Interlude – Professional courtesy
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Professional courtesy
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sun Jun 13, 2010 @ 6:55pm
Location   Memorial Sanctuary
Timeline   SD 19
"And so we come today not to grieve for the souls of these officers. No, for that would not be the proper way to uphold their memories, their dreams, their very essence. Instead we must celebrate their lives because they died, not just as mere men, but as the heroes of the Federation." the Reverend said as he concluded his sermon for the fallen officers.

Dorian kept his head bowed for several moments before he raised and slowly climbed to his knees. He turned and began to walk down the long aisle through the main artery that fed into the dimly lit hallway. The station's engineering crew was still working on the necessary repairs on the station after the fallout of the terrorist attacks. The explosions themselves had not manages to cause major damage throughout the station, but it had done a number of several key areas resulting in power be restrained and civilian populations being diverted from those areas. It was here that he met his companion for the next several minutes.

"Lieutenant Commander Burns," Gabriel said as he approached the man at the corridor junction.

Burns turned to the sound of the voice, he hadn't expected to have anyone come to see him off, ~Maybe that Sergeant coming to finish me off.~ Not recognizing the person calling to him he replied, "Yes, I'm Burns, who are you?"

"Yes, there is a reason I wanted to meet you here. I figured it would be more convenient as opposed to having you walk all the way to my office. Besides, after the recent attack, I've decided that I need to take a more hands-on approach to keeping my station secure." he replied.

"All right." Burns said, puzzled, "I guess you must be Gabriel, the security chief. Is this a business or personal visit?"

"Fine, I'll get to the point. I want to know what business you have on my station and why you've failed to check in with my office upon arrival?" Gabriel asked calmly. "I mean, at the very least I believe I deserve that professional courtesy." he added.

"I was instructed to handle the matter I was sent here for immediately and to only 'check in', as you put it, with a member of the command staff." Burns replied, "And from what I hear to check in with you I would have to have come to the brig."

Dorian smiled slightly. "I see that you also moonlight as a comedian." He replied sarcastically. "I'm not in the mood for 21 questions. In case you weren't aware, I am not in the brig, and this is my station. Therefore I won't tolerate random suits appearing on my station and performing investigations in *my* jurisdiction without knowing exactly is going on." He replied in a direct manner without a hint of amusement.

"Mister Gabriel, this is not your station, it is Starfleet's station, and I came here on orders from above that did not involve you. If you have a problem with that I would advise you to ask Starfleet why they felt you should be excluded from this process." Burns snapped back, he was already sick of this guy's arrogant attitude, "And as far as jurisdiction goes unless you became an MD in the brig nothing regarding the Monteros case is in your jurisdiction."

"What about her? I haven't had a chance to look into the matter, but from what I've heard so far she's no longer the Commander of the Air Group." he replied.

"And due to the stringent health privacy policy Starfleet mandates that is all you will ever hear." Burns replied, "Now, get away from me before I have you court-martialed for harassing me in the course of my official duties. And, oh yes, I can." he said.

Gabriel stepped closer into the man's personal space. "It is bad enough that I have Starfleet Command 'convienently' placing J.A.G. officers in command of the station, now I have terrorists trying to reset time. I *will not* have some spook snooping around my station without being informed on all significant matters." he said with increasing seriousness.

"As long as I am the Chief of this station's security, you will mind your P's and Q's, got it?" He asked rhetorically as he reached across his chest and adjusted the medical officer's comm badge in a patronizing manner. "Have a safe trip back to wherever you came from." he said with finality as he turned and began to walk down the dimly lit hall.

"Mr. Gabriel, perhaps I should stay." Burns yelled to him, "You may need my services. I'm Lt. Cdr. Charles Burns, MD! PSYCHIATRIST!" he shouted down the hall. ~Everybody on this station needs a psychiatrist!~


Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lt. Cdr. Charles Burns, MD
Psychiatrist, USS Wijambu
Thinks Everyone On This Station is NUTS!