Cascade – Detour
by Commander Rakka & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Detour
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Rakka & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Fri Jan 11, 2013 @ 12:47am
Timeline   SD70 1610
Rakka had just seen the disappointed Abby Wyatt back to her quarters. The girl clearly wanted to be part of the action, but Rakka could not have an inexperienced youth underfoot.

En route to the turbolift she tapped her comm badge and started talking almost before she knew what she was saying.

"Rakka to Petro!" she exclaimed.

During the brief moment before Petro responded, Rakka felt an unusual stab of panic. What if Petro had been near the embassy? What if Petro was injured? What if Petro was dead? The thought made her feel unsteady on her feet, and as soon as she was inside the nearest lift and the doors closed behind her she sank down onto her knees.

"Petro here." Petro was busy sorting out the communications from all over the quadrant. There were authorities demanding to know what was going on, family members wanting to speak to their loved ones and a myriad of questions that don't have answers until the investigation completed. Fortunately for her she just routed the calls and didn't have to play operator.

Rakka shut her eyes and sighed in a moment of sweet relief. "I just wanted to make sure you were... okay," she said, in as gentle a voice as a Nausicaan might manage. "There's been an explosion on the Promenade--the Cardassian embassy was targeted. I knew there wasn't much chance you'd be anywhere near there, but I just... I couldn't help worrying."

"I heard." Petro replied. "I'm fine. What about you? Are you safe? Were you near the explosion? I'm routing calls from all over the place, it's chaos up here. I can only imagine what's going on down there. Half the sensors are down." She rattled off the questions too fast for Rakka to respond, not realizing that she wasn't really breathing as she spoke. Another call came through from a Captain wanting to leave the station. Petro recommunicated the standard lockdown procedure recording.

"I was in Main Security when it happened," Rakka replied. "I should be headed down to help Trellis.... but........." She trailed off, simply breathing for several long moments. "Petro, where are you located right now?"

"I'm in Ops." Petro replied as though the answer should have been obvious. Where else would she be? "Where are you?"

Rakka pressed her hands to her temples. Why was she so stupid right now? "I'm... I'm coming to see you! Rakka out." She closed the channel quickly. Surely she had confused her friend--certainly she had confused herself.

"Main Operations," she stated, and the lift finally moved. Never had Rakka consciously let anything get in the way of her doing her duty. She knew that she must go to the Promenade--Trellis would need help with crowd control, with the investigation--but all of that seemed quite unreal right now. Suddenly she knew she would get nothing done before she had seen Petro. In person. Now.

Petro continued to route calls that were coming in while compiling a list of materials that would be needed for repairs to the promenade. She turned when she heard the lift approach and stared vacantly at a panic stricken Rakka. Others wouldn't have noticed it, but Petro could see it in her eyes.

The Nausicaan hurried forward with an air of urgency and knelt in front of the J'naii to get closer to the diminutive officer's height. She took Petro's face between her large hands and relaxed visibly with a sigh. Her pupils dilated hugely. She looked about to say something but, instead, gave up and pulled Petro in for a firm hug.

Petro allowed herself the embrace, patting the Nausicaan's back for comfort. "I'm fine Rakka, really. Just busy." She looked around the Ops center and saw that people were watching. She whispered in her friends ear. "Perhaps this isn't the best place. Maybe we could talk about it tonight."

Rakka felt her face burn, realizing she had probably embarrassed her friend. She inwardly kicked herself--in fact, she was on the verge of inwardly beating the crap out of herself. ~What is wrong with me?!~ Quickly she stood up. "I--I--I'm sorry!" she breathed.

Petro smiled. "Nothing to apologize for, Commander." she added the Rank as an ensign passed by. "Thank you for the personal update." Once the ensign passed she leaned forward to whisper, causing Rakka to lower her head considerably to hear. "Don't take too long cleaning up down there." When she stood upright again she looked into Rakka's eyes and smiled.

Rakka let out a breath and tugged on her uniform collar as if it were choking her. "Sure... all right..... Lieutenant." The Nausicaan swallowed hard and turned, stumbling gawkily back to the lift.