Time is Fleeting – The Unofficial Observers
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   The Unofficial Observers
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Sep 27, 2009 @ 7:02pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD14 from 10:00 in paralell with 'Wargames'
It had turned out to be quite interesting, and not just from the readings of their attack plans and tactical capabilities that had come through from monitoring devices that were carefully placed at regular intervals as the station’s security staff caught up and removed them, only for them to be reinstalled at the earliest opportunity at which point the game began again. To give him his due, Rh’vaurek had to acknowledge that Gabriel was more successful than his predecessor in keeping his own operatives busy by uncovering and extracting their work.

Even Rh’vaurek had been surprised when the explosions began.

Not quite able to believe it he checked the readings and indeed, Deep Space five had fired on one of the vessels taking part in the simulation. He turned back to the huge panoramic window and linked his fingers loosely behind his back, “It wasn’t us,” he said aloud as he wondered if his new Cardassian acquaintance had taken his advice and found a way to watch the station’s ‘War Game”.

For Getal to have been the cause the Cardassian Ambassador would have to have acted with unlikely speed and it would be something of a breach of their agreement for him to be attempting to cause such trouble. No, Rh’vaurek did not think that Getal was behind this ‘accident’ but who was?

The Empire and the Tal’Shiar had a long term interest in this sector and if fingers were going to be pointed Rh’vaurek would make sure that they did not come to rest on him, even if it meant that he had to co-operate with people like Darson and Gabriel in uncovering who was trying to disrupt their uneasy peace.


erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
Acting Romulan Ambassador
an NPC by Louise