Beg, Steal or Borrow – A Matter of Punishment
by Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady

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Title   A Matter of Punishment
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady
Posted   Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 5:04am
Location   Security Suite
Timeline   SD9 1130

Darson stalked angrily through the brightly lit security suite towards the brig with the two MP’s in lockstep flanking him. As he entered the secured checkpoint, he handed a PADD to one of the security guards on duty and said, “I am Lt. Colonel Darson…Lt. Brady is to be remanded into my custody immediately.”

The Ensign at the desk looked at Darson for several seconds before looking down at Padd placed before him. After reading the instructions he stood up and walked over the cell the pressed several buttons dropping the field that separated the Marine to a visibly upset Marine Commander.

"He's all yours" The Ensign said.

Darson growled slightly as he gestured for the two MP’s to take Brady out of the cell, with the cuffs still on him. Without another glance to the security guards or his XO, he moved quickly to the door. The MP’s followed, maneuvering Brady gently inbetween them. As they left the Security suite and headed for the turbo lift, Darson turned and grabbed Brady’s arm and gestured with the other for the two MP’s to take a different route back. As the door to the lift closed, he said tersely, “Deck 72, Marine Complex.”

After a few seconds of travel, Darson said quickly, “Computer, Emergency Stop,” As the lift jolted and came to a halt, Darson turned to Lieutenant Brady and began to work on getting the cuffs off of him, “Do you have any idea,” he said in a conversational tone, “how I feel about this whole affair?”

Daniel had been silent for the whole period of transferring to Major Darson's custody, to the turbolift now. He finally spoke, with an edge of sincerity in his voice, "Honestly, no I don't. I realize I have screwed up big time, and I apologize for it immensely."

“Well then, allow me to enlighten you,” He said calmly as grabbed Brady by the shoulders, violently spun him around, and slammed him into the side of the lift.

“I am so far beyond pissed,” Darson growled, his calm demeanor vanishing in a heartbeat “it isn’t even funny. I don’t think you even know the full extent of the consequences of your actions. You have shamed me, your regiment, and most importantly, the Corps. And even though Mr. Gabriel has not as of yet decided to follow through with any sort of Judicial Punishment, if he does, he has the capabilities to turn this into a long drawn out affair that neither I nor the Corps can afford…and you think an apology is going to make this go away?”

"For Christ's sake! You didn't need to slam me against the God damned wall!" Brady let out a howl of pain as Darson grabbed him arm and twisted it behind his back. "And I full well that no God damned apology is going to make things better!"

“Even without any further action on his part, your actions, no matter which way I look at it, constitutes conduct unbefitting of an officer and a gentleman…something that I am completely disgusted with. So, your punishment is as follows: Basic rations for 7 days, Extra Duties for 30 days, Restriction to Limits for 45 days, and I will be considering issuing a formal reprimand on your service record…is that understood?

"Of course it's bloody understood! Why don't you just go and restrict me to my quarters with an armed escort to and from the mess hall and the holodecks to go with it?" Brady was starting to get pissed now. He was sorry for the mistake he made in the Bar, although no-one would listen to him. "Do you reckon you can let me go now?"

Darson let him grimace in pain for a second longer, than released the hold. He turned away and faced the door like nothing had happened and said, “Computer, resume travel,” with a bump and a whine, the lift started up again and the trip continued in silence.

Brady rubbed his shoulder and shoulderblades. He wasn't going to say anything else out of fear that he would get reprimanded yet again. He stuck to simply thinking about everything that had been going down over the past week or so.

As the turbo lift came to a stop and opened, Darson said quietly, “Aside from everything that I just said…you are a Marine. One of my Marines. And we look out for our own. If Mr. Gabriel does come after you for judicial punishment, I will do my best to help you out. And if he come down looking for you without consulting me first, you have my permission to pummel him into the ground. With Extreme Prejudice. Along with any guards he brings with him. Remember that while you’re not restricted to quarters, you are restricted to limits…now get out of here. You’re dismissed.”

"Cheers, Sir." Brady gave the respectful salute the Colonel deserved and then walked the opposite way, mumbling some words to himself and thinking of ways he could get back at Lieutenant Commander Gabriel. Personally, the way Brady had been treated wasn't entirely good. He shrugged and kept walking anyway.


Lieutenant Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady
Marine Executive Officer

Security Officer
(NPC by Gabriel)