Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Forward Unto the Past
by Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Forward Unto the Past
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Dec 11, 2008 @ 1:58am
Location   Deep Space Five Patrol Zone Alpha
Timeline   SD3 21:45
OOC: This is part one of my Idea for Ashcroft's Sideplot

Lt. Ashcroft continued to hold her fighter on its steady course during the patrol. She spoke into the Comm system. "Ya know, this patrol is boring. I'd rather go and find out whats up on the promenade."

"Ya said it boss. Whats the deal coming out here to look around for Lytosians anyway? We're only gonna find rocks in this asteroid field." Suddenly what looked like a fighter decloaked behind Ashcroft's wingman, and opened fire on the fighter. "BOSS!!!! ARRGGGHH!!!" The Fighter exploded beside Liz.

"Damn!! All fighters!! Break and attack!!" It was too late, the unknown ship had locked the next fighter in its sights. "Hey Liz, still alive?"

"William?" Liz said.

The unknown fighter fired on the last wingman. "Lieutenant, I'm hit!! Going..." The fighter burst into a fireball.

Elizabeth spoke. "Why are you doing this William?"

"There is no mercy in life. People live and people die. Thats all there is to it." William said as he tried to get Liz in his sights. The CAG and the unknown pilot continued to fly. "It is a pity you weren't there. Now we face the opposite direction."

"Stop it William!" Liz said.

"No, you left us to die!! What has the Federation given us? Sympathy for the Ghosts of Hephestus." William said. "For gods sake stop it William!!"

"Sympathy has no place in this world." Elizabeth continued to evade the unknown ship. =^= Ashcroft to DS-5! I need backup!! =^=

William spoke again. "So you send others to their deaths. You should die for what you fight for Elizabeth. We'll finish another time, like true pilots, one on one." William broke off and entered warp.

Lt. Ashcroft was left an emotional mess in her own cockpit. She turned back toward DS-5. Returning to base without her wingmen.

The woman at Ops began to receive anomalous readings and until that moment had been blissfully unaware of any problem. She reset the targeting scanners on the guardian platforms to the general area from where the readings were being emitted. She swallowed as the scanner only picked up readings from a singular craft, that of the CAGs.

"Ops to Lieutenant Ashcroft. We are no longer reading your group, only you. Are you in need of assistance?" She enquired, noting the time.

Liz spoke. "Just clear me for landing!! I don't want to talk about it with you, and you don't need to know!!!"

There was a clear stress in her voice and the officer was not quite sure what sort of response was best to pursue. She replied, keeping her thoughts calm and collected and her tongue still.

"Aye ma'am. Docking bay Delta 3-niner is cleared for approach. Will you require any repairs?" She queried.