Unity – Home in the midst of the evacuation
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Home in the midst of the evacuation
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Apr 13, 2010 @ 6:19pm
Location   Science Levels
Timeline   SD17 - 13:14
Jana had returned to the Station only to find out that all non-essential personnel were being evacuated. She set the totes down in her designated science lab and began to log all of the artifacts and secure them before anything was lost. Looking at a bracelet that she found on Helsio IV she found Romulan Family insignia..."That's odd..." Jana hadn't ever heard of the Romulans being anywhere near Helsio IV.

Krah had not expected to find anyone in the lab. She blinked down at the padd she carried as though disorientated by the alert. Krah saw in an instant that this was not the lab that contained the core but now that she had been seen she could not simply turn and walk away. Besides, the Trill reasoned, the woman might talk.

"An alert has been called, Ma'am," she said to the officer present, "All non-essential personel should return to quarters, or else report to battle stations," Krah continued. "I've been ordered to help evacuate the science labs."

"I'm sorry, but I have these last two objects to catalogue into the system, then I will return to my quarters." She said not looking up from her work. Jana had heard the orders but needed to complete this before she lost all of her work.

Krah looked again at the padd held loosly in her hand. Loudly she sucked the air through her teeth. "I must ensure that all the labs are vacated and sealed," she said, a note of hesitance in her tone as though uncertain of insisting this of a senior officer, "Will it take long?"

Jana finally looked up from her work and eyed the woman. "Not if you keep talking to me." She replied through her teeth. Jana didn't normally get upset or sarcastic except for when people or events seemed to get in the way of completing a task.

"I've got my orders, you understand," Krah said. It was tiresome, but she would keep the woman with her, if the crunch came, the officer had higher authorisations than an intruder and could be induced to use them. "I'll wait."

"Why don't you go and finish your rounds of the science labs and if I am not here when you get back you can positively say that I left and went to my quarters?"

"I can't do that," Krah said, "the labs must be sealed, there is too much that could fall into the hands of intruders," she said. "I'll wait."

"Fine! But stay in the corner over there until I am finished what I am doing." She replied pointing to the corner by the door away from from the work Jana was doing. She hated people in her lab when she was working.

It was easy enough for Krah to comply. Casting the occaisional glance at the chronometer on the wall she waited, her fingertips drumming alternately on her padd and her holstered phaser.

"Done!" Jana said with some satifaction. She grabbed the last tote that sitting on her work table and moved it into the storage under the table until she could return. Jana grabbed the PADDs she had been working with and put them into her messenger bag and headed towards the door. "Ready? Or am I allowed to go to my quarters on my own. I need to make sure Chloe has been feeding my cat while I was away."

Krah smiled the knowing smile of one who had lived before, "I'm sorry for the disturbance to your work, we'll have you back here as soon as possible. You've just returned?" she asked - that helped Krah, the scientist was less likely to spot her as an anomoly.

"About an hour and a half ago."

"Stick with me and once I've done the rounds I'll see you safely back," she hesitated, then her face beamed that warm smile again, "I'd appreciate the company."

Jana silently pouted but masked it with a smile. "Sure." She replied. All she wanted to do was to get back to her quarters and check on her cat, and start researching her newest finds. "How long have you been on DS5?" She asked trying to make small talk.

"A month," Krah said as they walked. The next lab was empty and consulting her padd she sealed it as required. "Its been so busy that I haven't even managed to find a bar yet. This is my first day shift and ... and there's an intruder alert. Have you been through this before, Ma'am?"

"I have." Jana cleared her throat and stood a little taller as they walked checking the labs. Thoughts of her time on the Juniper when she brought an ancient necklace aboard the ship and a species claiming to be descendents of the Klipor boarded the Juniper and tried to take the necklace back. The crew defended against the intruders.

"What's going to happen?" Krah asked as she sealed the next lab. That was it for this floor and still no sign of the team.

"Security will search the Base and hopefully catch the intruder or intruders before they can take or do whatever it is they are here to do and thrown into the brig."

"I have one more level to clear, Ma'am," Krah said, "Then I'll get you back to your quarters. You have no idea how much I appreciate your help," she added embellishing the lie.


Lt. (JG) Jana Kasikova

Melia Krah, totes not a Maquis infilitrator. Honest.