Beg, Steal or Borrow – Obsessions
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Obsessions
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Jan 24, 2009 @ 11:35pm
Location   Isha's Office, Romulan Consulate, Deck 60
Timeline   SD7 10:00
“Its time we examined the information Darson sold you,” Rh’vaurek said entering Isha’s office without warning. She looked up from her screen to see him striding toward her desk, the padd in his hand.

“And good morning to you,” Isha said wondering again if it had been a mistake allowing him back into her bed, he was so much easier to handle when the extent of intimacy was restricted to words, she thought eying his crumpled shirt; he hadn’t slept.

“H'daen tr’Rehu acquired that name by marriage, to the not so charming Arrhae i-Nn'Verih t’Rehu,” he continued as though Isha had said nothing.

“Are you speaking from personal knowledge?” she asked her unblinking gaze bright and challenging.

Rh’vaurek slid the padd across the desk and rested his hands lightly on his hips. “Do you want to have that argument or would you like to know what his name was prior to that?” he said, “either suits me.”

Isha reached for the padd. A week ago she would have thrown it at him for that but the glow of their newly reignited affair still infused her blood and increased her tendency to defer to him rather than confront him.

Leaning back she grasped her lower lip between her teeth, “Astound me,” she said.

Resting on his fingertips he leaned as far across the desk as he could, “ir-Ainleth,” he said the name almost a breath as Isha leaned in, “He’s the brother of our friend the planetary governor-cum-senator Rhiu ir- Ainleth,” this last name they said in unison.

“Computer, lock the door,” Isha said, as she input her late husband’s birthdate, inwardly cursing the thrai Darson for choosing that password. “Bring a chair round,” she told Rh’vaurek.

He ignored this request but sat sideways one leg raised on the edge of the desk, supporting his weight on the back of her chair. “This isn’t ours,” he said referring to the computer interface.

“No, its mine,” Isha agreed, “It slows things down a little but I can borrow enough processing power and I’ve access to an intermittent channel that allows me to piggyback encrypted transmissions on subspace traffic to and from the station. That’s relayed to the family’s central core in i-Ramnau via the Empire’s listening posts. Really, Rh’vaurek, if I’m not going to allow my communications to be channelled through the Federation’s systems, what makes you think I’m going to allow them to be channelled through yours?”

“You’re damned lucky I like you,” he said smoothing her hair back over her far shoulder where it fell loosely over her breast, “Where on ch’Rihan did you pick that technique up … wait, I’m happier not knowing,” he said as she began to transfer the data from the padd to the machine.

Casting a sideways glance at Rh’vaurek Isha smiled, “From time to time one picks up useful tips … stop it,” she said as he traced his fingers over her ear and down her throat.

“Make me,” he growled.

“Please, Rh’vaurek, not now,” Isha protested, catching his hand in hers as she turned to him, “Tell me what else you found out about tr’Rehu while I finish this.”

“Later then,” he said, “Nothing too out of the ordinary, an undistinguished Galae career until five years ago, he began picking up promotions at around the same time his sister secured herself the governorship of Ainleth. He has isolationist leanings and connections to the D’ravsai a cult who are obsessed with ‘building a road to the stars’ which if you ask me is contradictory.”

Isha disagreed. “Not really. Isolate and rebuild, then expand and dominate, didn’t you pay any attention to history? It doesn’t bring us any closer to finding out what he’s doing here,” she said in frustration. “Tahir gave me nothing. She has no idea what is happening out there. I think she hoped that I could explain it to her. There are three ships, all cloaked, and not one of them has attempted to make contact with us. As far as I can tell the only reason they contacted the station is because some fool flew into them ... tr’Rehu demanded some records of ship movements.” Pausing, Isha touched his knee, “I think he was going to say something else but another voice interrupted – the translator didn’t catch it at all – something about a cause - I could barely make it out myself.”

Rh’vaurek nodded his interest, “Play it for me, and send me a copy of the records that tr’Rehu wanted,” he instructed, “it might help focus my search.”

Sitting back and resting her hands on the arms of her chair Isha stared up at him. She was aware that it was a foolish omission not to have insisted on having the information before she left Tahir’s quarters and she might have apologised, but it grated every nerve in her body when he started issuing proprietary orders, “I don’t have them,” she said.

Hwiiy dha'rudh,” he muttered sliding off her desk. He spun her round to face him leaning over her as he grasped the high corners of the back of the chair, “Contact Tahir and ask for them now,” he told her with a tight undertone of annoyance.

Isha’s lips split into a winsome smile, “If you stop calling me names and ask me nicely I’ll see what I can do,” she said ignoring the glint of menace in his eye. “Would you mind awfully turning me back so that I can run Darson’s files against the censored ‘official’ records.”

With a heavy sigh he straightened and with one hand spun her chair back round stopping it with the other when she was facing the screen.

“Thank you,” Isha said, “that didn’t hurt too much did it.”

“Don’t push your luck, d’Ishaal,” Rh’vaurek said leaning over, his arms folded on the back of her chair. “Just ask Tahir for the recording and whatever she allowed tr’Rehu to have, ok?”

“Of course,” Isha said, distracted as she set her analysis running. “Do you promise not to be angry with me?” she asked eventually, twisting round in the chair towards him.

Rh’vaurek rolled his eyes. “Every time you ask that I lose my temper,” he said, “Go on then.”

She lifted her hand to his cheek, running her fingers into his hair, “Tahir’s left the station,” she said.

“Now, give me one good reason why I shouldn’t yell at you?” he said as he took her hand in his and pulled her round onto her knees.

Isha blinked as though considering the question, “Because that program is going to take at least an hour to run,” she said simply.


Isha t’Khellian & Rh’vaurek Raedheol