Beg, Steal or Borrow – Introductions & Information
by Commander Richard Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Introductions & Information
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon May 25, 2009 @ 11:30am
Location   Deck 55, near Sickbay
Timeline   SD8 17:35
The door slid closed behind him and he fell back against the wall, taking a little time to reflect on the days events. With Admirals, Romulans, requests and demands, he needed to see a little of the reality of the injured.
He closed his eyes in silent prayer, not hearing the approaching footsteps.

Dunham was on a wander. He had yet to explore the station and after a little nap he was taking the chance to get to know the key areas of Deep Space Five. So he headed up to one of the most important places he could think of Sick bay. As he was walking he tried to stretch and limber his joints and limbs, trying to get out the pain from sitting in a cramped cockpit. It was while he was almost hopping along with one leg behind him being stretched by his arm that he saw the Captain. He stumbled slightly and tried to right himself almost bumping into him. "Sorry Sir"

David opened his eyes and in reflex, slid along the wall away from the pilot.
"You might do yourself an injury," He glanced at the insignia, "lieutenant. But at least your in the right place." He said with a grin, getting past the initial shock.

"Yes sir" said the Lieutenant. "Just trying to work out the stiff muscle joints. Got a bit of cockpit cramp" Dunham smiled. "I don't think I have had a chance to say hello Captain. I'm Richard Dunham." The officers held out his hand for a shake.

"After today, I am not surprised." David said, pushing himself from the bulkhead and taking the pilots hand and shaking it with a firm grip. "and its not Captain, it's Commander." He pointed to his insignia with his free hand. "So you going into sickbay?" He asked sizing up the young, lean pilot who appeared to be nearly 20 years his junior.

Dunham scratched the stubble on his chin, wishing he had had a chance to tidy himself up before meeting the commander. "Nah. Just having a look around. I have not had a chance to take in the station yet. Had a bit of down time while the fighters get fixed up down in the barn. Thought I would take a gander around the station maybe get a drink."

David turned and started to grin. "Well, I still don't know any of it either, I only took command today myself, but I'm afraid a drink is out of the question for myself, got to much to do and too little time, but I won't bore you with all my problems, you must have enough of your own," He paused, "Sorry, my name, Commander David Davies." He added, realising he had only given Commander and corrected his error. "Did they take much damage, I believe you lost a fighter out there?" He said with solemnity.

The Lt nodded the smile slipping from his face, and sorrow entering his voice. "Fighter and the pilot. Hell I didn't even get a chance to ask him his name. So you have only been here for a day as well? Could you tell me what's going on. Why did Romulans attack the station?"

David dropped his gaze, feeling a little guilty and embarrassed. He could not reveal all the details, as he wasn't totally sure himself.
"What I can tell you, is that it appears to be very complex." His eyes came back to the Lieutenants. "Walk with me." He said, starting down the corridor. "I'll tell you what I can, you deserve that much." He said, not turning to look at the pilot. "Apparently, one of the Romulan ships is a missionary ship that carried some valuable artefacts...."
As they walked, David revealed the details of the attack on the Romulans, the attack on the station and the disappearance of the artefacts. What he didn't reveal, was the internal attack on the station and the assaults, he didn't feel he should burden the squadron leader.
As they approached the junction to which David was heading to Ops, he stopped and turned to Richard.
"..and that is as much as I know at present, but our next priority, is to find the artefacts, which so far, have not been found on the station." He looked at the ashen face of the pilot, waiting for his response.

The LT shook his head. "I don't understand what is so important about a bunch of old artefacts that the Romulans would risk a war with the federation over them?"

David shook his head. "As I said, it's complex and we won't know the full reasons for a few days and I am intrigued myself." He said as his comm chirped. "Excuse me Lieutenant." Davies said with a nod and acknowledged the call walking away.


Lieutenant Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Commander David Davies
By Tasha