Interlude – Acceptance
by Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Acceptance
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Jun 13, 2010 @ 8:13am
Location   JAG Office. Deck 56
Timeline   SD19 - late evening just after 'Ambiguitas contra stipulatorem est'

It occured to Karen that Dunham should have been the first to know, but then she had not expected to be accosted by an angry Cardassian on her own doorstep. She could recitify that now though, before she passed on the official documents to the Cardassian embassy.

Lke her he was probably off-duty too but there was no time like the present. "Villiers to Dunham," she said tapping her comm badge, "If you've time would you please come to the JAG office," she said.

=^=On my way=^= said Dunham after pressing the button on his comm badge. He put his hydro spanner back in its tool kit on top of the dash board of his cockpit. He lifted himself out from the the Broadsword multi role fighter, climbed down the ladder, grabbed a rag from a passing crewman to wipe his hands down with, then smartened his uniform and headed up to see the ships XO and JAG officer.

After taking the turbo lift that went straight from the starfleet fighter bays to the command decks. Dunham was at the JAG's office. He entered after pressing the entrance chime, and presented himself smartly and at attention in front of his superior officer. "You wanted to see me Ma'am"

"Thanks for coming, Lieutenant Dunham," Karen said, "and please have a seat," she said with a wave of her hand. She had left her screen turned towards the seat and the reports from both the Detapa Cuncil and the Cardassian Central Command open on it.

Dunham Took his seat opposite the commander, his eyes subtly screening the data in front of him, and logging it away to be processed another time.

"I want to address the outstanding issue of the incident with the Cardassian freighter," she said watching him for reactions. "On that screen you can see the verdict of the powers that be in Cardassia," she said. "The attempts by Ambassador Getal to hold you responsible have been overuled by both bodies, Lieutenant, and Vi'Kar Gul Getal has agreed that the matter is closed."

Dunham nodded his head slowly mulling over what he had just heard. To be honest with himself, he had no longer let the incident bother him, and had just tried to get on with his work, while others such ad the politicians and the brass sorted it out. Plus he had heard hide nor hair from the Cardassian ambassador. Though that in its self was a blessing, and it was good to know that the ambassador would be off his back. "Thats good news ma'am." He replied politely.

"I thought so too," she said, "the Ambassador was not too pleased about it to say the least but its settled now," she said. The other topic Karen had on her mind was more close to Dunham's heart. "You will be aware by now that Starfleet has seen fit to relieve Rianni Monteros of duty," she said. "The decision was one not supported by the command staff of this station," she told him.

Dunham rested his left elbow on the arm of his chair and nestled his fist into his cheek. "So I hear," said Dunham seriously. He had to take several de-tox pills this morning to blanket out the heavy hangover he had from the Vodka drinking session with his former CAG "and spoken in length with Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian about it."

Clearly it had had some impact on the Lieutenant, Karen thought. It was never easy to hear that you might benefit by someone else's misfortune, but her concern had to be with those left behind, not those who had left Starfleet. "Lieutenant Dunham, Rick," she said, "I've recommended that you are considered as her replacedment as CAG, and until such time as that recommendation is ratified, or a replacement is appointed I would like you to serve as Acting CAG, the team needs leadership, and reports tell me that you have that ability," she said - it was not an official promotion, but it was a recognition of his talent, and Karen was certain that her recommendation would be listened to.

Dunham bit back his tongue for his first response. He felt a promotion of any kind, had been long over due. However to get it like this did not sit right with Dunham. He felt he was basically getting a promotion because the spot was empty, not because of his long standing commitment to the station or his skills as a pilot, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't shake off the feeling that in some way, he was betraying his friend Rianni. "Thank you Commander."

Karen refrained from smiling, Dunham's feelings were written all over his face, and though he might come to appreciate it later, now was not the time. "I'm sure that Monteros would want you to have her position," she said.

Dunham simply nodded in agreement. Though his feelings on the matter, at least to himself were unclear. Briefly he wondered to himself what someone had to do to get another pip on there collar around here. Then he slapped himself mentally for the petty bitchiness.

"I hope I didn't calll you away from anything important, Lieutenant," Karen said, it was the CO's prerogative, not hers to make the promotion and to up Dunham's rank, not hers, and even that probably would not have cheered him up right now.

"No ma'am" said Dunham with a small shake of his head. He paused for a moment, his mind still on business. "anything I need to know, as CAG that might be coming up in the future?"

"Nothing specific at this stage. There'll be a briefing in a few days. Until then you can read up, Monteros' access codes have already been transferred to you," something she had done while she was waiting for Rick to arrive.

"Come on" said Dunham with a smile and his hands up in a pleading gesture, "you can't tell me their's going to be a briefing and not give me a hint about what it is....pleeease"

Karen grinned, "That's more like it, Rick," she said with relief. "I'm a bit concerned about the ship build up around the station at the moment, its not serious yet, but I want to keep an eye on the situation, our own vessels come and go, but are backed up by our Klingon ally, there's a high turnover of freighters and transport ships, and then the Cardassians have one of their own in the area. We also have a D'deridex belonging to a visiting Romulan Admiral and now they have brought a Norexan out of storage. You're well placed to keep an eye on what is going on out there - station security can deal with any ships that actually dock, but it would do no harm to keep a regular fighter patrol, one that can get close to those ships and detect if anything unusual is going on," she said, "unusual transports, anomylous readings - you knwo the sort of thing."

"No probs," Said Dunham, with a grin. "Easily done, has this got something to do with the brief in a few days?"

Pursing her lips Karen considered the question, it was not sub judice per se as the case had not yet begun but it was true that the Romulans in particular were going to need keeping an eye on, in case they decided that a trial in a Federation court was not to their taste, the Cardassians because she suspected they'd jump on the vacuum that the Chief of Security might leave when the case against him began. "It does," she said eventually, "but that is all i can say for now."

"Fair enough." Said Dunham with a nod and a smile. It seemed to Dunham that the commander was playing her cards close to her chest, and that something was afoot. However Dunham was confident that if he didn't need to know, then he didn't need to know. "Its been a long couple of months, hasn't it commander?"

"It has," she agreed, "but if it was too easy we'd get bored, wouldn't we," she joked. "I'm sure it hasn't all been work," she continued making conversation.

Dunham laughed at that. "Not at all," he said with a smile. His mind flashing with fond memories from his stay at the station, thus far. If he had told himself before he had arrived, that he had battled Romulans, had dinners with Diplomats, fallen in love. He was not sure he would of believed it. He would however of believed if his future self had told him that while on the station, he had been shot, blown up, imprisoned, beaten and terrorized.

"I'm glad to hear it," Karen said, in her experience too many officers concentrated so much on the job that life passed them by, and she wondered for a moment if she might be one of them. "Anyway," she continued, "don't let me keep you."

"Thank you Ma'am" he said with smile, Dunham got to leave, paused then offered his hand to the commander for a shake.

Rising, Karen accepted his hand and shook it warmly. "Enjoy the rest of your evening," she said. For her part she had some more reading to do, a few final reports and then she could only wait and see how this played out.


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer/JAG DS5
Slightly smug


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader