Database: Romulan Statement of Rights

As the basic treatise of Rihannsu law, let it be proclaimed that all citizens are created equal in honourable potential. All retain the basic freedom to treat and be treated according to their relative merit.

The Rihannsu Republic grants its citizens* the following basic honorable freedoms:
      1. The right of procreation.
      2. The right to own property and to manage it as necessary. (Slavery and owner's right to discipline)
      3. The right to commit honorable suicide.
      4. The right to commerce, subject to the needs of the Republic.
      5. The right to present a defense in a publicly recorded trial, aside a public defender.
      6. The right to apprehend and charge as a private citizen, any criminal or enemy of the Republic.
      7. The right to bear arms, for defense or sign of status, in public and in private.

*Keep in mind that to be a 'citizen', one must be of Vulcanoid descent. This includes Rihannsu half bloods, but never non-Vulcanoid races. For these aliens (around 8% of the total population) living in the Republic the status of second rate citizen (no rights, but protection of life by the Republic) is their best attainable post, and slavery (no rights) their worst.

The Rihannsu Republic strictly prohibits from its citizens the following actions:
      1. The bearing of beam or projectile weapons specified in the 2401Trinity agreement, unless directed by enlistment or government decree.
      2. Any action deemed to be against the interest of the Republic.
      3. Public dissension with the ideals of the Rihannsu.
      4. Publishing or distributing materials deemed in opposition to the interest of the Republic.

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