you into the streets, the two are hardly similar. If you feel your toes got stepped on in this, then I apologize, but I won't withdraw my support of Maiell. And, to be honest, I'm shocked to find that you didn't beat me to the punch in rewarding him for his actions in saving Rianni's life."

"Well forgive me for having matters of diplomacy to attend to and coming up with a way to make your daughter's transition out of Starfleet more palatable for her," Isha's tone raised slightly as she pressed her fingers against the edge of her desk. She had no obligation to do that and could have found any number of candidates willing to accept the role but it happened to be the right thing to do, just like it was the right thing for tr'Khellian to do what Isha wanted now.

"As far as your feelings about how I treat you, Isha, you know I love you dearly. When we were growing up you were my smartest cousin, the most beautiful girl in our family, and the one to whom I was closest and most protective." R'Vek began, "But there are times throughout our lives and even now where I am simply blown away by your paranoia and touchiness over the slightest things, it's almost like your ego takes physical form and blinds you to the benefits of a situation by making you zoom in on the perceived drawbacks."

"One cannot name it paranoia if one's concerns are grounded in fact!" she told him finally rising to her feet. "t'Merek, leave us, she snapped.

R'Vek, turning to t'Merek at the same time exclaimed the same order, to the point where it might have sounded like only one of them had said anything.

Arrienye, who'd remained quiet for as long as their 'conversation' had taken place, turned to the Ambassador as she snapped at her. And for once, she was glad she did. ~Oh, thank the Elements.~ she cried internally in relief before nodding to them both in respect and left. As the doors closed behind her, she sighed and got to her quarters as quickly as possible.

"Just because someone happened to be in the right place at the right time is not grounds for promoting them to a sensitive position."

"Isha, do you really think you can operate a warship without Tal Shiar?" R'vek sighed, "You know you can't, the Praetor won't allow it and it's been this way since long before you and I existed and will be this way after our grandchildren's grandchildren have faded from existence. I find it hard to believe you're going to question my judgement in this matter."

"The Praetor was happy enough to overlook their absence until my brother in law got it into his head to hijack one of my ships," Isha reminded him, "and yes, R'Vek, I am questioning your judgement," she added.

R'Vek rolled his eyes and groaned, "Isha, you know I don't have to explain a bloody thing to you, right? I'm here as a courtesy to you, Cousin, nothing more. I feel Maiell tr'Than is the perfect choice for a role that must be filled. He's decisive, quick on his feet, and has shown loyalty to our house as well as a vested interest in Rianni's protection, so, please, tell me why he's such a poor choice in your eyes, Isha. Sway me, I challenge you."

Patronising bastard; if he rolled his eyes one more time she was going to scream. "Why can I not meet anyone I can trust?" Isha complained. "every single one of you has turned on me," she continued dropping back into her chair. A Vulcan could tell that there was more wrong than a simple appointment but Isha was not about to talk about that, not with anyone. She breathed deeply and paused digging her fingernails into the heel of her palm. "tr'Tahn is unsubtle and insolent, I do not trust him," she said forcing herself to speak in a more measured tone, "and he has no right by virtue of birth or experience to be placed in a position where he has the authority to overrule me," she said glaring at R'Vek.

"He's not looking to overrule you, Isha." R'Vek shook his head in disbelief before moving into position directly in front of her, "What the devil is wrong with you woman? Do you hear yourself? Speaking of how I have betrayed you? Isha, you know for a bloody fact that I've never acted against your interests, if I had no doubt this would be my consulate right now and you would be dead. Your paranoia is what turns friends into enemies, Isha. Seriously, you're jumping at shadows like that idiot Gabriel!"

"Shadows?" Isha said. Her whole damned suite was riddled with shadows left behind after that night, shadows that crept up on her unexpectedly each time she thought that she was going to be okay, but unlike those that troubled Gabriel hers were real. She dropped her gaze for just a second. Isha knew that she had blown this out of proportion but how could she back down now? She could not explain to him why this was so important for her, that she just wanted to feel that she was in control of her life again but everyone seemed to be conspiring to keep her as Getal had left her, powerless. "Please R'Vek, can't you do this one little thing for me?" she asked knowing already that she had lost this argument too.

"Isha, I did do this for you, and for Rianni." R'Vek explained, though he didn't have to, "I know neither of you are fans of Tal Shiar, neither is Eleni, but we all know that like it or not Tal Shiar is a part of Romulan life. Now, in choosing Maiell I have found a man who shows loyalty to this family and who isn't driven by ambition, I choose him for this job because he's the very opposite of anyone else in Tal Shiar. Your Arrain t'Merek, she would fit perfectly with Tal Shiar, which makes me uneasy about her, but this young man doesn't."

"I will promise you this, though." R'Vek nodded, having decided to give Isha at least some satisfaction, "If I ever find he's showed disloyalty to you or Rianni or in any way endangered either of you I will dispose of him in the same manner I do all traitors, favor or not."

"And perhaps as a token of my gratitude you would have me go back to ch'Rihan so that I can make a speech in the Senate about the merciful generosity of the Tal'Shiar?" she said snidely.

"Why? I won't even make a speech that fracking unbelievable." R'Vek laughed it off, "I mean, come on, Isha, we'd have more chance convincing the galaxy that professional wrestling is actually real."

"What you could do is just trust me." R'Vek continued, "If you wanted to do something, that would help greatly. Just trust me."

"I think you've done quite enough, Admiral tr'Khellian," Isha replied.

R'Vek simply rolled his eyes towards the ceiling and muttered something a prayer for serenity as he could tell his cousin was going to be unreasonable, "All right, Madam Ambassador, if that's the way you wish to leave this issue, then that's how it will be left, but know this, tr'Tahn stays on the Dhelan in his position. He's earned his run on the road I've placed before him and I am going to push him as high as he can go in my lifetime, so I hope you'll take a step back and take some time to reevaluate the situation and the man himself and come to understand. But, understand or not, you're simply going to have to accept it."

What Isha really wanted to was to cry or to scream or to throw something at him, but she held it in and ignored what he had said, "I think its time you were leaving, Admiral," she said. Isha was damned if she was going to formally acquiese unless he demanded it of her.

"As you wish, Madam Ambassador." R'Vek sighed, turning to leave but adding over his shoulder, "Whenever you decide to tell me what's really bothering you, you know where I'm at." ~This sure as Hell wasn't about Maiell tr'Tahn. I smell a spoonhead.~

Isha glared at R'Vek without saying another word.

When Breen melts, she thought. There was a way to deal with this, there had to be, but starting a war was not it, and that was what would happen if she told R’Vek what had been done to her. That was not the solution, not until she'd exhausted the other options anyway.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian
Doing a passable impression of a teenager

Admiral R'Vek tr'Khellian
Not budging on this one

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek